Although several ships were eventually saved, most of them fell into the sea.

Even if there are many incapable people on the ship, they are diving underwater to rescue people, but in the vast sea, it is still impossible to rescue all the people who have been driven into the sea.

At this time, these broken ships were slowly approaching the island where the Hulk and the Hundred Beast Kaido fought before.

After the island fell apart, it was covered by mountains and turned into a new, rugged and desolate island.

Farther away, the ships of various forces that spied from afar also lost a large area, and almost none of them could remain intact.

Almost everyone looked pale into the distance, the completely new look, a desolate island, and their minds seemed to echo the monstrous waves just now.

“This sea is going to storm away…”

“In this era, I’m afraid the name will be changed!”

“The boss is dead…”

Seeing that Kaido is actually old, and there are no bones, so ~ there are pirates’ hearts trembling.

A thought came to everyone’s mind.

This era will be called ‘Hulk’!

Holy Land Mary Joya.

This is the center of the world government, and the five old stars, who are the core of the highest power of the world government, are sitting or standing, looking at the image projected in front of them.

At this time, the video is showing the continuous roar of the island, from time to time there are rubble splashing around, and the sea is constantly setting off waves.

“To this extent, you can’t kill Kaido.”

The five old stars looked at the scene in the picture, each drinking tea and discussing, his expression was still very indifferent, and he did not show any solemn expression.

“It’s good for us.” After taking a sip of tea, a five-old star looked at the faint opening of the picture.

“They’d better kill you and hurt me, and we can sit on the fishing net.”

Whether the Hulk wins or Kaido wins, it is beneficial to them, such a battle of the strong, will inevitably be injured, and when the time comes, they will take the opportunity to encircle and suppress!

However, just as they were fantasizing about it, a roaring sound suddenly came, and the entire island trembled, as if a wave swept the sea in an instant.


At the same time as the waves on the sea set off terrifying waves, the whole island shattered!


“One blow destroys the entire island?!”

“In the beginning, the Warring States were repelled by this force.”

Seeing this scene, the five old stars finally couldn’t sit still anymore, and they all exclaimed, and almost all stood up directly, revealing a look of shock.

Immediately afterwards, the complexion of the five old stars changed abruptly.

When they saw that huge mountains suddenly appeared in the sky, tearing the clouds and falling to the sea, even they were all shocked!

“What? Raised the mountains ?! ”

“What a joke!!”

“! What kind of power is this?! ”

Among the five old stars, someone held the hand of the teacup, and even couldn’t help but tremble, and the tea instantly spilled on the ground, wetting the blanket below, and the tea leaves were scattered on the blanket.

After the mountain range fell, it set off a monstrous wave, sweeping in all directions, and in the projected picture, the wave was getting bigger and bigger, and even seemed to be immersive, which shocked the five old stars into a cold sweat.


The projection stopped abruptly, apparently the ship they sent to scout had been attacked by the waves, and it was not known whether it had sunk at this time.

The picture disappeared, but the expressions of the five old stars were all extremely ugly, and under the face of each other, they could see the shock in each other’s eyes.

“This person… Don’t mess with it! ”

“But he seems to be at odds with us deeply.”

“No matter what, he can give him whatever he wants in the future!”

Several five old stars, you say a word, everyone’s attitude is almost surprisingly consistent, that is, if it is not a last resort, you must not let the Hulk become an enemy!

“But what to do?”

“Isn’t there still that devil fruit?”

“What, are you going to give it to the Hulk?”

“Will he ask for it, eating the devil fruit is a burden for him.”

“Yes, who is willing to have a long life compared to fear of seawater?”

“Yes, if he goes against us in the future, just do it.”

The five old stars looked at each other and nodded one after another.


Hundred Beast Kaido is dead!!

···· Ask for flowers… 0

This news, almost overnight, spread throughout the sea, making the entire sea capsize, and countless pirates were shocked.

Even Qiwu Hai could hardly remain calm.

These people have all fought on the Great Voyage, fought more or less with Whitebeard, Hundred Beast Kaido and others, were defeated by Whitebeard Hundred Beast Kaido and others, or after losing their own lives, they withdrew from the battle for the new world in the second half of the Great Voyage, and turned to each other to show their own power.

They almost knew what terrifying power the Hundred Beast Kaido possessed.

A person who singled out the Four Emperors Pirate Group and even the navy many times, lost many times, was suppressed and captured many times, but never died, is simply an almost perverted monster!

…………… 0

And now, such a monster is actually dead!!

Countless pirates are all afraid of the name Hulk, and even some people have begun to say that the era of the Four Emperors… The end is coming!

Before the era of the sea pirate, it was the era of the pirate king Roger, the beginning of the sea pirate era, the era of the world’s strongest man with a white beard, and now the four emperors seem to be on the great voyage.

Now, the Four Emperors BIgmom Thief Group has been defeated by the Hulk and is being pursued by the Navy, and the so-called immortal Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido has been defeated in the hands of the Hulk, and the remnants of the Hundred Beast Pirates under his command have also been pursued by the Admiral led by the Navy.

This sea has been turned upside down.

Great Routes, New Worlds.

On an island, an incomparably fierce battle is underway, and various roaring sounds are constantly coming, and the naked eye can see that a cloud of magma continues to explode, and golden light falls, and there is a direct roar explosion wherever it goes.

The sky is covered with dark clouds, and from time to time thunder and fire are entangled and falling.

This is the battlefield where Admiral Akainu and Admiral Yellow Ape, two admirals of the navy headquarters, lead a large number of navies, and fight with the four emperors BIgmom.

There are many islands in the realm of all nations, most of which have been destroyed, but as for this one, the red dog and the yellow ape have been unable to attack for a long time.

Even if BIgmom has been severely damaged and has not recovered so far, the trauma suffered by the three generals is not great, plus those cadres who are still alive, it is difficult for the navy to attack it in a short time. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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