Cindolly said, “Hulk, I’ll bring you food every day.” ”

Hulk shook his head: “No need, during my practice, none of you used to send me anything.” ”

“Huh? Why? Cindolly asked.

Hulk said: “If you have food, everything in the mountains, forests, rivers, and seas, and if you don’t even have this ability to survive, then it’s not a practice, it’s a vacation.” ”

“Is that so?” Cindolly nodded: “Hmm! We got it! ”

Renly sincerely admired the Hulk.

Send Robin and them to Daughter’s Island, and Mother-in-law naturally agrees.

Robin asked, “Brother Hulk, how long are you going to practice?” ”

Hulk thought for a moment: “Eight years.” ”

“Eight years…”

Robin didn’t expect it to take so long.

Practice domineering, Hulk mainly wants to practice armed color domineering, with Hulk’s qualifications, it won’t take so long, but Hulk also wants Robin and them to grow up, because if they only practice for two or three years, they will definitely not grow much, and, two or three years, Robin will be in his early ten, Robin and Perona are still young, can’t let them follow them anymore.

Robin understood: “Hmm! In these eight years, I will practice hard! ”

“Well, look forward to your changes then.”

Hancock also vowed to practice hard.

Hulk was looking forward to their strength at that time, and what he was looking forward to most was their appearance.

Eight years later, Robin will be sixteen, and Hancock will be seventeen, and by then they will have developed into peerless beauties.

Hulk and Renly left, did not take a boat, but swam to Ruscaina, and the sea king class appeared halfway, scared away by Renly’s overlord-colored domineering shock.

The Nine Snakes looked extremely horrified, they were really two monsters.

When he arrived at Ruskayana, Renly sensed the domineering look and said, “Hulk, if you are in your current form, basically all the creatures on this island, you are not an opponent, the number is about 30,000.” ”

Hulk knows the danger here, when Luffy practiced in the anime, it was already a bounty of 400 million, and there were still five hundred animals on this island that could not be beaten, which shows that there are many powerful monsters on this island, and even some monsters have reached the level of the Seven Wuhai.

Reilly said, “If you become a Hulk, it is estimated that none of them will be your opponents, but I hope that during your practice, you will try not to transform into the Hulk.” ”

Hulk nodded: “Well, okay! ”

Hulk does not intend to transform into the Hulk, but he knows that transformation is based on his anger, and anger is often difficult to control, but Hulk will try his best to control his emotions, otherwise he will transform into the Hulk, the boss of the island, and there is no point in cultivating.

The Hulk itself is not strong, so this practice, not only to learn domineering, but also to improve their own strength, so that they do not need to encounter trouble to transform into the Hulk, regardless of whether the other party is a small pirate or a sea pirate.

Little pirates, if they can solve it, they can solve it, and if they can’t solve it, they will transform into the Hulk to solve it.

Renly warned, “However, it will be dangerous for you on this island. ”

Hulk said, “If there is no danger, then what kind of practice.” ”

Renly praised: “Hulk, that’s right. ”

Reilly pointed to the tree in front of him: “However, if you encounter danger, you are not inescapable, remember that tree, it is the only safe area on the island where the beasts will not approach.” ”

Hulk looked over, and just like the original, it was a huge white radish.

While this is strange, Renly is also unclear why.

Heading inside, I soon saw dilapidated ruins, as if there had been human beings here in the past.

Reilly said: “Legend has it that a long time ago, there was a country here, but the survival of the fittest, human beings did not compete for survival, and eventually perished. There is a cruel nature here, and it is a dangerous place. ”

The Hulk is not afraid, but excited.

The current weather, like spring, Rayleigh said: “This week is the most comfortable weather, I hope you can adapt to it in the future.” ”

Hulk does not dare to easily boast about Haikou, the forty-eight solar terms on the island change is not a joke, human adaptability is very strong, normal spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons change no problem, the change of seasons is at most just a cold and fever, and the forty-eight solar terms of Ruth Kaina Island, which will change once a week, will definitely be very tormenting.

Reilly said: “The strength of your current form, it seems that during this time, if you want to sleep peacefully, you can’t.” ”

Hulk said, “Although this form of me is very different from me who became the Hulk, I am not too weak. ”

The Hulk kill point has reached fifteen thousand, and a third enhancement can be performed.

The first time it was physical defenses, the second was speed, and this time, the Hulk intended to strengthen his strength.

Click to strengthen, and the Hulk instantly felt that his physical strength had increased several times.

A punch smashed into a large tree on the side, and the big tree broke.

Reilly was slightly startled: “It seems that you in this form are indeed not weak, but there are still twenty-eight fierce beasts on this island that are stronger than you.” ”

Hulk nodded, so it was interesting.

Looking at the killing points required for the next strengthening, it costs 30,000.

A lot is needed, then start killing from here.



A ten-meter giant frog jumped out, and its huge body smashed at Renly and Hulk.

The Hulk’s strength was increased, he moved quickly, and punched out, but was shocked and flew away, and the frog did not let out a little scream.

Hulk secretly said: “It’s really strong. ”

The frog’s scarlet tongue pierced Renly, who turned his back and closed his eyes.


The tongue stabbed at Renly, but it was all easily dodged by Renly, stabbing the ground, and the ground pierced deep pits.

Looking at Renly’s flowing figure, it is indeed handsome.

“You should know that this is seeing and smelling domineering.”

Reilly turned around, covered his fist with a layer of pitch black, and smashed the frog into the air: “This is armed color domineering.” ”

The frog stood up angrily, and Renly’s sharp eyes glared at the frog fiercely, and the frog directly trembled physically, covered in cold sweat, and slowly fell down.

“This is the overlord color domineering.”

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