The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3649: Bloodwashed Tianyue City

After hearing the words of Yi Huang, Lu Li was completely relieved. He didn't understand the death matter in depth. He only heard that the nine giants of death joined together without fear of perfection. He thought it was a rumor. Now it seems to rely on some arrangements of Tianyue City.

"That line, they will probably do it the day after tomorrow. You should arrange it yourself. Don't make a fool!"

Lu Li explained: "I will leave it to you. Gu Yushan also colluded with two elders, Elder Feng and Elder Gu. If there are people who have nothing to do below, you can arrange it yourself. I only need Tianyue City Do n’t mess up. There is a problem in the rear. We ca n’t fight in the front. ”


The Wing Emperor was stunned. He was a little confused before. He heard that Lu Li had launched a killing ring at the interface controlled by the Tong people not long ago. Why did he come back suddenly? With his eyes wide open, he asked, "Lu Li, you are still over the temple of the shrine? Then how did you send the message to me? Don't tell me that you can send the voice so far away, right?"

"I have some adventures!"

Lu Li naturally will not expose the map of the Lord God. If this story spreads, I am afraid that it will be the great consummation of Xianyu. He explained: "I got an ancient odd array. Through the two legal arrays, I can have a spiritual connection. I built a legal array over Lu Fu, and I can cover the heaven and the heaven with the spiritual thoughts. City. Only you know this. Do n’t tell anyone. This is one of my secret weapons. If you are known outside, it will be inconvenient to do many things in the future. "

"Is there such a strange array?"

Wing Huang was stunned, which is unheard of, but it can be explained by careful consideration. Through the connection between the two legal arrays, Lu Li Shennian can cover the area near this legal array, which seems to be theoretically feasible?

He explained in this way, the Emperor Yi also had such an expression, Lu Li more and more determined that the map of the Lord God must not be leaked, otherwise he would die. All great consummation is expected to come to **** the map of the Lord God, this is the treasure of the Lord God.

A few words of discussion with Yihuang again, Lu Li, regardless of this matter, Yijing is so confident that he will certainly be able to cope with the thirty powerful men who are close to the Great Perfection, and may even leave these powerful men.

Lu Li Shen Nian moved to lock Lu Ling, and Chuan Yin told her that there will be a strong attack in the day after tomorrow. After receiving the wing emperor's secret code, he will immediately open the God's pattern of Lu Fu. At the same time, he will arrange some families to enter the secret room Cultivate and open the **** pattern early to avoid accidents.

Lu Ling knew the seriousness of the matter, and immediately executed Lu Li's order, sending the core children of the Lu family into the long-prepared secret room. The **** pattern in the dense room is stronger than the outside, and the strong man who is infinitely close to the Great Perfection can't break it in a month. Unless Great Satisfaction works, there is no way.

Lu Li had no time to return to the **** of death when he returned from Tianyu Starfield. Otherwise, if Xue Linger is going to set up the battle, it will take time for Dachen to break. Of course, there is a layout on the side of Yihuang, so there is no need to worry about the safety and security of Lufu.

Nevertheless, Lu Li decided to observe for a day or two and wait for the stability of this side before going to control the things on the temple side. The battle on the side of Feng Shen Temple is not the main battle, and it will be evacuated casually, so he doesn't care much. He also believes that the Tong people are not so brave, and he invested all the strong and strong troops from the beginning.

Time passed quickly one day!

The army of the Tong clan came, and tens of thousands of warships surrounded the entire purple cloud world. Feng Shen Temple did not mobilize sergeants to guard it outside, and the entrance was not sealed. After the Tong clan kings and other warships came over, they ordered the attack.

The army entered the mighty, half of it, and the strong also entered most of it, but the two Tong clan did not enter. Their Envelope Temple and Beacon Pavilion were outside, and the Great Conquest could easily collapse the Purple Cloud Realm. At that time, their strong men and the army would die. The Great Conquest battlefield must be outside the void.


Three hours later, Lu Li bowed his head slightly, and the Tong people mobilized millions of troops, and there were fifty or sixty powerful men who were close to the Great Perfection to make tentative attacks. The rest of the strong and the army were on the side to observe the situation, and countless scouts were scattered to investigate the situation in the Ziyun Realm.

The Lord of Fengshendian and the Emperor Li had a discussion, and also mobilized millions of troops to meet, the number of Xeons was almost the same, anyway, they just withdrew one game and immediately withdrew. This is not the final battlefield. There is no need to mobilize more strong men and troops. At that time, the Tong people will only be able to send more troops and strong men. Once they start a full-scale war, it will be much more difficult for them to leave.

Above a plain, two torrents collided, and a fierce assassination began. Lu Li explained that if he really fights, the strong men and the army sent out here must go all out to kill the blood, and the sun and the moon will disappear. It is estimated that this battle will not stop for a day or two.

Lu Li observed for a while and went to investigate the death. The strong man over there didn't move, and was always lurking in that small city. Observed for a moment, then turned to observe the clan side, the battle over there was started, but the Allied side was also tentatively attacking, and did not fully press down

The battle was fought for several hours, and the sergeants were killed or wounded more than a million. The strong men on both sides also suffered deaths and injuries. Grim Reaper sent more than a dozen elders to fight, and two have been killed. In this regard, the Emperor Li was in pain, but since they were allies, if they did not spare any effort to watch a movie here, it would cause the Tong people to be vigilant.

"Finally moved!"

Lu Li was tense at this moment. He detected the thirty strong men who were lying in the ambush side of Tianyang Realm. They did not know what elixir they had taken, and their breath was all suppressed, and they looked almost emperor-level.

Gu Yushan arranged for an elder emperor to come over, and then the emperor took them to start teleportation, teleported from the small city to the main city, and then ... directly to Tianyue City.

Detecting this scene, Lu Li cold sweat flow. If it wasn't for his discovery in advance, the 30 strong men teleported to Tianyue City, and then went directly to Lufu under the leadership of the elder of the emperor. They might even enter Lufu in a bright and upright manner. No one knows what will happen then. Already.

Lu Li didn't say anything to remind Wing Emperor, he just sent a message to Lu Ling ~ ~, so that she could open the Lufu **** pattern. Lu Li arranged, and the whole Lufu lit a light blue mask, and Lufu was shrouded in by this mask.

"Om ~"

Almost at the same time, countless lights were illuminated in Tianyue City. First, a yellow earth mask appeared in Tianyue City, then all the transmission altars on the square flashed, and finally became dim. This was temporarily closed and unable to teleport. Already.

"Om ~"

The Wing Emperor stood up in the sky with more than 20 strong men standing in the midst of the city. The Wing Emperor locked his eyes on the 30 strong men and said coldly, "You friends from Fairy Land come from afar, why not? Say hello? Just sneak in and sneak in like this, a bit rude? "


The thirty strong men changed greatly, all of them took out their weapons and mobilized their power. One of the leading strong men drank in angrily: "Strike, blood wash the city, kill!"


ps: I arrived home at night, and I did n’t have time to make up. Four chapters tomorrow.

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