The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 232 Take them home

Harris is a smart man. Xu Lai not only did not express his intention to leave, but said that he would stay and accompany them to accept the baptism of the storm.

But this statement made the young humans overjoyed, but Harris clearly heard the intention of leaving in Xu Lai's words.

But at this time, Harris couldn't say it directly.

Harris also believes that Xu Lai did not explain directly and did not want to deceive them.

Simply because saying it directly would have a terrible impact on morale.

Harris thought seriously for a while and said: "Dear hero, there are still supplies accumulated by the orcs in Kuba City for a long time.

When I was sorting out yesterday, I discovered cattle, sheep and horses from Pingfeng Grassland.

Yesterday I found some skilled blacksmiths and started making stirrups and vests for these horses, and selected some herdsmen from the grasslands.

Please believe me, although they do not have a combat profession, they will not hinder you.

Even if you only let them help you carry some supplies, you can last longer in the wild. How about you wait a few more days? "

Xu Lai looked at Harris in shock, obviously not expecting Harris to tell him this, and was even prepared.

After a while, Xu Lai gestured to Yu Lan beside him, and then said to Harris: "Shall we go for a walk together?"

Yu Lan really understood Xu Lai's thoughts. Before he could use his mind control, Yu Lan stopped all the young people following Harris with a gentle smile on his face.

Xu said it was time to go, but of course Harris had no choice but to go.

"Those war horses, cattle and sheep were all plundered from Pingfeng Grassland, right? Didn't they stay on the front line as supplies?"

Harris said: "Of course a large part of the front line was intercepted, but most of the horses and a small number of cattle and sheep were transported back.

I have interrogated the prisoners. The cattle and sheep are to be transferred to the royal court for the enjoyment of the nobles in the stronghold.

As for the war horses, the orcs call themselves beast masters and want to tame these war horses.

In fact, these war horses have been raised and raised, and it is not difficult to tame them. The difficulty is that there are no basic conditions for their survival in the wild land. "

Indeed, after Xu Lai came to the wilderness, he always used the fodder he brought with him to feed his war horses.

Just a few days ago, at the two forest farms, Xu Lai let the horses eat grass happily, and harvested some of it and put it in the supply truck.

Judging from the speed at which two forest farms have been cultivated in the wilderness for who knows how many years, there is a high probability that horses will not be able to breed.

However, the high-level leaders of the stronghold have long seen the limitations of the wolf cavalry. If they cannot run or fight for a long time, they have lost most of the most important mobility of the cavalry.

In fact, in addition to wolf cavalry, orcs have also domesticated tigers and leopards and other wild beasts.

However, the number of tigers and leopards is so small that even if they are given more lives by some means, they will kill each other.

Because the orcs cannot provide them with sufficient food without an upper limit, they themselves will suppress the size of the group. This is inherent in their genes.

After all, the resources in the wilderness are still too poor.

Tigers and leopards can't do it, their appetites are too big.

The orcs also have great ideas about Kodo beasts. Kodo are omnivorous creatures and do not tolerate meat and vegetables, so the orcs want to train Kodo knights.

They also succeeded. According to the information Xu Lai had, there was a hidden unit called the Kodo Knights in the stronghold.

However, the number of kodo beasts is too rare, even less than that of tigers and leopards. It is okay to cultivate the elite of the elite on a small scale, but it is impossible to cultivate them on a large scale.

After all these years of breeding experience, the horses that satisfy the orcs the most are still the horses from Pingfeng Grassland.

They run very fast, and even the fastest wolf can't even claim to be sure of defeating a prairie war horse.

They have strong load-bearing capabilities, and even the most common prairie war horses can easily carry a knight weighing thousands of kilograms.

Their endurance is pretty good. Not to mention those 5th and 6th level noble horses, even ordinary prairie war horses can easily run for several hours.

Even if you carry a knight on your back, it won't be a big problem if you run for an hour or two.

Finally, these war horses are still very docile. Even the fiercest war horses are very well-behaved in front of the evil wolves.

The Wolf Rider looks very majestic. Most of the time, he has to serve his ancestors well. Otherwise, if they bite you back, you may not be able to defeat your own mount.

Harris continued: "The orcs have been thinking about the grassland for more than a day or two.

This time the stronghold provoked the empire and brought back a large number of hard workers, but old guys like us were secretly plundered by the orcs a few years ago.

They have always wanted to cultivate new types of cavalry, so they also take special care of their war horses. The war horses captured in the front are either transported directly to the royal court, or they are first sent to nearby big cities to be raised.

There are forest farms near Kuba City and Siqiang, so many horses were sent to these two cities. "

"how many?"

Xu Lai asked the most critical question.

Harris said: "The requirements of the orcs are not low, and they look down on things like pack horses.

I asked the herdsmen to check carefully. Most of the pack horses are not in good health and need to be recuperated before they can carry people. If they are carrying things under 100 kilograms, there should be no big problem.

There are fewer horses of the second and third levels, with the largest number being the level 4 grassland war horses, with more than 150 horses, and the remaining 50 level 5 and 6 horses.

Level 3 or above is the standard for the intermediate level. After the intermediate level, whether it is a human or an animal, the physical fitness and tolerance have been greatly improved.

I finally calculated that starting from level 4, the number of healthy and physically strong war horses is around 160, and there are more than 40 draft horses. "

Xu Lai nodded and said, "How many people do you want me to take away?"

Harris already had an answer to this question. He said without hesitation: "40 pack horses carry goods and 160 war horses carry people. You can take away 160 people."

Not counting other races and camps, there should only be about 500 humans after the battle in Mercury Town.

Later, many hard laborers were brought back from the forest farms and stone quarries. The total number of humans had already exceeded a thousand, probably less than a thousand and a half.

Taking away 160 people is equivalent to taking away one-tenth. This request is not excessive.

However, Xu Lai was silent for a while and then said: "Choose half, I will take 80 people away."

Seeing what Harris wanted to say, Xu Lai waved his hand and said, "I have to tell you, even if I take them away now, it will not be back to the grassland.

I am still fighting when I am stationed outside the city, and it may be more dangerous than when you are protected by city walls.

Moreover, although there are many armors and weapons we captured, not all of them may fit.

I require these 80 people and their horses to all wear armor.

Their joining cannot affect the mobility of the troops, so I require them to have one person and two horses.

Therefore, these 80 people must have very good riding skills. The minimum riding level must be level 5. Priority will be given to those who have been on the battlefield. At the worst, they must have received certain military training.

This is my minimum requirement. I want to take them home, not take them to die. "

Harris lowered his head and murmured: "I listen to you. Please take them home. What they carry with them is also our hope."

Xu Lai sighed and said: "Don't be discouraged, keep at it, you will have a chance after all.

I'll stay for one more day, and you can choose the people and say goodbye to them.

After leaving the city this time, if there are no accidents, we probably won't come back again.

Also, don't be racist. Just ask the elves and ask them to pick out a few who are good at riding.

This time the orcs invaded the grassland, thanks to the elves, who traveled thousands of miles to support us. "

Harris nodded and said: "I understand, the human race will not treat our allies badly."

Having said this, Xu Lai finally fell silent.

After standing for a long time, Xu Lai patted the other party on the shoulder and said: "Old Ha, you go ask again and see if they have any relatives alive. If so, find someone to write a few letters.

I may not be able to take you out, but I will definitely bring these family letters for you. "

Harris smiled and said: "That would be great. In this case, we old guys will have no regrets when we die."

Xu Lai opened his mouth to speak, but he really had no choice but to take them away.

Taking these nearly ten thousand people with them, we have to walk thousands of kilometers of wild roads and cross the dozens of kilometers of Pingfeng Mountains.

Not to mention that the orcs would not watch them leave, even if there was no one to stop them along the way, he might not be able to take half of them back.

The first thing to bear the brunt is supplies. Even if everyone carries their weight to the limit and only brings food and water, it will be difficult for them to get home.

Not to mention the weather in the wild land, it is impossible to return alive without clothes and coal.

Xu Lai finally stayed in Kuba City for another night.

The longer he stayed, the stronger the lingering shadow in his heart became, as if there was a sharp sword hanging above his head, and no one knew when it would fall.

For Xu Lai now, even if the sword really falls, it may not be able to kill him.

But it is this feeling of knowing that there is danger but not knowing when it will come that is the most irritating.

Xu Lai tossed and turned last night and finally managed to fall asleep in the middle of the night.

When it was dark in the morning, Xu Lai got up and gathered all the knights.

After following Xu Lai all the time, these knights finally recovered all their strength in the past two days.

At the city gate in the early morning, rows of knights were fully armed, holding two horses, and lined up on both sides of the road in an orderly manner.

Harris, who probably didn't sleep much all night, said to Xu Lai with his disheveled hair:

"Your Majesty Hero, why don't you let the children have a bowl of hot soup before setting off? It's so early in the morning and we haven't had breakfast yet."

Xu Lai shook his head and asked loudly: "Have your horses been fed?"



The sparse answers made Xu Lai very dissatisfied.

"Are you hungry?"

"Not hungry!"

The wilderness is very hot during the day. No one has taken care of them these days, and many livestock have died.

In addition, these hard workers have been abused for a long time, and now it is rare that there is no control. Of course, they can eat as much as they want.

Xu Lai said to Harris: "The horses have been fed, they are not hungry, and they will not be cold when the sun comes out, so there is no need to drink the hot soup."

After we leave later, the whole city will immediately enter a state of war readiness, and you must centrally manage all supplies. "

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