Not only the Lu family, but after Lu Li ordered, the Linglong Pavilion at the Tiandizu Great Buddha Temple moved. The rest asked the three major forces, such as Xiandian. After hearing that Lu Li wanted the heaven and earth Qibao to follow suit, all kinds of wonders sent a big push ...

When Lu Li was hit hard by the three major forces, although he didn't do much, he stood by and looked at it, Lu Ling had already told Lu Li.

Lu Li did not say anything. This is human nature. It is normal for the three forces to consider for themselves. Of course, it is impossible for Lu Li to give them a good look.

Therefore, the three major forces sent many spiritual treasures, and Lu Li directly let them accept them. The three chiefs wanted to see him, but he did not see any of them.

In just half a month, all kinds of strange spiritual medicines and strange things in the land of Shenzhou have been collected countlessly. Lu Li had people transported out of the city, and then released the Yin Beast.

Tens of thousands of spiritual materials are lined up, and many mysterious cubs are bound by prisoner chains, and they are filled with a clear area of ​​ten miles.


The Yin Beast was released, and Lu Li pointed at those spirits and nodded at the Yin Beast.

The latter does not need to be rephrased, it can be understood, it was carefully scanned, many things just glanced at a glance, did not care at all, Lu Li and others' hearts sink to the bottom of the valley again.

This time, almost half of the good things in Divine Land have been brought together. If there is no food of interest for the yin beasts here, Lu Li himself doesn't know what to do.


The glance of the yin beast stopped suddenly, settled on a gold-colored ball, and with a big mouth, he bit the ball and chewed it twice to swallow it.

"it is good!"

Lu Li's eyes suddenly became scary. He burst into drink immediately: "What did he just eat?"

Wu Taigong's face became ugly. He had records of the spiritual treasures here. He naturally knew what the gold-colored ball was, and he smiled bitterly: "Lu Li, that is the egg of the mongolia ...

"Bird eggs?"

Lu Li's spirit shook slightly, but when he saw Wu Taigong's face, he hesitantly asked: "Wu Taigong, why are there so few eggs?"

"No less ..." Wu Taigong shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's extinct. The bird's eggs have been stored for thousands of years. The extinct bird was extinct thousands of years ago."


As soon as Lu Li's exhilarated expression fell to the bottom of the valley, he paused and asked again: "Really extinct? Can similar birds be found? What kind of bird is the extinct bird?"

Wutai Gong waved his hand, and an elder rushed to Shenjiao City immediately, apparently searching for the information on the extinct bird.

The gloomy beast glanced over again, and the remaining spirits and strange objects were not interested at all. Lu Li only put away the gloomy beast and took everyone back to Shenjiao City.

After Lu Li entered Shenjiashan, a pile of information had been placed at his table. Lu Li asked without asking, "Don't show me the information, I will ask you if you can find a bird egg of the same attribute?"

"It's difficult ..."

The elder elder brother said with a bitter smile: "The exterminate bird has two kinds of destiny. It can release water and fire. This is a yin and yang strange bird. It is almost impossible to find birds with exactly the same properties."

"yin and yang?"

Lu Li thoughtfully, Yin Yin Beasts like to eat boys and girls, what do boys and girls have? Isn't it just Yuanyin and Yuanyang? Does the yin beast eat the egg that destroys the bird, and there is yin and yang in the egg.

"Go and find everything you can!"

After drawing the inference, Lu Li had a bottom of heart, and he ordered: "Look for the strange beasts with Yuanyin and Yangyang, or elixir. If anyone can find the food of Yinyin beast and can cultivate it on a large scale, I send He has a big domain. "

A big domain?

The fryer in the Presbyterian Church is out. If these words spread, the whole land of Shenzhou will be crazy?

A large domain can at least represent a family of five or six products? Any warrior dominates that area, it only takes decades for his family to take off, and countless warriors will join him ...

Lu Li explained his inferences, Wu Taigong and others immediately ordered to go down the world to find the spiritual treasures with Yuanyang Yuanyin.

After the news spread, the whole land of Shenzhou really boiled. As long as you find the food of the yin beasts, you will get a large area.

Countless people moved by the wind, and the whole world began to search for various elixir, looking for all kinds of strange mysterious beasts. Look up all kinds of information, even if there is only one or two kinds of mysterious beasts, as long as the yin beasts eat them, you can do everything possible to cultivate them.

One strange bird was sent over. How big is the land of China? How many birds are there? Inestimable. Shenjiacheng's teleportation array almost shone continuously. Lu Li issued an order. As long as he sent something, he could take the teleportation array for free ...

In just ten days, countless things came over, and there were thousands of species of various birds. The children of the Lu family were very busy during this time, and the population of Shenjiacheng has increased by millions in the recent period. So many people can settle the Lu family busy.

Lu Li took out the yin beast again, but this time thousands of species of birds, the yin beast has never looked after. Those birds and mongolian birds have no similarities at all. The rest of the mysterious beasts, the spiritual talents, and the gloomy beasts are not as fancy.

This disappointed Lu Li, and also disappointed those who sent him over. Many people hoped that they would get that big area and ended up doing nothing.

However, the Lu family gave some compensation so that everyone would not be too busy. The Lu family is now very wealthy, and many people are satisfied with what they are sending, which is not a bad trip.

In the follow-up, someone kept sending things over, and Lu Li didn't show up. Let the Lu family's people come together, and after they reached a certain order of magnitude, let the yin beasts go and see.

He was a little confused about Xiaobai!

It has been many days since Xiaobai left, and he has never returned. However, there are eight elders following him. Xiaobai is also very strong. Lu Li need not worry about it.

Every day, Lu Li accompanies Jiang Qiling, Bai Qiu, Xue Xia, and Xia Shuang, and by accidental cultivation, his body keeps recovering and his life is leisurely.

Lu Ling teleported to the wasteland, ready to retreat.

She is going to shock the fairyland. Lu Zhengyang is in charge of the affairs of the Demon City. The Wu family is in charge of the affairs of the Lu family. She cannot help Lu Lu and is bored.

Lu Li began to realize the second big map of the route. The first one gave him a castle of Howling Wind, and he was looking forward to what the second big map of the route would bring him?

Five days later, Lu Li's practice was interrupted, and an urgent impact came from inside the castle!

Lu Li frowned, if there were no major issues, no one would bother him ~ ~ He said he would be out after half a month.

He stood up and opened the restraint of the castle and went out, but when he opened the door, he saw three pairs of teary eyes and capricious eyes. He hesitated in his heart, and had a bad hunch, and asked intently, "What happened?"

"Fu Jun!" Bai Qiuxue cried and said, "Sister Lu Ling ... something happened!"


Lu Li shook himself, almost fell, and felt a thunderous thunder on a sunny day. He couldn't return for a long time.

Isn't Lu Ling a tempering prison? There are two soul slaves around her, who can hurt her? Is it the remnants of several major families?

He took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down, and asked in a deep voice: "What's the matter? Come on."

"We don't know exactly!"

Jiang Qiling bit her red lips and said, "Here is a message from Mingyu, and he said that three strong men and three strong outrageous men suddenly came to Hell, and those three took her sister away."

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