Hulk and the others easily broke through and came to Sharkey’s shop.

Hulk said, “Kiping, you guys stay here, Renly, you’re my man now, right?” They handed it over to you. ”

Renly laughed: “I originally wanted to rob you before, but I admire you, so let’s help you take care of them.” ”

Hulk left, and since Renly promised, there was no need to worry about Robin and their accidents.

Robin didn’t follow, because she knew that the Hulk was facing a big battle next, and following it herself would only distract the Hulk.

Island 27.

The pirate’s face changed in shock: “I heard that the warship is coming!” ”

“Is the general coming? Hurry up and run! ”


One shell after another, but on one of the shells, stood a person.


The shell exploded, but the figure in the fire remained intact.

With curly black hair, a suit with yellow and white stripes, a beard on his face, and a pair of sunglasses, he is thin and tall.

This man is the yellow ape.

“I’m a yellow ape, I’ve arrived, please reply.” The yellow ape spoke to the black phone worm on his left hand, speaking slowly.

“The Great General Yellow Ape is here! Run away! ”

The yellow ape said to the black phone worm, “Moses Moses… How strange. ”

At this point, the Hulk arrived at Island 36.


Suddenly, a figure fell, the dust cleared, and a man with a large axe on his back appeared, he was huge, with the same figure as a wrestler, his face and hairstyle were similar to that of a girl, there was a sewn scar on his face, and he was wearing a red belly pocket with three hooks of jade and a pattern symbolizing heaven in the middle of the red belly pocket.

“Hulk Hulk, I didn’t expect to meet you so soon.”

Hulk said, “Battle Peach Pill?” ”

Zhan Taomaru said: “You actually know my name, but I won’t answer you, I won’t tell you anything, Uncle Ben is the most defensive man in the world, and his tone is also very tight.” ”

Hulk said, “What a contradiction in what you said. ”

The Hulk rushed over and smashed a punch at Orochimaru, but Orochimaru did not dodge.

Hulk’s fist hit it, and Orochimaru remained motionless.


The Hulk was shaken out.

“Uncle Ben’s defense is the strongest in the world, do you have this little power?” Orochimaru said proudly.

The Hulk stood up and turned into the Hulk.

“Go alone!”

A powerful thrust struck out and slammed into the Hulk’s body.

Walk alone: Spread your palms, wrap your domineering spirits, and push them towards your opponent. Its domineering spirit is very powerful enough to eject people.

In the original book, Luffy also feels very much pain after being shot down.

However, the Hulk did not take a step back, rushed forward, and punched hard.



Zhan Taomaru was directly smashed by the terrifying force, smashed on the main trunk of the mangrove tree, and smashed a hole.

Hulk was disdainful in his heart: “In front of Lao Tzu, you dare to claim that the world’s defense is the strongest?” ”

Orochimaru crawled out, and there was a pain in his mouth, but only a slight injury.

“The Hulk is indeed very powerful, but my defense is…”

Before Orochimaru’s four words of the world’s strongest could be spoken, Hulk swooped and appeared in front of him.


Hulk fist smashes Battle Peach Pill!

One punch can’t kill you, then two punches! If two punches don’t work, then keep fighting! Until you kill it!


Orochimaru was beaten by the Hulk and screamed.

In the eyes of the Hulk, Orochimaru’s claim to be the strongest defense in the world is a joke.


Orochimaru roared, his feet slammed, and the powerful thrust shook the Hulk away.


Orochimaru felt that he was the strongest defense in the world, but he was beaten by the Hulk wildly, and his whole body ached.

Orochimaru’s big axe whistled and slashed at Hulk’s neck.


The axe slashed at the Hulk’s neck, but left no scars.

“Why is his defense so strong?” After being briefly surprised, Orochimaru said, “My defense is the strongest in the world, and his defense can’t be stronger than mine!” ”

In the eyes of the Hulk, Orochimaru is a clown, dare to say that his defense is stronger than that of the Hulk?

The Hulk continued to beat wildly, and soon, Orochimaru was beaten fat, and his whole body was covered in blood.

With a click, Orochimaru’s axe shattered.

The Hulk slammed a punch on Orochimaru’s male and female face, directly smashing Orochimaru’s head and dying.

Island 24.

The yellow ape appeared in front of a pirate and spoke with a yin and yang strange voice: “I want to inquire about something.” ”

The pirate’s face changed in shock, and he kept retreating: “Huang… Yellow Ape! ”

“I’m looking for a man named Orochimaru, do you know where he is.”

The pirate was horrified, “I… I don’t know…”

At this moment, behind the yellow ape, a rough and low beast-like voice came.

“I know where he is.”

The yellow ape turned around, looked at the green giant in front of him, and said, “Oh, Hulk Hulk, you know?” ”

Hulk said, “He’s in hell, go down and find him.” ”

Hearing this, the yellow ape swooped and appeared to the right side of the Hulk.

“Speed is weight, have you ever learned a flash kick?”

The yellow ape’s legs lifted, the photons condensed, and kicked out at the speed of light.


The Hulk was kicked and smashed through several houses.

The pirate in the distance looked shocked.

“That’s awesome! Kicked the Hulk away! ”


The yellow ape pointed his finger at the front, the golden light condensed, and with a swoosh, the golden light shot out and bombarded in front.

“Roar!” The Hulk roared and rushed out, slamming a punch into the yellow ape’s head.

However, the yellow ape’s body was elementalized, and the light was scattered, and it soon condensed into its original form.

The Hulk jumped up violently, and a mirror-like light accumulated in the yellow ape’s hand shot out to bounce off the surrounding buildings, forming a track of light.


In an instant, the yellow ape appeared above the Hulk and kicked down.


The Hulk fell to the ground, smashing out a deep pit.

“Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!”

Countless dazzling light projectiles shot down from the sky and densely bombarded the Hulk on the ground.


The constant bombardment continues.

The pirate in the distance said, “This Hulk is dead.” ”

“Although it is very strong, with a bounty of 600 million, it is no match for the admiral after all.”

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