Xiao Han stretched out his palm, touched the appearance of the antique Dan furnace, and after a little familiarity, he opened his mouth and asked: “This refining medicine, there are multiple comparisons, how do we compare?” Is it the quantity? Or quality? ”

Wang Yi sank his mind, thought about it seriously, and replied: “Compared with quantity and quality, what do you think?” ”

“Just like me.”

Xiao Han laughed and asked again, “So, what pill are we going to refine?” ”

Wang Yi thought for a moment again, raised his eyebrows, and said, “It’s better to refine a Qi Essence Pattern Pill, what do you think?” ”


Xiao Han responded lightly, his voice was calm and indifferent, without the slightest fluctuation of emotion.

If Fang Cai’s alchemists hadn’t left, hearing the two of them talking about the Essence Pill in such an extremely ordinary tone, they would be shocked to roll up a monstrous wave in their hearts, jump up on the spot, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

These two people actually used refining a Qi Essence Pattern Pill as the topic of refining medicine!

The so-called Qi Essence Pattern Pill is a kind of pill that countless alchemists have heard well, and its effect is extremely mysterious, if the warrior swallows it, it can make the four attributes increase by ten points in an all-round way, and there are no side effects!

Of course, the effect of this elixir is outstanding, and correspondingly, its refining difficulty is also extremely high.

If it is said that the success rate of a normal alchemist refining a pill is only one or two percent, and if you want to refine this Qi Essence Pill, the success rate is almost one percent, which is ridiculously low, and it takes several months to refine it wholeheartedly, and it may not be possible to refine a finished product!

But now, Xiao Han and Wang Yi are going to use this elixir as the topic of the competition, but also to use the quantity and quality of refining, this profound alchemy attainment is already a realm that those alchemists can’t imagine!

Flat palm down, Wang Yi’s eyes were calm, and he asked, “Are you ready?”

Xiao Han also released his palm flat and replied, “You can start.”

“Then let’s get started!”

As soon as the words fell, six flames were released when they landed, shining on the world!

Immortal Phoenix Fire, Rock Land Purple Pole Fire, Nether White Bone Fire, three major flames rose up from Wang Yi’s side, rushing out, heavy flames danced, rolling up the monstrous fire intent.

And beside Xiao Han, there are three kinds of different fires, cyan different fire, black different fire, and blue different fire, like wild waves, condensed into a surging sea of fire, among which the power is not inferior to Wang Yi’s side!

As soon as the flames rose up, a little flame flowed, and they each flowed and poured into the Dan furnace.

At the same time, they actually chose the method of refining with three fires!

As soon as he started refining, Wang Yi suddenly felt different.

Obviously, everyone is three kinds of flames, the same number, and the level of flames is similar, but Xiao Han’s alchemy on that side feels more rounded, and the flames run a little faster than him.

“How is this possible?”

“In addition to cultivation, all my leisure time is spent on it, refining pills hundreds of times a day, in this world, I am afraid that no one is more efficient than me, why is his technique even more rounded than mine?”

“Is it…”

He had a faint guess in his heart, and then turned to Xiao Han.

Is it because of the Divine Body bonus?

Under this look, Xiao Han felt a little, looked up at him, seemed to see his thoughts, and said with a smile: “I am the emperor fire divine body, born to control the world’s ten thousand fires, control the different fires easily, the reason why I became a waste person some time ago and can’t practice, is because the power of the divine body is too huge, and it takes me a lot of essence to open it.”

Emperor Fire God Body!

These four words flashed in Wang Yi’s heart, and he immediately realized.

Although he and Xiao Han also have the Emperor Dao Burning Technique in their bodies and the Xuantian Alchemy Bonus, but the same exercises are different people, the effect is two different things, obviously, in Xiao Han’s body, this strange fire energy is more domineering and terrifying, and can show extraordinary power!

Under such a premise, Xiao Han’s refining medicine was inherently superior to him.


This does not mean that the king is defeated.

“You have the protection of the divine body, and I also have the help of the divine body!”

Wang Yi took a deep breath, his thoughts surging, and he controlled the three different fires to run in unison.

“You know, refining medicine is not only a test of alchemy technology, but also a test of people’s essence and physical strength.”

Flame dance.

Danxiang is full of fragrance.

However, in a moment, the six Dan furnaces were turned on one after another, and the Dan Pill was like a meteor diffuse, bursting out from it.

The Qi Essence Pill of these six Dan furnaces was actually successfully refined!

Casually putting the refined pill aside, the two picked up the alchemy materials and prepared the refining pill again.

This time, it was Xiao Han’s turn to fluctuate.

He could feel that after experiencing a refining pill, Wang Yi was still alive, his spirit was huge, and he didn’t seem to feel a little tired, and the refining techniques were flowing without a trace of delay.

“This is not right!”

“Alchemy is the most spirit-consuming, no matter what level of alchemist, after refining the medicine, you need to ease up a little, this freak actually did not have the slightest stagnation, just after refining without a second of rest, come and refine again!”

“What kind of physique can give birth to such an inexhaustible essence?”

Xiao Han’s heart was shocked, and he couldn’t help but look down, and asked, “What kind of physique are you?”

“My physique is a phaseless divine body.”

Although he was refining medicine wholeheartedly, Wang Yi also had the leisure to respond, “Although my divine body is not like Brother Xiao, it has a method of adding to different fires, but it also has its unique features, I have a majestic essence, which supports the operation of the flesh body, so that I can refine pills day and night.” ”

Upon hearing this, Xiao Han’s heart jumped, and he couldn’t help but reply: “You freak, you can be so perverted!”

Wang Yi smiled and sneered at each other: “Each other, you and I are not the same.”

The two sneered at each other, then sank their minds and refined the pill again.

When he boarded, the furious light of fire boiled and rolled up, releasing a billowing divine light, which flowed in all directions with an irresistible momentum!

And under the competition between the two, the number of Qi Essence Pills is just like a rocket soaring, climbing at an extremely fast speed.




Every once in a while, pills would appear, stacked on the plate next to it, and in a short time, the place where it was stacked actually accumulated a full plate! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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