The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 931: breakthrough

Lu Li was accountable. The crowd did so naturally, and a group of elders were very weak at the moment, so they immediately landed and evacuated.

After flying thousands of miles away from Yushen Valley, the crowd found a lurking valley. Lu Zhengyang and others all started retreat to treat injuries. Ke Mang used elixir to heal Lu Li, and Elder Sun was vigilant nearby.

In fact, there is no need to be vigilant, the army of the Yus are scattered and fleeing at this moment, and no one dares to take the lead. Scouts have been lurking around Yushen Valley, and the results of the battle between Lu Li and Ye Neishang have already passed to various armies.

The news came that all the Yu army were uproar, and then they were terrified. The three princes were in the army all the way. After receiving the news, they never hesitated, and led their loyal men to escape!

The Yu family and the royal family have a large small world. There are some people in that small world, as well as countless wealth and spiritual resources. Most of the children of the royal family have already moved in. So after the three princes entered, they could enjoy the riches and riches.

The three princes fled without taking all the army. This army is actually formed by the major families of the Yu tribe. Naturally, they all started to seek out the back road, and they took their troops to teleport back and prepare for the back road.

The news spread throughout the western feathers in just three days. This time, the large and small families of the western feathers were completely desperate, and they began to consider the future. The family that occupied the small world moved into the small world, and those who did not have to either prepare to fight to the end or surrender to the human race.

"The Lord of the Palace is mighty!"

"Long live the temple master!"

"Divine Lord is mighty, the world is invincible!"

Hundreds of thousands of troops are lurking in a huge mountain range in the eastern part of Xiyu Land. The army has been scouting to investigate the surroundings. The news of Lu Lida's victory spread throughout the Yuzu city, and they got the news at once.

There are three other elders in the Temple of Demon Survival remaining here. The first thought of the three was to take the army and start sweeping the West Feather Land, killing Yushen Valley and Lu Li along the way.

However, one elder was more conservative. He said that he should contact Lu Li and others first, and then take Lu Li's order before moving on to the next step. Last time they had made a wrong decision once, and if they make another mistake this time, they will lose their face to see Lu Li.

The other two elders thought about it and decided to be more conservative. After all, the Yu tribe was completely desperate at this moment. If they knew they would die, the counterattack might be fierce. If these hundreds of thousands of troops have been put together, Lu Li will be miserable when he learns the news.

Lu Zhengyang and others recovered very quickly. They were only absorbed some mysterious power, and also poisoned. Everyone was strong in Dixian, but it was almost good in two or three days.

Lu Li is still in a coma, but Lu Li is not as serious as last time. When I returned to the Demon City last time, everyone became a little old man, and his skin was all wrinkled, like dead tree bark.

Although Lu Li was in a coma this time, his body was very weak, at least he was breathing, and his body was not old, which showed that his vitality was not exhausted too much.

Nevertheless, Lu Zhengyang didn't dare to carelessly. He called all the elders to hold a meeting and decided not to attack Xiyu land first. First return to the side of the entrance where they entered, and gather the remaining lurking troops to knock down the nearby large area.

The strong of the Yu tribe was almost destroyed, and there was no longer any threat. The western feather land can be beaten at any time. Lu Li's injury cannot be delayed, but he must be taken back for the treatment of the Shennong people.

Ke Mang and Elder Sun had no opinion on this. The crowd set off overnight. Lu Zhengyang had a treasure in his hand, a space artifact that could hold living people, but the space was very small. This was given to him by the law enforcement elders.

Entering Ke Mang and Lu Li into the equipment, Lu Zhengyang and others rushed to the nearby city like a tiger down the mountain, slaughtered the warriors in the city, and then took the teleportation array away.

Teleport all the way, slaughter all the way!

Twenty-nine land immortals are unstoppable. At this moment, the Yu tribe has no more land immortals. How can ordinary army and strong men block them?

The army hiding inside the mountain finally got the news and contacted Lu Zhengyang. Lu Zhengyang ordered all the troops to march south and gather in the large area where Lu Li and others came in.

The big Yu family has basically fled. No one can stop Lu Zhengyang and others. After ten days, everyone killed this big area. Lu Li left here with four earth elders. The elders of the Celestial Tribe are here, and the entrance is very stable.

Lu Li's situation did not worsen or improve. Lu Zhengyang asked Elder Sun and others to personally **** Lu Li back, but he did not return. After waiting for the army to come, he led the elders to siege the city.

Lu Zhengyang and a group of elders breathed a sigh of relief. They felt very embarrassed, so they did not **** Lu Li back, but were ready to lay down the Xiyu land, so as to save some face ...

Of course, this time they were very careful, they attacked little by little, and they won two entrances and exits, so that they wouldn't be able to escape even if they had an accident.

The one million troops were all gathered up, with only 600,000 remaining. The elders of the Earth Immortal came out at forty-one. At the moment, only thirty-one are left, which can be described as a small loss.

of course!

This battle force is also very horrible. Everyone swept all the way. It took only half a month to lay a small half of the western feather land. It was only a matter of time before the entire land was completely taken.

After Lu Li was brought back, the Demon City made another sensation, but Jiang Tianshun blocked the news and did not spread toward the land of Divine Land.

In addition, Elder Sun and others explained that Lu Li just took a special elixir, but just consumed too much vitality. And Lu Li has beheaded all the strong of the Yu clan and rescued Lu Zhengyang and others.

As soon as the news spread, the turmoil in the Demon City subsided, and many people were distressed and worried. Now Lu Li is in the hearts of many sergeants, but that ’s humanity. Lu Li must not be in trouble, otherwise the good situation of the human race will be destroyed immediately.

Jiang Tianshun immediately asked the patriarch of the Shennong clan, Jiang Qiling, Bai Qiuxue, Bai Xia Shuang, and others to follow, and saw Lu Li once again unconscious and distressed, guarding him day and night.

Lu Li's situation is indeed much better than last time ~ ~ Ding Gui checked everyone to rest assured that it only takes half a month to leave to wake up, and his body will soon recover.

"Rustic ~"

When Lu Li was given some treatment in Ding Gui, the elders saw that Lu Li's face was slightly better, and his breath was stable. They were all relieved, and everyone was preparing to go, but a footstep sounded outside.

"A bunch of useless things!"

Jiang Tianshun and others were looking out angrily, wanting to see if the person with short eyes dared to come in and bother? A reprimand sounded outside, and a little gray-haired old man came in and glared at the crowd: "Without the Lord, you are all waste? Dozens of elders and millions of troops were beaten by the Yu race. Do they still need to be rescued by the temple master? It causes the temple master to be injured again? If something happened to the temple master, it will not be bad for them to die ten thousand times. "

The comer scolded him very hard, but everyone didn't dare to refute it. They all looked down like grandsons, because this man was a law enforcement elder.

Jiang Tianshun swept the people, and suddenly the tiger's body trembled. He was pleasantly surprised and said, "Elder Law Enforcement, are you old enough?"

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