The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 372: A bunch of lunatics

"Why did Xiao Han keep hiding?" Lan Yudie was nervous.

"Maybe it's looking for the other party's flaws!" Zhang Feng is also not sure. After all, both of them are very strong. Zhang Feng is not Temuzha's opponent, so he couldn't see why Xiao Han kept hiding instead of attacking. Is it because of lack of strength, or because of other reasons.

"Xiao Han can't hold it anymore." Liu Bin said hurriedly, "I've hit three people just now, and now I'm going to fight with Tiemu again. Where does the physical strength come from? Right?"

"Conspiracy!" Zhang Dagu raised his brows and said: "This is Tiemuzha's conspiracy. He deliberately caused the three strongest disciples and Xiao Han to consume their physical strength, and then went on by himself. When he went on, Xiao Han's Physical strength is no longer enough."

"Ah!" When Lan Yudie heard it, he panicked: "No wonder Xiao Han has been hiding, is it because of lack of physical strength? Then...what can I do?"

"What can I do?" Zhang Feng shook his head and said, "Look at Xiao Han's personal cultivation."

Lan Yudie was crying with fright. She covered her red lips with her right hand and looked nervously at Xiao Han on the ring. My heart jumped to my throat.

Lan Yudie took a deep breath, then shouted: "Xiao Han, I love you, you must come back alive!"

That high-pitched, sharp voice moved everyone on the scene. Liu Bin stared at Lan Yudie blankly. He didn't expect that Lan Yudie's affection for Xiao Han was so deep. He was really envious. If he could find such a woman, how good would it be? Unfortunately, Blue Rain Butterfly belongs to Xiao Han, not to himself.

On the ring, Xiao Han made a flying kick and kicked on Tiemuzha's shoulder.

Temuza stepped back several steps before stabilizing his figure. He looked at Xiao Han angrily, and said: "Good boy, I didn't expect you to be kicked by you. Let's see how I clean up you!"

After cleaning up Xiao Han, Tiemuzha seemed confident. In his opinion, the reason why Xiao Han has been entangled with him for so long is definitely because the previous three disciples have consumed a lot of Xiao Han's physical strength. Therefore, his confidence soared, and he decided to tidy up Xiao Han today.

Xiao Han smiled at the corner of his mouth, he smiled coldly, and then said: "You can let go!"

"Look at it!" Temuza rushed over quickly.

Xiao Han also rushed towards him, Tie Muzha raised his fists, and the muscles on his arms suddenly bulged. Both fists immediately exploded a huge group of muscles, and it could be seen that Temuzha seemed ready to kill the enemy with one shot. He clenched his teeth, his face was hideous, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Han's face was cold, and he didn't expect this guy to show murderous intent, which was pretty good.

Since the other party is so unkind, then I can't have any kindness with him.


Xiao Han jumped up, and this jump actually jumped more than two meters high. Xiao Han swept across the air. The sole of his right foot hit the opponent's chest.


Tiemuzha immediately vomited a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew far away, and flew out from the railing. Directly flew far away. He fell far and near among the crowd. After landing, Temuza held his chest in pain.


Everyone around exclaimed.

"It hurts me so much!" Temuzha's voice trembled.

"Coach!" Everyone gathered around.

A group of people hurriedly helped Tiemuzha from the ground. Temuzha's face was pale, and four ribs were broken on his chest, fearing that the bones might have pierced his lungs. His face was ugly, even if he was injured, he didn't expect to lose so embarrassingly that she couldn't help her face.

"Xiao Han, you!" Tie Muzha stared at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han walked slowly to the edge of the ring and said: "I never liked those fancy ways to go up the ring. Since you choose to come up so fancy, then I will let you go down fancy. How come up, how can I send you Go down."

"Bastard!" Tiemuzha glared at Xiao Han.

"You lost." Xiao Han smiled and said: "Your signboard belongs to me."

"Don't think about it!" Temuzha roared.

"Why? You want to lose the bill?" Xiao Leng Leng smiled coldly, and then said: "Then you are too ignorant? Do you still want to open this store!"

"You!" Tiemuzha glared at Xiao Han, and said: "You are so big, my Jingwu Hall, with hundreds of disciples, you don't want to leave here today!"

"Don't want to leave!" the disciples of Jingwu Hall shouted.

A group of people surrounded Blue Rain Butterfly and them. Zhang Feng hurriedly protected Blue Rain Butterfly behind his back. The disciples of Jingwu Hall seemed to be prepared, they took out the swords and sticks, and once again surrounded Xiao Han and the others. So that they have no way to escape.

"Why? This is annoyed into anger, planning to use the crowd tactics?" Xiao Han smiled calmly.

"Boy, are you still in the mood to laugh?" Temuzha sneered, and then said, "I will make you cry even if you cry later!"

Temuzha's chest was hot for a while, he knew that he had lost half of his combat effectiveness, even if he and Xiao Han continued to entangled, there would be no result. Therefore, he decided to have a good fight with each other.

Xiao Han raised a weird smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "It's up to you?! You already have a broken leg, right?"

"Fuck!" Temuzha roared, "Come out all!"


At this time, in the corridor on the second floor, suddenly twenty or thirty men holding bows and arrows appeared. These people are all disciples of Jingwu Hall. There is a shooting project in the Jingwu Hall, and every disciple must learn eighteen martial arts to be able to graduate from here. Shooting is also one of their compulsory items. These bows and arrows are all shooting bows. The arrows all have sharp mouths. Once it hits a person, it must be three points into the bone.


Zhang Feng and the others all took a breath.

"Mom, are we going to die?" Liu Bin was frightened.

"What to do?" Zhang Dagu was also panicked.

If he wants to fight, he is not afraid at all, but if he is used as a target, he shoots people in the court. That's pain. Zhang Dagu was also panicked. The body trembled as well. If this arrow shot on his body, it would hurt his mother.

"Don't panic!" Zhang Feng shook his head and said: "They dare not shoot, they can't afford it if they die."

"These lunatics, who knows what kind of wicked things they will do!" Liu Bin said hurriedly.

Xiao Han's expression was no longer so calm. He glanced at Tiemuzha and said, "Tiemuzha, what do you mean!"

"None of you want to leave today." Temuzha sneered, and then said: "Do you think you can leave from here if you defeat me? I tell you, don't think about it!"

"So, are you playing a rogue?" Xiao Han frowned.

"You can be a rogue!" Temuza chuckled, then said, "None of you want to leave here today."

At this time, Zhang Dagu cursed: "Fuck, shameless thing. Xiao Han, we fight with them."

"Yes, fight with them." Liu Bin shouted.

At this time, Temuzha sneered, and then said: "Only you? You want to fight with us? Don't be too overwhelmed!"

"Xiao Han, catch it!" Zhang Feng took the metal stick from behind and quickly threw it to Xiao Han.

Xiao Han reached out and caught the metal stick, wrapped in a black bag. There is a heavy metal stick inside. When Xiao Han held this metal stick in his hand, he couldn't help but gather a kind of power in his body. It seems that it is about to break out at any time.

"Take them for me!" Temuzha roared.


Everyone immediately gathered around. A group of people quickly gathered towards Zhang Feng and them. Seeing this, Xiao Han rushed out quickly, and lightly tapped his right foot on the ring, and the person rose into the air like a flying swallow, and quickly rushed towards the opponent. The action is fast, the action is swift.

"Good come!" At this time, Senior Brother Tang Zhan shouted. He rushed to meet Xiao Han.


Xiao Han smashed the opponent to the ground with a stick. The ground trembled violently.

After the loud noise, the ground roared. Tang Zhan lost consciousness on the spot.

"Enclose him!" Ruda roared. Around, many disciples from Jingwu Hall gathered around.

However, Xiao Han was holding a stick and swept all directions. The opponent was not Xiao Han's opponent at all. More than a dozen people fell, and everyone screamed in pain. Seeing this, Temuzha was also a little panicked, he hurriedly shouted: "Go back."


The disciples in Jingwu Hall stepped back one after another, and a group of people seemed like a tide.

Xiao Han quickly leaned towards Lan Yudie. Five people got together. The disciples of Jingwu Hall had retreated to the surroundings, hiding under the corner. Tiemuzha sneered and said, "Xiao Han, this time you can hardly fly with your wings."

Xiao Han raised his head and glanced at the archer on the second floor, and said, "I didn't expect the coach of the dignified Jingwu Hall to be such a despicable and shameless person. If I used such abusive methods, it was all because I saw you wrong. Right."

"Humph!" Temuzha snorted coldly and said: "The winner is king, and the loser is the bandit. If you lose, you lose."

Xiao Han wanted to take down Tiemuzha, just as the saying goes.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Han hasn't moved yet. Tiemuzha seems to have seen through Xiao Han's intentions. He sneered and said, "Xiao Han, I advise you not to move rashly. As long as you move, the bow and arrows upstairs can pierce your heart. Even if you can hide, are you sure how many people behind you can hide? Especially that little beauty. If such a beautiful girl is pierced by a thousand arrows, the death will be ugly. Haha..."

"Hahaha..." Everyone also burst into laughter.

"Despicable, shameless!" Xiao Han's face was pale.

"How is it?" Temuza said disdainfully: "If you have the ability, you can bite me!"

"Get out!" Xiao Han roared angrily.

"Haha..." Tiemu Zahaha laughed and said, "Xiao Han, you can only let me push you now."

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