Xia Qi said: “The great route, there are also people like you, through other routes, conquered all kinds of hardships to come here, no matter which way you choose, you will be blocked by the Red Earth Continent.” In order to cross this cliff, everyone will gather on this island. It is rare to see newcomers from the same time in the world at the same time. ”

“Especially Hulk, Green Peppers, Klockdar, M. Caesar Courant, these are frequently reported names.”

Hulk didn’t read much newspapers, but he didn’t pay attention to these, it seems that the person just now is indeed Klockdar.

And green peppers, Caesar, which are all known in the original book.

“However, the Hulk is really powerful, compared to the bounty, the Hulk is the first place.”

Kiping said, “That’s, our Uncle Hulk must be the most powerful.” ”

Xia Qi said: “The other five are. ”

“Klockdar, bounty, twelve million Bailey.”

“Green peppers, bounty, one hundred and eleven million Baileys.”

“M. Caesar Courant, bounty, one hundred million Bailey.”

“Saatchi, a bounty of 100 million Baileys.”

“Edward Weibull, bounty, one hundred and seventy million Baileys.”

Hulk heard the name of the last person and raised his eyebrows slightly: “Edward Weibull, Whitebeard’s biological son.” ”

Kiping said proudly: “Haha, the five of them combined, the bounty is not as high as Uncle Hulk.” ”

Xia Qi reminded: “Although the bounty of Edward Weibull is only 170 million Bailey, his strength is very strong. Because he is, Whitebeard’s biological son. ”

Kiping heard this: “Whitebeard! ”

Even if he was a small pirate before, it is impossible for him not to know the prestige of Whitebeard.

Edward Newgate, one of the Four Emperors, is known as the strongest man in the world.

Kiping said, “The son of the strongest man in the world.” ”

Jiping calmed down and said proudly: “I can get the title of the strongest in the world, it is because I haven’t met Uncle Hulk yet, otherwise he would be the second in the world.” ”

Hulk didn’t expect that Kiping was already his own brain-dead fan, but the strength of Whitebeard, Hulk would like to see it, but not now.

Kiping said, “Uncle Hulk, there are so many powerful pirates here, the person you are looking for will not have any accident.” ”

Xia Qi said confidently: “No, that man is much stronger than these people, but compared to Hulk, then I don’t know who is stronger.” ”

Hulk said, “Thank you for the news, go first.” ”

“Well, welcome next time.”

After leaving, Hulk said, “Kiping, you and your crew go to the gambling shop to take a look, and Robin and I go to the population auction to take a look.” ”


When Kiping and his crew walked to a busy street, suddenly all the people in front of them retreated, reached the sides of the road, and then fell to their knees in unison.

Jiping was slightly startled: “What’s going on?” ”

A local whispered, “Hey! Draco came, quickly got out of the way, and knelt on the ground. ”

Hearing the three words Draco, Kiping naturally heard them, and immediately retreated to the sides of the road with the crew, hesitated for a while and knelt on the ground.

Kiping didn’t know if the Hulk would reprimand him if he knew to kneel in front of Draco, but Kiping didn’t dare not kneel, he didn’t want to cause trouble for the Hulk, although the Hulk was strong, but Draco couldn’t offend.

“Draco, in the inability to bring such unscrupulous swagger, what a troublesome race, it seems that you can only kneel down and wait for him to pass first.”

A pirate about twenty-four years old, wearing a black jacket, a scar in the middle of his nose, a cigarette in his mouth, and a golden hook in his left hand. He was Klockdar, and although he was reluctant, he still had to kneel.

At the same time, two supernovae were here, Caesar and Green Pepper, also kneeling on the ground.

In front of the road, an ugly man dressed gorgeously, with a fat figure and a bubble hood on his head, led a dog, which was also covered with bubbles.

This is Draco, who wears a bubble hood on his head because he considers himself great and disdains to breathe the same air as ordinary people.

There was a long snot hanging from the nose, almost dripping down the chin, sucked, and returned to the nose.

The dog holding the lead raised its leg to pee, and Draco looked down at the kneeling man on the side and said, “Mouth open.” ”

The man did not dare not listen, and quickly opened his mouth, and the dog peed into the man’s mouth.

Although he was very reluctant and wanted to vomit, the man endured it, but the taste was so smelly that he finally couldn’t help but spray.


Urine was sprayed out and all sprayed on the dog’s body.

Draco’s face immediately sank, and he took out a gun and pointed it at the man: “Untouchable, it is your honor to let you drink it, die.” ”


A shot pierced the man’s mouth, and the man fell to the ground.

“Bite him.”

The dog began to bite the man’s face, blurring flesh and blood.

The man is not dead, dying, torn and bitten by the dog, weak and crying for help: “Who can save me…”

Kiping’s crew said, “Captain, it’s too cruel to do this when you hurt like this.” ”

Kiping whispered, “Hold on, don’t be impulsive.” ”

The surrounding civilians trembled and knelt on the ground, and the supernova also continued to kneel, every one who dared to help, did not dare to put one.

At this time, Hulk and Robin had already arrived at the auction house.

Hulk said, “That man is not here.” ”

PS: Hit the shelves at twelve o’clock in the evening, notify first, and then directly change ten chapters, and the climax will arrive soon.

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