After hearing the news from Xiao Han, Ye Longxuan's heart was a little mixed. An indescribable taste made Ye Longxuan feel uncomfortable. He originally cursed in his heart as a short-term goal to surpass. But Ye Longxuan, who worked hard for it, suddenly found that Xiao Han had once again left him far behind.

Ye Longxuan, who had always regarded himself highly, felt a sense of powerlessness once again.

What kind of evildoer is Xiao Han, why is it so difficult to surpass him?

In addition to the Wudang Sect's Yelongxuan, although the other people have some strange feelings in their hearts, at least they heard Xiao Han say that he might enter the God-Transforming Stage within a month, and more of them are Shocked and unbelievable, if I feel uncomfortable in my heart, it is really not, just a little bit of envy, jealousy and hatred.

It is necessary to know that these people can cultivate from the cultivation level of the Golden Core Stage to the cultivation level of the Nascent Soul Stage. It is not only a little bit of luck, but also their own efforts. You must know that they are on the way to cultivation. Although talent and roots are very important, but diligence and ability to make up for the weaknesses are also feasible wherever they are said.

Whether it is Yelongxuan of Wudang School, Wang Mang of Kunlun School, Ouyang Bing of Kongtong School, Huafeng of Huashan Gate, and Yeyu of Emei School, even if they are in their respective schools, they have always been the sons of heaven. The characters, but they work harder and harder than any ordinary sect disciple, and once they have cultivated, they can even describe it as desperately.

But I did my best to cultivate. Except for a little rest, even the time I spent sleeping at night was spent on cultivation. How could I not work hard?

However, as a result of such desperate efforts, it was hard to cultivate to the realm of the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base. In the eyes of everyone, the Jiaozi of the sky, a rare genius in a century of cultivation, compared to Xiao Han, they instantly felt a little bit of themselves. None of them are excellent anymore. Compared with Xiao Han, this freak and evildoer, they are nothing more ordinary than ordinary.

It is impossible to say that Wang Mang, Hua Feng and others do not have a sense of loss.

Wang Mang curled his mouth, and finally showed a bitter smile. He waved at Hua Feng and the others, and left with a simple greeting, obviously showing lack of interest.

After Yelongxuan of Wudang Sect and Wang Mang of Kunlun Sect had left, Huafeng of Huashan Gate and Ouyangbing of Kongtong Sect also left the camp of "Zhumo Squad", and the last one was the night of Emei Sect. rain.

Xiao Han can really cultivate to the God-Transforming Stage within a month. After becoming a master of the God-Transforming Stage, he can have the skill of flying swords. After Ye Yu heard this news, she didn't know if she should be happy? Should I be happy?

In short, Ye Yu looked calmly at the tent where Xiao Han was in, and did not respond for a long time.


Just as Ye Yu had just turned around and was about to leave the camp of the "Zhu Demon Squad", a voice suddenly rang from behind Ye Yu.

Ye Yu looked back and found that Xiao Han didn't know when he had already opened the curtain of the tent and walked out.

Xiao Han looked at the calm night rain not far away, and suddenly he didn't know how to say what he had thought about.

Now there is only Ye Yu left around. Although Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo, Zhan Peng, Li Jian and others who said "Zhu Devil Team" are still in the surrounding tents, they should be able to hear Xiao Han clearly. But Xiao Han felt that such a long time had passed, and it was time to stand up and say something to Ye Yu.

Since that incident happened in the hotel room that night, Xiao Han suddenly and now Yeyu, this is the first time in the world with such a calm expression on himself, thinking of this, Xiao Han’s mouth showed a self-deprecating smile. Come.

It seems that Xiao Han should have something to say to himself. Before Xiao Han could speak, Ye Yu, who was standing not far away, asked softly, "Just say what you want. If you don't say anything, I will leave. !"

"That...this..." Xiao Han didn't say the fifth word after a long time.

At this time in the tent secretly listening to the conversation between Xiao Han and Ye Yu, Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo, Zhan Peng, Li Jian, and others of the "Devil Squad" members were a little worried, and Ye Yu had a superficial attitude. Yes, if you want to say anything, I just leave.

Is this not obvious enough?

Why should I hesitate?

How come Boss Xiao, who originally looked like a ghost, is suddenly dead at this time?

I miss you! I like you! I want to ask you out for a walk!

Shouldn't we say something like this? Is it so hard to say?

If it weren't for a tent, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others could not help but stand up and booze, but Xiao Han froze for a long time and didn't say the second sentence.

Ye Yu didn't know why Xiao Han suddenly stopped her at this time, but her instinct told her that Xiao Han must have said something to herself, but now that Xiao Han was staggering for a long time, she couldn't say a word. , Ye Yu's heart suddenly became a little angry.

Thinking of the scene where Xiao Han was forcibly kissing herself on the way back during the day today, Ye Yu's pretty face blushed, and she muttered in her heart, Xiao Han would never want to come back again, right?

Originally, Ye Yu was going to take a few steps back, at least to keep a little distance from Xiao Han. In this way, if Xiao Han suddenly came over as he was on the way back today, Ye Yu could leave himself a little time to react. Come, but I don't know why in the end, Ye Yu thought for a long time but didn't leave.

Ye Yu scowled, and said slightly angrily: "Don't you tell me? Don't you say I'm leaving?"

"do not......"

Xiao Han's face was anxious, and the whole person couldn't help taking a small step forward. Even a hand was stretched forward into the air. He almost couldn't help but rushed forward to Ye Yu's side, but I don't know how to stop at the end.

After a long time, Xiao Han finally seemed to be half-decided. He sighed for a long time, and then said with a serious face: "Ye Yu, has been so long, but I think I should still stand up and tell you...I'm sorry!"

I don't know why, when Xiao Han said that I am sorry, Ye Yu suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

As soon as Xiao Han said the three words I'm sorry, Ye Yu knew that what Xiao Han said was what happened in the hotel room that night. Xiao Han is now apologizing to her.

Regarding what happened in the hotel room that night, it is impossible to say that Ye Yu has forgiven Xiao Han. After all, what happened that night can be said to make Ye Yu unforgettable for life. Twenty years of innocence is here. That night, Xiao Han was taken away abruptly. If it weren’t for Xiao Han’s strength and Ye Yu couldn’t kill Xiao Han in a short period of time, Xiao Han would have died long ago. I don’t know how much. Time again.

But since that night, Xiao Han did not want to apologize for Ye Yu, but Ye Yu always did not wait for Xiao Han to finish talking, or even wait for Xiao Han to speak before he began to draw his sword, where there is a chance to listen to Xiao. Han's explanation?

When Xiao Han apologized before, Ye Yu was completely in a state of inaudible. No matter what Xiao Han explained, Ye Yu was full of atmosphere. There was no way to vent his hatred without killing Xiao Han directly, but I don’t know today. Why did Ye Yu suddenly have an urge to shed tears when Ye Yu heard the three words sorry from Xiao Han's mouth.

It's like a little girl who has been wronged by her boyfriend's side. Now after hearing her boyfriend's apology, she feels a little bit to cry and punch him in the chest with a small fist.

How can it be so strange? Even Ye Yu herself felt a little unbelievable. It is reasonable for Xiao Han to apologize to her now. It’s useless. At this time, Ye Yu herself should either use fierce words to pass, or turn around and leave with complete disdain. I just drew my sword and faced each other, how could I just want to cry like this now?

Ye Yu’s reaction to her was inexplicable, and Xiao Han was not the same. From the moment Xiao Han said that I’m sorry, Xiao Han has been staring at Ye Yu’s expression carefully, even Xiao Han. It's very strange why Ye Yu didn't show any abnormality this time.

Xiao Han of course knows that Ye Yu has always been at her for so long that she drew her sword at every turn, and at every turn is bad talk. It must be that Li is still brooding about what happened in the hotel that night, and of course Xiao Han has never Thinking that Night Rain might forgive him so soon, although in his heart he has regarded Ye Yu as his own woman since what happened that night, but Xiao Han knew that he wanted Ye Yu to forgive him, so A process must be very long.

Seeing Ye Yu looking at him calmly now, Xiao Han seemed to feel that all this was not very real. Otherwise, how could Ye Yu's face and expression not be able to see the slightest abnormality.

Xiao Han suddenly said I’m sorry, Ye Yu and Xiao Han standing on the court were OK, but Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others who hid in the tent overhearing Xiao Han’s conversation with Ye Yu were somewhat inexplicable. It's amazing. What does Xiao Han mean when he suddenly said I'm sorry? Could it be said that Xiao Han severely offended the overnight rain before?

Is there anything else between a man and a woman that I need to apologize in three words? Except for emotional disputes or awkwardness between the young couple, it seems that there is nothing else that needs to be used to apologize in three words, sorry?

At this time, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others hid in the tent and listened to Xiao Han's words. They looked dumbfounded!

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