The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 637 Eagle Kingdom

This May is different from last year. This May is the month of milk, and milk production will triple.

This is obviously a month that has nothing to do with fighting, but for the herders on the grassland, it is undoubtedly a month worth rejoicing.

After entering May, officials from all over the country have come to Qingfeng City one after another.

Including the merchants invited by Xu Lai before, because of the distance from the news, many people failed to catch up with the first batch of sales.

In addition, Tahan who rushed back and the cavalry regiment he led.

The Qingfeng Corps led by Lena set off after settling all the affairs of the Stone City. They were all infantry, and their pace was much slower than that of the knights.

But this time, Xu Lai wanted to expand the army, and Qingfeng City had already started a new round of recruitment.

From the believers, 10,000 infantry were recruited, and from the herders, 3,000 cavalry were recruited.

But these 13,000 people have not yet welcomed back their commander.

However, the more than 100 officers brought back by Xu Lai and prepared to be promoted and re-employed were led to expand the camp and clean up the camp outside the city.

They came back by teleportation array, so the speed was naturally very fast.

Most of these more than 100 officers, headed by Joseph, were the herdsmen brought back from the base by Xu Lai.

These people have fought with Xu Lai for the longest time, and now the lowest ranks are great knights and heroes.

At the beginning, Xu Lai planned to train them as future officers.

Although the years of experience are not long now, they are all old men who have experienced several major wars and fierce battles.

These more than 100 officers are of great use to Xu Lai, but their reward orders have not been issued so quickly.

At this time, they are all in a semi-vacation state, just to help Xu Lai lead the new recruits for a period of time, so that these believers and herdsmen can quickly get into the state.

The transactions in the market have become more and more popular with the arrival of city lords, officials, and caravans and transport teams from various places.

The commercial areas originally planned by Xu Lai, including the commercial areas in the outer city, are no longer enough.

The influx of a large number of people also caused housing prices and commodity prices to rise rapidly in a short period of time.

Fortunately, Su Ya was decisive. In addition to opening the official cabin to supply those believers, he also opened many grain stores in the name of the official to sell grain at a fair price.

Xu Lai bought grain at a high price and sold it at a low price. Although he lost a lot of money, he stabilized the market.

As long as the price of grain and other things can be stable, the lives of ordinary people will not be greatly affected.

After Xu Lai returned to Qingfeng City, although most of the troops did not come back, Roland and his paladins were brought back.

In addition to more than a hundred officers such as Joseph, they quickly took over the barracks and recruited soldiers from the market in the past two months.

With these tens of thousands of soldiers in charge, Su Ya was also ruthless in dealing with those profiteers who hoarded grain.

These guys hired people to buy grain from Xu Lai's affordable grain store, and then sold it to Xu Lai at a high price. They really thought that others were fools.

Anyway, in the end, Xu Lai not only did not lose a penny by cutting the leeks of these dozens of profiteers, but also made a lot of money.

In particular, the land prices in Qingfeng City are becoming more and more promising, and these profiteers have hoarded a large number of land deeds.

The confiscated house deeds and land deeds alone can make these profiteers lose everything.

More and more wealthy officials are entering the city, and Qingfeng City is becoming more and more lively and prosperous.

After the demolition of the city walls, the Fort Conaston, the first city in the grassland, is more prosperous than ever, but it is still incomparable to today's Qingfeng City.

The news that Xu Lai wants to establish a country has now been made clear. As early as the morning of May 1, the streets of the entire city were covered with the latest notices issued by the Administrative Office.

The country name, national flag, and even the Congress that were discussed in advance have been officially announced.

Xu Lai does not have any bloodline of the Supreme King's family, so he cannot inherit the name of the Lion Dynasty anyway.

Moreover, let alone the grassland compared with the former territory of the Lion Empire, even the four empires that are now divided into pieces are more vast than the grassland.

Even if we only consider the size of the grassland, Pingfeng Grassland is not the largest grassland in the empire.

The reason why this place is important is that it is backed by the Pingfeng Mountains and is a neighbor of the stronghold.

The four empires did not completely divide up the empire's territory, such as the capital of the empire, Lionheart City, such as Pingfeng Grassland, such as the overseas islands, etc.

Perhaps because Xu Lai's founding of the country was supported by the temple, these forces also sent delegations here.

They seem to want to wait and see, and perhaps they also have the idea of ​​taking the opportunity to establish a country.

Even if they can't establish an empire, they can build a small kingdom like Xu Lai to satisfy their addiction to being a king.

On the contrary, the East Empire, the South Empire and the North Empire have not made any movement so far.

The West Empire has been destroyed, but the major cities connected to the North Empire and the grassland, or to the sea, still hold high the flag of the empire.

These cities also sent representatives here in the name of individuals.

The grassland is not qualified to inherit the throne, and Xu Lai disdains the name of the lion.

He hesitated between the Tiger Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom, but finally chose the Eagle Kingdom, which was loved and respected by the herdsmen.

As for the flag, Xu Laishanghei, the flag of the kingdom is based on black with a golden eagle embroidered on it.

The Congress was upgraded on April 30. After the Congress was established, Xu Lai directly included all grassland cities and the territories controlled by these cities through the Congress.

The moment the Congress was put down, the country had actually taken shape, but no specific ceremony was held.

And Xu Lai also obtained a new information panel, representing the information panel of the kingdom of the kingdom.

[Eagle Kingdom]

King (with the supreme power of the Eagle Kingdom): Xu Lai

Chief Minister (the highest vassal assisting the king): Su Ya

Others: None

Capital: Qingfeng City (capital-level city)

Subordinate cities: Conaston Castle (castle-level city)

Mingyue City (castle-level city)

Midheim (castle-level city)

Britnia (castle-level city)

Stone City (castle-level city)

Martel City (base camp-level city)


Saier Village (village)

Note: manors, pastures, farms, camps, camps, etc. are not included in the city list.

Mineral veins: Rich crystal mines (Qingfeng City)

Rich gold mines (Mingyue City)

Rich gemstone lakes (Conaston Castle)

Barren ore piles (Baishi Town)

There is a lot of information on the kingdom list, but it is only an overview, and there is a general understanding.

As for the economy, soldiers, officials, staff and other issues of each city, there is no other channel except to go deep into these cities to understand.

However, these situations are intuitive enough.

For example, if the mineral resources of a city are downgraded or disappear, but it is not reflected in the report to the upper level, Xu Lai may find the problem.

Of course, the current Eagle Kingdom, even if not counting villages and towns, has nearly a hundred cities.

Counting the manors, ranches and mineral resources covered by villages and towns, there are thousands of them.

And this kingdom panel, except Xu Lai, no one else can see it.

Therefore, even if the information recorded on it is very detailed, he may not be able to see it.

If the Eagle Kingdom has been upgraded to an empire like the Lion Dynasty in the future, I am afraid that there will be hundreds of thousands of pieces of information on the list.

By that time, if the information in the top ten of the list changes, Xu Lai may not be able to find it in time.

After the official announcement was released, Aaron led all the security guards, which had expanded by more than ten times.

Together with the hundreds of administrative staff led by Xiao Aboka, they constantly patrolled the streets of the city and made arrangements.

The sheriffs, security guards of other cities, and the members of the security station in the villages and towns below were all temporarily transferred to Qingfeng City.

After half a month of queue training, the group of new recruits in the expansion camp were also transferred back to the city to patrol and stand guard in various streets.

Usually, except for the city gate, the streets only need the security team to manage, but now they have drawn officers and soldiers to stand guard.

Because more and more people are entering Qingfeng City.

Officials, nobles, caravans, diplomatic missions, and refugees wandering from the west.

Even if Xu Lai had foresight before, he would rather spend dozens of times more time to build a large enough Qingfeng City.

But now, it is still facing terrible population pressure.

All this reached its peak after the Qingfeng Corps led by Lena and the Knight Wind Corps led by Jimmy arrived in Qingfeng City one after another.

Even though the military camp outside the city was expanded a bit, it still could not fully accommodate the two legions.

Moreover, a large number of troops were also needed in the city, so half of the Qingfeng Corps soldiers were urgently transferred to the newly built palace.

Xu Lai hurriedly upgraded the parliament to the National Assembly on April 30th in order to build the palace before May.

However, Xu Lai was reluctant to build a large palace directly.

First, there was not enough time. The large palace occupied a large area, just like a small city.

Xu Lai needed a lot of time to clear and relocate the nearby buildings, otherwise they would be directly cleared and a lot of materials would be lost.

Secondly, the resources of the large palace had to be increased by 10 times. Others were easy to say, mithril, refined gold, etc., all of which had no direct minerals.

The former is in the silver mine, and after collecting more than a million, you may be lucky enough to get one unit of the companion mithril.

The latter is a gold mine companion creature, and the probability of obtaining it is also extremely low.

These two top resources cannot be produced directly, so it is difficult to hoard them in large quantities.

Before Xu Lai, he always got one unit here and two units there, and got them by piecing together.

Later, he killed Moril and robbed the dungeon, and got a lot, but he couldn't use it all at once.

Besides, a large palace has no other advantages except that it is larger in area, has more rooms, and can accommodate more soldiers and servants.

The defensive strength of the palace wall remains unchanged, at most there are fewer defensive facilities, but the area that needs to be defended will also be much smaller.

In general, it is neither appropriate nor necessary to build a large palace at this time.

After owning a palace, the growth rate of the city where the palace is located can be increased by another 50%.

Even if the advanced cloud city does not increase the output of angels.

But after this 50% increase, the number of angels that Xu Lai can recruit in early May has reached 10.

If we add the quota of Lionheart City and one or two quotas sent by the underground city, there will be at least 16 angels in May.

Of course, the angels in the underground city will not come so quickly.

After Xu Lai founded the country, he might not be able to freely enter and exit Lionheart City as he did in the past.

Before the founding ceremony was officially held, Xu Lai asked the temple for help in a very low-key manner and went to Lionheart City again quietly.

But this time, he did not bring those angels who failed to advance, but recruited 15 archangels in Lionheart City at the speed of light and left.

Even the quota for the wild cloud city was directly given up by Xu Lai.

Sure enough, as soon as the archangel walked out of the advanced cloud city, the Lionheart City Congress issued the latest order to block the teleportation array.

Unfortunately, the guards guarding the teleportation array were all temple knights.

It was no wonder that the combat effectiveness of the temple knights was much stronger than that of ordinary knights. At this time, many important places had been replaced by temple guards.

No matter what the purpose of the Lionheart City Congress to block the teleportation array and want to see Xu Lai was, he would never be left like this.

Of course, Xu Lai had other ways. He could escape to the wild under the cover of the temple and then use the time and space gate to return.

However, if he did so, it would seem that Xu Lai was guilty, as if he really had some ill intentions.

Now it was just right, Xu Lai pretended not to hear, came quietly, and left quietly.

No matter what Lionheart City's attitude towards Xu Lai was, and what they intended to do by forcing him to stay, he missed it perfectly anyway.

Xu Lai's approach to founding a country was to completely split the territory of the Lion Empire.

He went even further than the other four empires, because each of the four empires claimed to have the right of succession.

And although they added the four characters of southeast, northwest, and northeast, they still had the name of the Lion Empire.

Therefore, in theory, the Lionheart City Congress should be the most hostile party to Xu Lai.

However, although they did not send representatives to participate in Xu Lai's founding ceremony, they did not close the teleportation array connected to Qingfeng City.

Even though the guards were in the hands of the temple, the energy that could provide the teleportation array was always on the side of the Congress.

As long as they were determined to kick out Xu Lai's Qingfeng City, the temple would have to compromise, unless the temple could accept the complete closure of the teleportation array.

The 15 archangels stolen from Lionheart City in the past few months were brought back and upgraded to the advanced Cloud City in Qingfeng City.

The size of the angel army has expanded by more than 30, and they are all archangels with resurrection skills.

At this time, these angels can only be led by Xu Lai himself.

Their leader is still on his way back.

How could Xu Lai allow Elvy not to participate in such an important event of the founding of the country?

Not only Elvy, but also Lina, Pierce and his sister, Xu Lai also invited them to come back.

Even if the Knights can't come back, they will be asked to rush to the nearby Stone City and take the teleportation array directly. (End of this chapter)

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