“Who is that?”

The surrounding pirates also noticed the figure.

This man is about six meters tall, burly, bear-like in appearance, holding a Bible-like book in his left hand and a telephone bug in his right hand.

In the phone worm, came the voice of the five old stars.

“The Qi Wuhai that was hard to find, one more vacant seat would be bad, does he still have a breath.”

“I don’t know.” The bear face did not change color, and replied faintly.

“As long as he is still alive, wait for him to recover, I hope he will continue to serve as Qiwu Hai for the time being, and deal with him later, if he is killed one after another, the name of Qiwu Hai will lose its majesty, and this news cannot be spread to the world.”

A pirate thought: “This huge body that is not inferior to Moria, the pirate known as the tyrant, Bartholomi Bear!” ”

“What, that guy is the tyrant bear who just became the Seven Wuhai!”

The voice in the phone worm was not mixed with any emotion: “You understand what I said, you can’t let Moriah’s defeat, there are any witnesses, the world government has issued a special mission, including the Hulk, to wipe out everyone on that island!” ”

Xiong replied: “It’s a trifle. ”

The bear walked up to Moria, took off his gloves, and slapped Moria sharply, and under the astonished gazes of the surrounding pirates, Moria disappeared out of thin air.

The pirates were terrified: “I finally solved Moria, and another guy who was even stronger than Moria appeared!” ”

Robin looked at the Hulk, who was already scarred, and although he had healed a little on his own, the previous battle must have consumed too much.

Hulk stepped forward, his back in Robin’s eyes, so great.

“You guys retreat away, Qiwu Hai, come one, I’ll beat one!”

The bear took off the other glove and said lightly: “Hulk Hulk, not with great power, can be invincible, this world, there are many weird abilities.” ”


Suddenly, the bear in front of the Hulk disappeared and appeared behind the Hulk like a teleportation!

Hulk’s brows furrowed: “Space transfer.” ”

Using the fruit’s ability to compress the surrounding air and surround the whole body, you can make a spatial transfer, which is the same principle as flying away. It has to be said that Bartholomy Bear, the ability to develop the flesh ball fruit is perfect.

Watching the bear teleport, all the pirates trembled.

“Finally free, how can you die in such a place!”

“That’s right! No more letting anyone get in the way of our voyages! ”

“Everyone, kill him!”

The pirates rushed up, and the bear’s right hand spread out and slammed forward.


A meat pad like a bear’s paw was punched out, and the pirate in a straight line in front of it was directly blasted away, the dust dispersed, and a dent tens of meters long appeared on the ground.


The bear appeared in front of the Hulk and said lightly: “Hulk Hulk, let’s solve you first.” ”

“It’s so despicable! Tyrant Bear! The Hulk has just gone through a lot of hard fights, let’s be your opponent! ”

“You are not much older than Oz and Moria just now!”

“Now is the time for us to repay the Hulk!”

Hulk said proudly: “Seven Wuhai, I Hulk is not in my eyes, now I, even if the navy is in the future, I am still not afraid!” Just protect my two friends. ”

Hearing this, the pirates were slightly startled, and they admired the Hulk more and more in their hearts.

The Hulk is not as cruel and ruthless as rumored, but heavy on love.

“Hulk, you have caused a lot of commotion and have become famous all over the world, but there is no capable subordinate, and if you want to fight the entire government alone, it seems that you are just a reckless man, and you can’t do anything big.”

Hulk smiled coldly: “In this world, strength is king, and when my strength is strong enough to dominate this world, I alone will be enough to deal with you!” ”


The Hulk punched out, but, in the next second, the bear disappeared.

The Hulk’s face changed, and the bear appeared behind him, his palm slapped towards him!

The Hulk dodged sideways at great speed, and with a bang, the bear’s palm hit the ground.

It did not touch the ground, but on the ground, a bear-shaped bottomless intaglio appeared.

With his palm facing the Hulk, a bear’s paw-shaped air cannon shot out of the air, penetrating the Hulk’s right shoulder and penetrating several boulders.

Hulk’s shoulder was in severe pain, and the bear said lightly: “It seems that it has indeed consumed a lot just now, it’s over, Hulk.” ”

However, Hulk smiled coldly: “Congratulations, you provoked me.” ”


The Hulk’s body swelled and he turned into the Hulk.

The Hulk rushed forward and punched out in terror.

The bear’s expression still did not wave, his right palm was raised, and the Hulk green fist slammed into the bear’s palm.

The bear’s palm was marked by a meat ball that dented a little, but the next second, the Hulk was ejected.

Kiping was horrified: “I actually bounced off Uncle Hulk’s terrifying punch.” ”

“What is his ability?”

Xiong’s tone was still flat: “I can bounce off all power, I am a meat ball man with meat ball fruits.” ”

The bear pushed out his palms and shouted lowly: “Push the pressure cannon!” ”

A dense blaster burst out and shot towards the Hulk.

The Hulk blocks with both arms, and the shockwave blasts through the Hulk.

After the repeated bombings, Xiong said lightly: “It’s solved.” ”

However, with a violent roar, the Hulk rushed over again, looking at the body of the Hulk, and did not cause much damage.

“It’s amazing vitality.” Xiong was slightly surprised.

Hulk’s fist blasted out, the bear stretched out his right palm to resist, bang, this time, the palm depression became deeper and deeper, bang, the Hulk was bounced again, however, the bear also cut back three meters away.

Xiong was surprised: “The strength has increased a lot. ”

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