After fighting for so long, Hulk didn’t want to spend it anymore, and his own strength was almost tested.

The Hulk roared and immediately transformed into the Hulk.

The stronger the Hulk itself, the stronger the self-awareness of becoming the Hulk, and the current Hulk, self-awareness, occupies 70%, and the previous words are 10%, which is a lot better.

Increased self-awareness, so that you can act according to your heart.

After transforming himself in this way, his strength has also been sublimated, so in the past few years, there are many benefits to improving himself.

Seeing Hulk transform into the Hulk, the red dog’s face changed and he immediately prepared to leave.

After all, now at sea, if you are accidentally hit by the Hulk and fall into the sea, you will be finished.

The Red Dog slammed into the Hulk with a large Spitfire, and the Hulk green fist directly covered the black armed color domineering, and slammed into the lava fist.


The lava fist shattered instantly, and it was unstoppable to bombard the red dog.

The red dog fist blasted out, and after the collision, it was smashed out by the rest of the force and landed on the ship with a bang.

Holding back the pain coming from his right arm, the red dog shouted, “Retreat!” ”

The warship hurriedly left, and Hulk said coldly: “Want to go?” ”

The Hulk jumped down sharply and landed on the warship.

The navy sat on the ground in fright and kept retreating.

The red dog glanced at it: “Waste, lose the face of the navy.” ”

The red dog stared at the Hulk and secretly called out that he was unlucky, originally thinking that it was inevitable for Hancock to become His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, but he did not expect to meet the Hulk Hulk.

The Red Dog attacks the Hulk with all his might, but with each collision, he is in pain and cannot counteract all of the Hulk’s power.

Hulk mocked: “Red dog, it seems that you have not grown much over the years.” ”

“Abominable! Then let you see my new move! ”

The red dog rushed to the sky, the whole body was filled with magma, and the turbulent fell into the sea, the sea water was constantly evaporated, and soon, a small area of the surrounding sea became a magma sea, although the sea water is evaporating, the magma is collapsing, but obviously the amount of magma is greater.

Hulk was slightly curious: “New move? Has the magma fruit awakened? ”

“Earth Core Great Red Lotus!”

Suddenly, from the sea, a lava with a diameter of five meters, about 100 meters high, rose up, like a volcanic eruption, and the temperature of this lava was extremely high.

The sea water around the lava column was evaporated in an instant, and there was seawater that continued to spread, but it was constantly evaporated.

The Hulk felt the scorching heat, and the navy felt that his body was about to burn and quickly retreated.

Hulk secretly said: “The temperature of the earth’s core has increased a lot.” ”

The huge pillar of magma, transformed into a huge red dog that had always been intact, roared and rushed towards the Hulk.

Although I don’t know if this is an awakening, it is very powerful, and the fist covered by the Hulk’s armed color domineering bursts out with all its might.


The terrifying force collides with the lava giant dog, and there is a stalemate.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, the red dog landed on the ground, a little breathless, obviously using this trick, consuming a lot of physical strength.

The warship left quickly, and the Hulk roared, struggling to scatter the lava giant dog, and the warship was about to disappear from sight.

The Hulk fell onto the Hydra Pirate ship and let them escape, but sooner or later, he would personally destroy the naval headquarters.

The Hulk changed into human form, and Hancock asked with concern, “Hulk, aren’t you hurt?” ”

“Nope.” Hulk said, “Let’s go back.” ”


When they arrived at Daughter’s Island, when they heard that Hulk had returned from their practice, Robin’s three daughters ran over excitedly. I haven’t seen it for eight years, and I miss it very much.

After seeing Hulk, Robin couldn’t help but hug Hulk and became emotional.

“Brother Hulk, it’s been eight years, and I finally saw you.” Robin misses the Hulk very much.

For eight years, Robin focused all his energy on practice, and when he rested, he would miss Hulk.

The same goes for Cindolly and Perona.

Hulk felt the two soft clouds touched by Hun Qian, and immediately said: “Robin, you have grown up.” ”

Realizing his gaffe, Robin blushed and let go of the Hulk.

Hulk said, “Here, let me take a closer look at you.” ”

Robin has grown into a big beauty.

Hulk sighed secretly: ”

And Robin, they are all natural beauties.

Hulk looked at Cindolly, her figure was a little fuller than before, and as for Perona, she was now the standard loli, twelve years old.

In the next few days, Hulk plans to stay on Daughter’s Island, and Hulk knows that the Navy will definitely come again, and the forces will be stronger.

Headquarters of the Navy.

Sengoku looked at the red dog who came back embarrassed, and asked with a frown: “How?” Failed? ”

Sengoku was a little surprised, he felt that this matter was handed over to the red dog to handle, and it would definitely succeed, but he didn’t expect the red dog to be so embarrassed, could it be that Hancock’s ability was really so tricky?

The red dog said hatefully: “It is the Hulk who will fail if I step in.” ”

“Hulk? Is he finally out. ”

In the past six years, I have been checking the news of the Hulk, but I have never found out the whereabouts of the Hulk, and I didn’t expect it to appear now.

“Sakaski, you go to Daughters Island with Kuzan, Borusalino, and Staff Officer Tsuru, this time you must solve the Hulk!”

At this time, an old woman with gray hair in a military uniform walked in, he was Vice Admiral and Staff Officer of the Navy Headquarters, Crane.

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