"Human, if you don't mind that we are filthy orcs, I want to invite you to our orc wine banquet, which is a treasure that I thank you for!"

After receiving the treasure, Tarsek did not hesitate and put it on directly.

Although he is a hero, his treasures are not as good as the two sets given by Chu Qingwu, and after getting this set, the strength that his legion can exert will be stronger.

All the other help given by Chu Qingwu, he needs to verify again, but this treasure cannot be fake, so he invited Chu Qingwu.

And this is also a test for him, if Chu Qingwu has any hesitation or scruples, then it means that he is still prejudiced against orcs, which will also make Tansek understand how he should get along with Chu Qingwu next.

"Haha, don't mind, it's been a busy day, and I'm hungry too. "

Chu Qingwu smiled heartily and said loudly.

The craftsmanship of the orcs is still good, the only problem is eating with the orcs. I have to say that the orcs still look more brutal and ugly, because they have more demon blood, their faces are distorted and partially deformed, which makes them not look like humans.

And as orcs, they don't have too many scruples, whether it is eating habits or living habits, they are biased towards the beast side and are more informal.

This Talsek looked okay, and the rest of his clan had a lot of bloodshot dirt on their teeth, which was really unpleasant.

This may also be the point that orcs are not welcome.

It's just that there is a gap when there is a contrast, for Chu Qingwu, this kind of existence is easy to get along with, and the fault tolerance rate is relatively high, after all, they have been bullied, as long as someone releases some goodwill to them, they can easily get their sincere friendship, which is a friendship that can fight to the death for you.

"Lola, Maggie, you two go for a ride around the neighborhood, I'll call you again if I need it." Chu Qingwu greeted Lola Maggie next to him softly.

"Yes, my lordship. "

The two archangels bowed slightly, looking extremely respectful, and then flapped their wings and left here.

This scene made Tansek's eyes show a touch of shock.

He was originally still thinking about the relationship between Chu Qingwu and the archangels, but he didn't expect that these two archangels were actually his slaves, not recruited from wild recruitment points such as Cloud City!

That's too strong!

Tansek is only displaced now, but Chu Qingwu actually already owns the castle, and there are buildings in the castle to recruit top troops, how rich must this be?

More importantly, he actually has not only an archangel loyal to him, but also an angel who is above the archangel.

This is not recruited, but belongs to him, how strong is this?

In an instant, Chu Qingwu became extremely tall in Tancersek's eyes, and he arrived here with only two archangels, which further showed his confidence in his own strength.

This kind of self-confidence, strength and strength, and also so easygoing, he did not know what to say to the orcs such a dirty creature as he responded with his kindness and sincerity.

Just after Chu Qingwu walked leisurely to Tancersek's side, Tanelsek couldn't help but give birth to a flattered look, and his gaze looking at Chu Qingwu also changed from admiration to awe.

"Tarsek, what, you plan to entertain me there?" said Chu Qingwu with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Lord Eternal Night King, please follow me!" Tancersek's tone was not as calm as before, and he turned his head around again, and said lightly: "Prepare to hold the biggest banquet, the banquet has helped our Lord Eternal Night King, from today onwards, he is the person I admire the most in Tancersek!"


Roar! Roar!"

Hearing Talsek's words, all the orcs around them raised their weapons in their hands and roared one after another, and the continuous sound resounded in the sky, making people's blood boil.

What Chu Qingwu heard from this roar was sincere feelings, the kind of sincerity that did not mix with the rest of the complexities, as long as Chu Qingwu encountered an enemy now, these orcs were absolutely willing to fight for him, even to the death!

After the orcs cheered sincerely, all the orcs went to hunt the beasts on the island and prepared a rich dinner for Chu Qingwu.

As for Talsek, he found a big stone with Chu Qingwu, took out rum and prepared to drink with Chu Qingwu, Chu Qingwu was not polite, and he drank a large sip when he got it.

After drinking, the distance between the two sides was also closer, and Tarsek began to talk about what he had seen and heard before, his legendary life.

Of course, this is bragging in Chu Qingwu's opinion!

Who wouldn't, he also began to talk about his life, punching the Nanshan Old People's Home, kicking the Beihai Kindergarten, gaining the attention and appreciation of Al Las, and gaining the recognition and respect of the archangel.

The more he spoke, the more Tanrsek admired Chu Qingwu, and that admiration was like a gushing river, endlessly.

Originally, Tansek thought that he was awesome enough, and he could kill the frost wolf alone at the age of five, and the snow ape at the age of eight, but compared to what Chu Qingwu did, he found that he had lived to a dog in his life.

When he was fighting alone, people had already begun to rebuke Fang Xuan and point fingers!

"Lord Eternal Night, what do you say I should do now? I really want to change the fate of the orcs, but the future is uncertain. "

"This simple, accumulates grain, builds high walls, and slowly becomes king. You first build a vast territory on the sea, develop food, accumulate troops, and on the other hand, spread the news and attract the wandering orcs. Over time, the world will inevitably change, and you can also take advantage of that opportunity to completely change the fate of the orcs!"

"Oh, awesome. "

Tansek looked confused.

"Look at the map I gave you, there are still a large number of islands nearby, and I have given them all to you, you can occupy them all from this sea area to here! "

"In addition, the territory of the Barbarian Sea is also very large, you can also find a way to subdue the entire Barbarian Sea and become One Piece yourself, which will not only get more resources, but also be able to play your breeze!

"Makes sense, makes sense!"

Talsek's eyes lit up, and his face listened extremely carefully.


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