The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 630: Counterattack on the Wilderness

Looking at the debris on the ground, Xu Lai was so angry that he didn't want to talk.

Wang Chaoqiang smiled and said, "I can pick it up, and I should be able to recycle some."

Xu Lai didn't expect to make money from the war, but this war really made him suffer heavy losses.

Not to mention the tens of millions of gold coins used to make poison, the bounty that Xu Lai offered alone must be tens of millions.

Fortunately, not many people died this time. Most of the civilians were recruited from farms, and the remaining living people were basically resurrected.

Some of the victims whose bodies could not be found or who had to make way for other more important units only added up to a few hundred.

Among them, except that the pensions for mercenaries would be higher, the conscription of soldiers and farmers would be less.

However, Xu Lai didn't need to bear the cost of mercenaries' future life, and Xu Lai would provide future security for all those who died in the Qingfeng Legion.

Although Wang Chao said that he could recycle some, Xu Lai knew it in his heart.

The ruins in front of him, in addition to digging out the heart of the castle, still have some value.

There are only a few rotten wood and stones left, which are worth nothing.

Xu Lai turned around and said to Wang Chao, Tahan and others: "Go, but don't kill these orcs anymore, capture them all.

After catching them, kill the leader, kill the resisters, and tie up the rest. I will find slave traders to transport them away."

Since the orcs left things to replenish his blood, Xu Lai had no choice but to let the orcs replenish his blood themselves.

At this time, Xu Lai regretted releasing the two Doomsday Judgments. These two spells were powerful and had a wide coverage.

In addition to the orcs still alive in the ruins of the base camp, only some lucky ones and high-level orcs were alive within the coverage of his spells.

Xu Lai had bought orc slaves to test drugs before, and he knew very well that orc slaves were a relatively popular variety.

There are three reasons. These orcs are strong and work hard. One orc can be used as two or three adult men.

Secondly, orcs don't have high requirements. As long as they can be fed, they are willing to work hard.

Unlike human slaves, who are always thinking about escaping because it is illegal.

As long as human slaves run away, they will have a free and unfettered life. How can they be at ease to be your slaves?

Orcs are different. Even if they run away, they will only be killed by the sheriff, patrolmen and mercenaries, or sold to another master.

Thirdly, the living environment in the wilderness is too harsh, otherwise Sachs and a group of chiefs would not have to think about getting out of the wilderness.

These orcs are also equivalent to the private property of the chiefs and elders in their own tribes, which is not much better than slaves.

The most important thing is that although they do the same work in the wilderness and in human territory, they can at least have enough food to work for humans.

They can even sleep in a room with several people without being exposed to wind and rain. If they are lucky, they can occasionally have meat when there is a happy event in the master's family.

Relatively speaking, human landlords also prefer orc slaves.

Because once the orc slaves start to rebel, even with handcuffs and shackles, it is not easy for ordinary landlords and slave owners to deal with them.

But these orcs, as long as they are well fed and don't need to wear warm clothes, they will be quiet and obedient enough.

Anyway, food is not valuable, why should we provoke these quiet orcs to rebel? Even a fool can do the math.

However, the orcs that Xu Lai bought before were all about level 3, and the average level of orcs at this time is about level 6.

Orcs are different from other people. Orcs are mainly strong in their physical strength.

If it is a mage, no matter how high the level is, it is not afraid. Just put on a magic lock, and no matter how strong the magic power is, it is about the same as that of ordinary people.

The physical strength of high-level orcs is extremely terrifying, and heavy steel shackles may not be able to control them.

This means that once these high-level orcs rebel, it is difficult to be controlled, and the risk is relatively high.

If it really doesn't work, Xu Lai doesn't mind going to the wilderness and asking the chiefs there if they are willing to redeem these high-level orcs.

Even if the redemption price is one or two times more expensive than the recruitment price, he estimates that the orc chiefs are willing to buy it.

There is no way. After this battle, there are not many warriors left in the entire stronghold camp.

Not to mention dealing with Xu Lai, the invasion of the tower, or the swamp, it is not enough to deal with the barbarians in the wilderness.

There are many horse thieves, mountain bandits, water bandits and pirates in the human territory.

In the orc territory, because of poverty, there are more such bandits, barbarians, goblins and the like are countless.

It's strange that Xu Lai didn't say before that he would not kill them if they surrendered, but these orcs refused to surrender one by one.

Xu Lai thought they were hard bones, but it turned out that they simply thought that Xu Lai would not spare them.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the orcs knelt down one by one, even the chiefs did not hesitate at all.

In fact, this is not surprising. Before Xu Lai came, most of the orcs had been hungry for several days.

Even if Xu Lai did not use the Doomsday Judgment, these guys had no resistance at all.

The price of not eating enough is that you can't use even one point of your original strength.

The logistics soldiers that Fang Chao brought with him were not of high rank, and they would never dare to touch these high-level orcs.

But today, the orcs in front of him were either dying or lying in the ruins, refusing to move.

The logistics soldiers had no choice. Some took out their own holy water and carefully fed them some.

Some took out their own rations and gave these orcs one or two steamed buns.

They really had no choice. Affected by the Doomsday Judgment, even the high-level orcs were only left with a trace of blood and skin, looking like they would die at any time.

If they were not given some life points in time, they might die in the next second.

Now, these orcs are no longer enemies, but property. Dead property is worthless.

As for feeding them steamed buns, it is not because they are afraid of them dying.

Orcs generally have a high physique. Not to mention starving for three days, even if they starve for seven days and seven nights, they can be saved.

However, they are now lying on the ground pretending to be dead, looking completely uncooperative.

If they are not given food, several people will have to carry these orcs, wasting several people's manpower.

It is impossible not to lift them. Each of these things is more than two meters tall. Even if they are stripped of their equipment, they still weigh several hundred kilograms. How can a low-level warrior move them?

Giving them a steamed bun will not make them full, but it can also restore their strength a little.

In this way, they can tie themselves up and follow the main force back to the camp, carrying the equipment on their own.

There is no need to even ask someone to look at them.

The hungry orcs heard that everyone would be given several more steamed buns when they returned to the camp.

There will even be meat buns in the buns. The orcs wish they could grow wings and fly into the human city right now.

Of course, there are also disobedient ones. Even if the morale of the recruited orc warriors is zero, as long as the intimidation of diplomacy is not triggered, these guys will resist to the end.

Of course, apart from giving experience, these guys have no other use.

Even the lowest-level peasants can kill these high-level orcs with a knife with the blessing of the god-level offensive technique.

Xu Lai felt a little pity, but he had no other choice.

Fortunately, the orcs recruited were loyal, and most of them died in the camp. Those who could escape here were basically naturally grown orcs.

Xu Lai directly notified Su Ya and Wei Yihong, asking them to find a way to organize more slave traders and middlemen to come.

If he simply looked for slave traders, he would be suppressed to death without even thinking about it.

And Xu Lai had just fought with the chiefs of the stronghold. Even if Xu Lai was willing to trade with these chiefs, they would not dare to come.

Therefore, he had to find those so-called middlemen to deal with both sides.

Of course, this kind of middleman must have a trust basis on both sides, or the kind of person who has a good reputation and can convince both sides.

There are not many such people, and it is not easy to find them, but as far as Xu Lai knows, there are many people in the empire who specialize in this kind of business.

Xu Lai does not necessarily have to do business with these middlemen, but with these people around, the slave traders cannot suppress him.

By the way, Xu Lai also called Wei Yihong and his caravan together.

He didn't have much loot, but Lena must have a lot. The drops from the Behemoths alone were worth at least tens or millions of gold coins.

Thousands of Behemoths cost tens of millions of gold coins to recruit, not counting rare resources. It was too rare to drop loot worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of gold coins.

In addition to these drops, the weapons and equipment used by the recruited orc warriors and the spell materials left in the camp were all valuable.

Even the corpses of giant wolves, evil wolves, and kodo beasts, if there were any alive, would be worth several times more.

Now that the battle was over, Xu Lai certainly needed to exchange these things for resources that were useful to him as soon as possible.

The person who handled these loot the fastest and most experiencedly was naturally Wei Yihong.


"Knight Commander, please give me your orders."

Lina in the silver armor responded with a serious face.

Xu Lai smiled and waved his hand, saying, "Don't be nervous, the battle is basically over."

Lina blinked and said to Xu Lai, "Really? Why do I feel that it's not?"

Xu Lai's eyes froze and said, "Why do you think so?"

Lina shrugged and said, "I heard that you moved a large number of villages and towns and farmers to the rear, and you are willing to allocate land and houses to these people. It costs a lot of money."

Xu Lai said puzzledly, "It cost a lot of money, but I also killed a lot of nobles and seized a lot of manors and land.

It would be a pity to abandon these manors and land if we don't send people to plant them. There is not much arable land in the grassland area."

Lina nodded and said, "I know that. It is because there is not much arable land in the grassland that you are willing to provide for these people and go to a safe area. It is even more precious.

But I remember that you are a person who never wants to suffer losses.

The orcs have caused you so much loss, will you be willing to let them go?"

Xu Lai shook his head and said, "What if I am not willing? Can I chase them and beat them?

I would like to force them to sign an unequal treaty with me.

But the wilderness is vast and there are not many resources.

Even if I bring enough food, I don't have the time to waste on this.

We all know that in a few months, the demons will definitely move."

The six-month deadline was about to come, but Kerrigan was tricked by the Pope and suffered heavy losses.

After the demon army rested, it was hard to say whether they would attack the grassland or the imperial capital directly.

The temple judged that they would attack the imperial capital, otherwise they would not have to send millions of believers all the way here.

"You have so many things to deal with, you definitely don't have time.

What if we make this trip for you?"

Xu Lai swallowed his saliva. If someone made this trip for him and made the orcs feel threatened, these guys might really be willing to pay tribute.

Now the stronghold is seriously injured. To put it bluntly, if Xu Lai is willing to spend time and energy to attack cities one by one, he can really wipe out the orcs.

The orcs are not good at ingenuity, and they are extremely short of siege and defense equipment.

The main forces of siege and defense, the Cyclops, Thunderbirds, Rocs, Golden Eagles and Orcs, all suffered heavy casualties.

If Xu Lai can do something more, win over some people, suppress some people, unify the wild land and become the beast king, there will be no problem at all.

But again, he doesn't have the time.

Even if he sets out with Reina and splits his troops into two groups, it will take at least one or two months to cover the entire wild land.

In the underground city, Xu Lai only set fire and threatened at the same time, and it is impossible for him to really flatten the twelve main cities one by one.

And there was nothing to do at the beginning, and he was also a light rider. Even if he had to go back before the end of the month, he could always go through the time and space gate.

But it was different when he went to the stronghold. There was no underground passage connecting the stronghold to the grassland.

Xu Lai knew a teleportation array, but the problem was that he couldn't take only a few people to conquer the wild land.

"I can't help you too much, and although the orcs have been seriously injured, they must have left troops to defend their hometown.

You only have more than 3,000 knights, so don't take the risk."

Lina shook her head and said, "We have more than these knights, and we also have the Eighth Knights.

We will set out together and bring enough food and grass.

Don't worry, we won't touch the orcs' high cities and strongholds. We will only attack the orcs' tribes in the form of small teams.

Their wolf cavalry suffered heavy losses, and our paladins can heal each other's wounds, so they will definitely not be able to outlast us.

When they are forced to the point of being unable to bear it, they will naturally be willing to sign the unequal treaty you mentioned."

Xu Lai hesitated again and again, but still said, "It's too risky, there is no need for this."

However, Lina was determined "Yes, and it is necessary.

I brought millions of believers here. These believers now have no land, no food, and even no place to live.

I know that Bishop Dur also told me that you have started preparations in advance.

But no matter how well you prepare, it is impossible to settle so many believers.

In addition, the arable land area of ​​the grassland is small. The arrival of believers will inevitably take away a large number of resources of the grassland people.

Maybe for a long time in the future, you, the lord, will need to take care of them.

As knights, we can't do much to help you. The only thing we are good at is fighting.

In addition, I am a little selfish. Many new recruits have joined our two knight groups.

At this time, the orcs who are seriously injured are also suitable for them to experience." (End of this chapter)

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