The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 815: Give a helping hand

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"Oh ~"

Flying around the fire prison, the vast expanse inside it scared Jiang Wuwu and others. And although many of the spiritual materials in it have been collected by Lu Ling and others, with this time, many places have begun to produce new spiritual materials.

The heavens and the earth are rich here, and the energy resources continue to breed spiritual materials. After learning that Fire Prison is not much smaller than Dou Tian Jie, Jiang Wuwu and others were all excited.

After just a circle, there was almost no hesitation. Jiang Wui immediately decided to transfer more than half of the young children in the family. In addition, some young monarchs in the family also transferred some. If it is true as Lu Li said, the children of the Jiang family have been dormant for decades and they will soon rise quickly.

The Emperor Lu Ren was very emotional and decided to transfer most of the children of the Lu family. If such a treasure is not treasured, it will be condemned.

After returning to the wasteland, Lu Li and Lu Ling were busy. First, send people to explore around the wasteland to find another connection channel. The passage to Beimo has been destroyed, and now there is only one passage left. In case this passage is also destroyed, they will never have a chance to return to Dou Tian Jie.

At the same time, Lu Li plans to build a big city at the entrance to the wasteland of Youzhou, and arrange a moat, and two more. Even if the Lord of the Second Hall led someone to attack, he could resist for a moment and give them time to go out.

A large number of warriors were mobilized, and Ke Mang was the main force in laying down the ban. The Celestials not only had illusions, they also had to kill. Arrange one or two kill formations and powerful magic formations at the entrance of the Wasteland, and the defense will increase greatly.


Lu Li plans to build two super teleportation arrays in the outer city, directly connecting Linglong City and Shenjiao City. In this way, the two cities are attacked and they can provide assistance in the first time.

Lu Li also sent people to overhaul the city in the fire prison. After all, there are so many people in it that it is impossible to keep practicing. The construction of several cities in it will also allow people to work and rest in peace and rest in peace.

Lu Lirang Leng Wuxin brought some scouts to the entrance to the Tianshan Mountain at Muyu, where he lurked. In the event that a warrior came down, he would be able to give an early warning.

Luzhou Beizhou, Yunzhou and other surviving family children, Lu Ling let them all move into the wasteland. Children of the family such as Jack Wolf Tuni have moved in early and concentrated on development in Hell.

Jiang Wuwu and others went back and started to arrange the transfer of family children and build a super teleportation array. Emperor Lu Ren personally went back to Shenjiao City to persuade Lu Zhengyang. Lu Zhengyang is more old-fashioned, and if he did not go back and say it himself, he would definitely not agree.

Lu Ling scatters countless scouts and monitors the entire land of Shenzhou. Anyway, it was found, and it was a person from Lu Li, which family dare to kill?

Jiang Qiling Bai Qiuxue entered the prison of fire to start hidden cultivation, especially Jiang Qiling didn't break through the earth immortal long, and needed stability.

Lu Li himself also entered Hell and handed things over to Lu Ling, who was about to impact the imperial realm. If he breaks through the Emperor, he will be able to refine the second seal of Tianxiezhu, and he will surely get a new magical power.

Shocking the emperor first requires the realm, the second requires the soul pool to reach a certain intensity, and the third requires the spiritual talent. The most important point is to understand the powerful mystery!

Zi Huanqiao and Yuhua Shen have made several shocks, but both failed because they did not realize the powerful mystery. Ming Yu once hit the Emperor's success because he felt the seal of Qipin Uprising.

Therefore, comprehending the powerful mystery is very important to shock the emperor.

Lu Li felt a lot of mysteries, but there was no high-level mystery, so he was not sure. However, he realized a circuit diagram in Tiancangu, and he felt that it was extremely mysterious. If he could further understand it, he would probably realize a powerful mystery.

A luxurious castle was built in the base camp, and Lu Li Jiang Qiling and Bai Qiuxue lived there. There are guards outside, there are maids inside, ordinary people are not allowed to enter.

The peak of Bai Qiuxue's princehood is also ready to impact the imperial realm. Bai Xiashuang is more fun, but the realm is not as good as Bai Qiuxue. Only in the middle of the reign of the emperor, Lu Li saw that she did not like cultivation, and simply let her take Xiaobai to accompany the Prajna to the wild realm. Let the two soul slaves immortal follow, security is guaranteed.

After Lu Ling arranges things, he will usually live in the Hell Castle for cultivation. Ming Yu and Lu Feixue's wedding day is set, just a few days after Lu Hongyu and Ye Luo's wedding, so that Lu Li and others will not run around.

The entrance city of the wasteland on the other side of Youzhou was quickly built. Tu Ni Jackal and others mobilized a large number of people to build the city. The city is not large, but the defense is super strong.

Ke Mang and the elders of the Celestial Clan assembled a large amount of materials in the past, and built a double-tier moat, and a magical array and a killing array were arranged outside. If it is just ordinary earth immortals coming in, it will take at least several months to break through the entire array.

Even if the protagonist of the second hall came, it would not be possible to break up the large array without a day or two. Ke Mang was very confident, after all, he arranged the ancient killing array.

After getting the report, Lu Li was completely relieved, and he made Jack Wolf take five soul slaves to guard the big city outside, and the city was named Yunyou City.

The construction of the Super Teleportation Array began. Ke Mang was proficient in various formation methods. The Super Teleportation Array can also be built, but these materials were not available before.

A month later, Ayutthaya and two super-transport arrays were built. The Jiang family and the Lu family's children began to transmit one after another, and Ming Yu sent these people one by one to settle in the fire.

Two small towns were built in Hell, and hundreds of thousands of people could live in these towns. Various materials were brought in from the wasteland. A large array of high temperature was also built in the city, and living in the city was no different from outside.

There is a super teleportation team over here and Linglong City, and Lu Li can take care of the northern desert. However, the Beimo family was overthrown. Lu Ling could only let Mrs. Yan take people back to rebuild the city of Antelope, select talented children to send to Hell, and send a lot of spiritual materials to help the major families of Beimo to recover ...

Zhongzhou was very calm during this time. Lu Li did not make trouble, and the other big family strong men were transferred to the battlefield of the evil spirits, and they did not dare to make trouble.

Ji Mengtian, Ji Mengyao, and many of the Ji family's children were found. UU reading went to Xun Mocheng. The Lord of the Second Palace personally ordered them to live in the Demon City for hidden repair. Unless Lu left to attack the Demon City, they would not be able to kill everyone.

The four major aliens battled with the Terran army on the battlefield of the Demon. How could Lu Li dare to attack the Demon City by taking advantage of the world? Can only temporarily suppress the anger in the heart, continue to cover up.

Lu Renhuang followed Leng Wuxin to Muhe and began to challenge the chaotic beasts in Muhe. Lu Li gave the Emperor Lu a shadow bead. At a critical moment, he can isolate the investigation of the chaotic beast. The Emperor Lu Ren's combat strength is high, and there is no danger to his life.

Time passed, and half a year passed.

Today, the super teleportation array of Yunyou City, a small town at the entrance to the wasteland, lit up, and two special guests, Jiang Tianshun and Santai Gong came together.

One of the two is the ancestor of the Jiang family, and the other is the ancestor of the Lu family. How dare you stop Ming Yu? Quickly brought the two into the wasteland, then entered the fire prison, and Lu Li and Lu Ling Jiang Qiling went out to the reception.

The two brought bad news. The situation on the battlefield of the evil spirits was critical, and the strong human race suffered heavy casualties. The law enforcement elders asked Lu Li to lend a helping hand. (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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