"Bluff ~"

"Bang Bang Bang!"

The yin and yin beasts are unstoppable. The place they pass by is like no man's land. Its attack is too sharp. It does not need to release its magical powers because there are too many sergeants of the Yu race.

Its huge body rushed into the army of the Yu tribe, which could directly kill a large group. With the movement of its claws and swipe of the tail, a group of sergeants of the tribe were beheaded and killed.

Although the sergeant of the Liyu tribe was in fear, Ye Nishang had a very high prestige in the Yu tribe recently, and he and a group of elders of the royal tribe stood on Yishen Mountain and looked at it. So for the time being no one dared to retreat and ran away, only to rush away piece by piece like a moth, and then ... fall.

The Yin Beast did not run around, but slaughtered outside the valley. It was killing the Yu race too fast. It felt like a tiger rushed into a group of chickens. No matter how many chickens came, it was easy. Kill.

Two incense sticks!

It was only two centipede time, and the bones had become mountains and blood flowed out of the valley. I do n’t know the specific number of deaths and injuries, but it is obviously over 200,000 ...

200,000 feathers, if you give people a knife to knife, it will chop your arms and curl your weapons. Now the two fragrant incense was killed, which not only made the Yu sergeants horrified, but Lu Li looked shocked.

Lu Luli did not act boldly, and has been standing in place. Ye Nishang made him feel a bit dangerous. Although this mixed-race princess of Yu tribe had only the early state of Dixian, her calm look reminded him of a person, the first lady of the reincarnation palace, Ji Mengtian.

Lu Luli never underestimated any woman, and she was a mixed-race person, still so young, that she could become the elder of the Yu clan, the actual ruler of the Yu clan? All this shows the extraordinaryness of this woman.

Yanyu Shengu is the sacred place of the Yu tribe, and Yishen Mountain is also a place to worship the winged gods. Ye Nichang and others have not fled. Instead, let the Yu army continue to die. If they did not conspiracy to die, Lu Li would not believe it.

So Lu Li is very stable. Anyway, Lu Zhengyang and others will not be in any danger for a while, he will kill slowly. The tens of millions of troops did not retreat, and he let the yin beasts kill all of them.

I waited for all the Yuzus to be killed. Then any conspiracy is useless?

Qi Luli stood on the sidelines and watched coldly. For the death of a group of sergeants of the Yu tribe, he was not intolerable. Ye Nichang was willing to let them die, and what could he not bear? There are more than half of Yu's army and strong here. If all of them are killed, the Yu will be completely over.

"Bang Bang!"

Time passed by bit by bit, the Sergeants of the Yu tribe died more and more, and the blood had gathered into a river, flowing from the ground under Lu Li. The whole body of the yin beast was stained with blood, and the body of the Yu tribe was everywhere around it. It had piled up like a mountain, and the thick **** smell filled the wild and disgusting ...

After half an hour!

的 The Yu tribe that has been beheaded is almost a million, and the Yu tribe's army is finally afraid. This is not killing enemies in battle. This is totally death. No one wants to die, even the Yu Lin Army, who is most loyal to the royal family, is cowering at this moment. That yin beast was too scary. So many people attacked for so long without even breaking its scales. It doesn't make any sense other than to die.

"Woohoo ~"

Suddenly a sound of horns sounded on the wing of God Mountain, three long and two short, the sergeants heard all the horns bitter. This is an attack command issued by the Yuzu Army, but this command is not to let them attack the Yinshou, but to attack the commander of the enemy, that is, Lu Li.

A spirit beast from Lulu is so difficult to kill. How can the king of the human race and the great devil be invincible?

However, for many years, I have been used to obeying military orders, and I have some luck in my heart. If Lu Li is killed, will this beast die immediately?

Lin Yulin's army moved first. Hundreds of thousands of troops whistled away from Lu Li, and then several troops followed, and a total of millions of people sieged from all directions towards Lu Li.

"Ha ha!"

Lu Lu could not agree, want to capture the thief first capture the king? The Yu people must have this ability. And relying only on these ordinary sergeants, his physical body is so strong, and he is also wearing a semi-artifact armor, even if they stand and bombard them, it is difficult to kill them?

Lu Li didn't care about it. He opened the Howling Castle for the first time. He didn't cover the Howling Castle directly for dozens or hundreds of miles at first, but just released a small Howling Wind that covered an area for one mile. castle.

This way is better control. The second nature is to seduce the Sergeant of the Yu tribe. He can hit it all.

"Boom boom!"

The streamers from the sky filled the sky, blasted above the castle of Howling, and the outer barriers gradually burst and opened, but were constantly repaired by Lu Li, which could not hurt Lu Li by a penny.

The long-range attack power will naturally be weak, so those Yu army began to approach continuously. When the distance was more than ten miles away, the space shook violently, and then a super-large Howling Castle appeared, covering dozens of miles, and covering all the army of four and a half million feathers.


When I saw the army in front of me being swallowed in, I felt that a giant beast suddenly emerged from the void and swallowed hundreds of thousands of troops.


The rest of the army retreated in horror immediately. They did not retreat, and soon saw the picture that made them extremely horrified.

Suddenly hovering in the midst of the Howling Castle, a personal figure kept falling down. Those sergeants of the Yu clan were all crushed and their heads fell like a headless fly.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

As if raining, a headless corpse fell, and dozens of corpses fell down almost every breath. So the Sergeants of the Yu tribe looked at it, the picture was very shocking, and they felt like countless people were losing their bodies from above.

"Bang Bang!"

There was a continuous dull sound on the ground, and a corpse fell to the ground. Many corpses were still oozing blood on their necks, and it was even raining in midair. A gust of wind blew, and the strong **** smell made many Sergeants of the Yu race almost spit out.

Take a moment to burn incense!

Is also a 炷 incense, there are more than 100,000 headless corpses fell down, and the rate of killing the sergeant is no slower than that of the yin beast. Lu Li's Mengfeng Castle and the Mengfeng Shenbing are too powerful, and there is no difference between it and the slaughter. Since they are all about the same speed ...

过 After passing Sansaka ~~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Howling Castle disappeared, Lu Li stood indifferently in midair, glanced at the sergeants around to see if they would continue to die.

"Woo ~ Woo ~ Woo!"

A long horn sounded on the mountain of Yiyi God, and the look of the army around the ground became desperate. This military order is to kill the enemy commander at all costs. Those who dare to retreat have no amnesty!

At the moment, the morale of the Liyu clan has dropped to zero, and many sergeants are completely desperate when they hear the sound of this horn. Some Yu Linjun yelled and rushed towards Lu Li. There was no attack, but he rushed with his eyes closed, showing that he would die.

"Nothing ..."

Lu Lu frowned, and there must be monsters when things went wrong. Why did Ye Nishang send so many junior sergeants to die? This doesn't make any sense, and the human sea tactics are useless to him and the yin beast.

These armies of the Yu race are the root of the Yu race. If all of them die, the Yu race will be seriously injured, and they will not be able to recover for thousands of years. Unless they have a problem in their minds, Ye Nishang will not be so arrogant.

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