"Haha..." Liu Hao suddenly raised his head and laughed.

"What are you laughing at!" Xiao Huangmao said angrily.

"It's you who should kowtow!" Liu Hao suddenly stopped smiling.

"Fuck, brothers, let's go together!" Xiao Huangmao shouted angrily: "Let this kid know that Dao's little brother is not that easy to bully."


This group of guys immediately rushed forward with full strength, and they rushed out quickly, holding various weapons in their hands. These guys are absolutely desperate characters in fighting. The most important thing is that these guys are a bunch of little minded young people, and the fight is not serious or serious. The machete in his hand struck Liu Hao's forehead unexpectedly.

Liu Hao didn't panic, but stood there in shock.

When the opponent was approaching, Liu Hao suddenly avoided the opponent's attack and quickly strangled the opponent's neck with his hands. The knee hit the opponent's lumbar spine severely.

"Ah!" The lead little Huang Mao suddenly screamed, and he immediately collapsed.

Even if this knee is not paralyzed, it is estimated that he will lie in bed for ten and a half days. Liu Hao has learned some kung fu, and he is more than enough to deal with these unscrupulous young people. Liu Hao grabbed the machete from Xiao Huangmao's hand and greeted him with the machete.

No matter what, the momentum still cannot be defeated. Besides, with Liu Hao's identity, even if one or two of them were hacked to death, they could definitely be settled easily. These unscrupulous teenagers are basically left-behind teenagers in cities or rural areas. Basically it doesn't matter.


With a slash, a man fell over his arm.

Liu Hao did not stop, but continued to chase the opponent. The other party was able to resist a few times at first, but soon the hearts of the people fell apart, and the six bad boys quickly dispersed. Liu Hao looked at each other coldly, threw the knife in his hand, and spit: "Fuck, it's useless."

At this time, two men in suits came out of the Big Rich Entertainment Club.

"Shao Liu, today is really leisurely and elegant." The man in the suit said with a smile.

"I met a disobedient dog at the door, I will teach them a lesson for Master Dao." Liu Hao snorted coldly.

"Young Master Liu, you have to look at the owner when you hit the dog." The man in the suit immediately sank, and said, "You just taught the little brother of Dao Dao at the door of Dao Dao, is it a bit unsuitable?"

"What's out of place." Liu Hao tidied up his suit, and then said, "How come a respectable person like Master Dao accepts some such abuses? I will train them for Master Dao."

"You!" The man in the suit looked gloomy.

"I'm here to talk to Master Dao today." Liu Hao said, "What are you doing in a daze, don't you hurry to lead the way!"

The man in the suit sneered: "Please inside!"

Liu Hao turned and walked in towards the rich man.

There were a lot of beautiful girls standing inside. Near the entrance of the stairs, there were twenty or thirty beautiful girls in hollow outfits, all of them tall, curvaceous and very graceful. It seems particularly touching. Liu Hao had already seen so much and had no interest in these firework girls. Because he knew that there was a VIP room in Daoye's place. It is said that some of the women inside are from good families, and there are even female college students in school. That's what people with status play.

As for these firework women, they can be pushed down by a man, and they can't highlight their noble status at all.

Followed the escalator to the second floor, then turned back to the third floor.

Master Dao's lounge is located in the easternmost office on the third floor. The third floor seemed relatively quiet, the lights were dim, and there was no sound under the thick carpet. Wall lamps hung on both sides of the corridor. There are still some abstract paintings hung on the walls on both sides. It is said that these paintings are authentic, and they are genuine products sold by Master Dao from many auction houses. Master Dao is also a person who loves art, and his first-hand Chinese paintings are still very good.


A man in a suit stood at the door of Master Dao's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A low voice came from inside.

The man in the suit pushed the door in, and Liu Hao followed in.

The corner of Liu Hao's mouth raised a weird smile. He smiled and said, "Master Dao, long time no see."

In the office, a sturdy man was lying reclining on the sofa, and a girl was sitting on the opposite side of Master Dao making tea. This girl is a tea maker used by Lord Dao. Liu Hao walked in and saw Master Dao lying on the sofa with a dazzling bald head. A slightly mad face. A gold chain of more than 100 grams was hung around his neck. At first glance it looks like a nouveau riche. However, there is a kind of chill in the body of this upstart, and this chill makes ordinary people afraid to approach. Because this is evil spirits.

Master Dao, whose real name is Liu San Dao, is a Hong Kong native. He fled to the mainland to avoid the limelight because he killed people when he was gangsters in Hong Kong. This refuge lasted thirty years. That ignorant boy is now a middle-aged man.

"Liu Hao?" Liu Sandao glanced at him and said, "What can you do for me?"

"Master Dao, I'm here today, mainly because I want to do a business with you." Liu Hao laughed.

"What business?" Liu Sandao frowned and said, "You know, I don't do things that kill people and set fires."

"Haha!" When Liu Hao heard this, he raised his head and laughed: "Who can't even know Master Dao, I do all the money-making business."

"That's the starting price you can't see!" Liu Sandao replied.

Liu Hao smiled and said, "Master Dao, despite the price!"

Liu Sandao glanced at the tea maker and said, "Xiao Qiao, you go out first."

"Yes, San Ye." Xiao Qiao stood up immediately, and then walked out slowly.

It wasn't until the girl making tea left Master Dao's office that Master Dao gave Liu Hao a leisurely look, and then asked, "Tell me, who is the other person, what is the background, and what does it do?"

"What's the source of it!" Liu Hao took a cup of tea and said disdainfully: "It's just a student egg, there is no way, I checked it, my family is in Linjiang City, an ordinary worker's family, the father died early, and there is only an old woman left. ."

"No background?" Liu Sandao asked.

"No!" Liu Hao said firmly.

"What's your name? Which school?" Liu Sandao asked.

"His name is Xiao Han, a freshman from Shuimu University." Liu Hao hurriedly handed Xiao Han's information to Liu Sandao.

Liu Sandao glanced at the information, and then said, "Is that the owner of that poor restaurant?"

"Yes!" Liu Hao nodded hurriedly.

"This list is a bit difficult!" Liu Sandao touched his big bald head and said, "I heard that this restaurant has a lot to do with Mo Shao."

"Price is not a problem!" Liu Hao said hurriedly: "Furthermore, Mo Shao always doesn't want to do it for someone who doesn't care about him, right? Hey, Mo Shao is not stupid, he knows the severity, knows how to weigh the pros and cons."

"Two million!" Liu Sandao gave two thumbs up.


Liu Hao suddenly took a deep breath and said, "Master Dao, this... is this too expensive? To kill a student, you charge two million. This... is too cruel."

"Two million and one penny less!" Liu Sandao laughed and said, "If you don't agree, go out and turn right!"

"Uh..." Liu Hao was stunned. I didn't expect Liu Sandao to drive himself away. It seems that the price is really out of talk. However, the price he negotiated with Fang Hao was only one million. The budget was one million at that time, and now the price has suddenly increased. Would you like to call him to confirm? After hesitating, Liu Hao said awkwardly: "Master Dao, I'll go to the bathroom first!"

"Please!" Liu Sandao made a random movement with a cigarette in his mouth.

Liu Hao hurriedly ran into the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom, Liu Sandao hurriedly called Fang Hao. When Fang Hao heard this, he hurriedly said: "One person and half, I am willing to pay one million."

"Okay, I'll just wait for your words." Liu Sandao said immediately.

After coming out, Liu Hao smiled and said, "Master Dao, we have done this business."

"Yes?" Liu Sandao asked with a smile.

"Yeah!" Liu Hao nodded, and then said; "I will pay you 500,000 yuan in advance. After it's done, the remaining 1.5 million yuan will be paid immediately, how about?"

"One million advance payment!" Liu Sandao raised a finger.

"This..." Although Liu Hao was a little unhappy, Liu Sandao was the eldest brother, and he had no right to speak at all. The other party said that he wanted one million, so he could only pay one million honestly. Liu Hao said helplessly: "Well, one million is one million."

Liu Hao signed a check for one million on the spot.

"Happy cooperation!" Liu Sandao smiled and handed the check to the man in the black suit.

"Happy cooperation!" Liu Hao was holding the tea cup, feeling a little inappropriate. However, he reluctantly drank the cold cup of tea.

When he came out of the rich, Liu Haoton felt comfortable. If Master Dao can send someone to do it, it means that the success rate has reached 90%. Liu Hao can basically sit in the office safely and wait for the news of Xiao Han's death. At that time, he can easily pursue Li Xiaoya. Every time he thinks of Li Xiaoya's charming look, Liu Hao feels like he is ready to move.

The corner of Liu Hao's mouth raised a weird smile: "Xiaoya, Xiao Han is dead this time, you should always be with me, right?"

Xiao Han, who was far away at school, couldn't help but shudder.

"Fuck, who is cursing me behind your back?" Xiao Hanren gave a shock.

The relationship between Xiao Han and Lan Yudie is clear. Since returning from climbing that time, Lan Yudie couldn't help blushing every time he saw Xiao Han. This has aroused the curiosity of some interested people. Zhang Feng and Xiao Han share the same dormitory, and they also know the ambiguous relationship between Lan Yudie and Xiao Han.

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