Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Yeah. I promised you, and I promise to win a medal at the National College Student Championship!"

"Okay!" Chen Aiguo was overjoyed when he heard it, saying: "Next year's college student championship will be held in our provincial capital. I appoint you to be the student representative of our Mizuki University. As the host, Mizuki University, if you don't get a few medals, then It's too unreasonable."

The conversation by the wild lake seemed more harmonious. And it is very relaxed and pleasant.

Chen Aiguo assured Xiao Han that he would settle Huang Xiaolong's affairs for Xiao Han.

"Okay, then it's such a happy decision." Xiao Han nodded.

No matter, I saved one hundred thousand yuan. Even if I represent Mizuki University to participate in the National College Student Championships, it is my honor. I am a student of Mizuki University. In theory, I should have replaced Mizuki University in the competition. All this is as it should be, and it is normal.

Xiao Han turned around and left. Chen Aiguo looked at Xiao Han's back with a satisfied smile on his face. For the sake of Mizuki University, in order to enhance the reputation of Mizuki University, in order to create a good learning atmosphere for Mizuki University, create a good academic atmosphere. This middle-aged man accidentally caught hoarfrost in the water and moon. It became a gray.


The day at the end of December.

More than a dozen members of the Huang family came to the school to negotiate with the school. As the only son of the Huang family, and the most promising and hopeful child, the Huang family has indeed spent a lot of effort on Huang Xiaolong. However, I didn't expect my son to be interrupted by someone at school. This simply makes people feel extremely sad, extremely sad.

In order to be able to fight for more compensation. They called their friends and relatives over.

Mizuki University also had a better attitude this time, and hosted the family throughout. The school’s guest house settled their accommodation. They arranged accommodation for more than ten people in their party.

The place of negotiation is in the conference room of Mizuki University.

The leaders of the school and the physical education department are all on the scene. And more than ten people from the Huang family also arrived at the scene.

President Aiguo Chen personally presided over this negotiation meeting.

"Principal Chen, our request is very clear, that is to ask the school to pay 500,000 yuan. In addition, help my son transfer to another department." It was Huang Xiaolong's father. He said solemnly: "In order to cultivate this son, our family costs a lot of money. It can be said to be at all costs. However, seeing the fruit is about to ripen, he did not expect to land in advance. If I can get my son's arms Restoring to the original state, I would rather not have this half a million."

"Oh, I understand your feelings!" Chen Aiguo sighed, and then said: "However, the amount of compensation is huge, and I cannot promise you. However, we can discuss the transfer. After all, Huang Xiaolong belongs to our school. Students are also things that happened in our school. We are also responsible for our responsibility."

"Is it a lot of half a million?" The Huang family was immediately anxious.

"That's right, where are there too many? Don't look at just a broken arm, but, you know, this is ruining our child's life!"

The Huang family looked very excited and very angry.

"Quiet, quiet!" The director of the training department stood up. As soon as this burly and strong guy stood up, his majesty immediately went everywhere. Everyone fell silent.

After all, this is Mizuki University, someone else's site. No one dares to run wild here.

"There is definitely no compensation for 500,000 yuan!" Chen Aiguo glanced at the Huang family, and then said: "The school has negotiated, and the maximum compensation is 200,000 yuan. In addition, other departments of the school, you can choose whatever you want. If you like it, Huang Xiaolong can switch teams at any time."

"No, too little."

"Two hundred thousand, are you calling a beggar?"

A gang of people was filled with indignation. Two hundred thousand is too little for them, because it is too little and expected. The difference between 500,000 and 200,000 is more than one and a half times.

For such compensation, it is obviously not up to the expectations of the Huang family. Therefore, they are naturally unwilling to accept such compensation. They would rather not accept this result than be insulted. Two hundred thousand ruined a child's future, which is too much for them.

"It's all quiet!" The mighty look of the director of the training department really made them feel a little scared.

The Huang family calmed down immediately, staring at each other with angry eyes. He looked very angry. However, they are certainly not willing to accept such a result in other people's territory. Therefore, they can only be honestly manipulated.

After a long time, Chen Aiguo smiled and said: "I will give you two choices. First, accept a compensation of 500,000 yuan, but Huang Xiaolong is not allowed to transfer; second, accept a compensation of 200,000, and Huang Xiaolong allows the transfer. And either No, you can choose whatever you want!"

"No, we want half a million, and we have to change the department!"

"Yes, half a million is our minimum standard. And we must request a transfer."

The people of the Huang family shouted one after another. There seems to be a posture of not leaving without giving money. The minimum expectation of the Huang family is 500,000, and they have discussed it when they come. If they don’t give 500,000, then there will be a big fight at Shuimu University. No price reduction is allowed. Therefore, they are very reluctant to be reduced in price.

Chen Aiguo sneered and said, "It doesn't matter, you can choose by yourself!"

"We ask for half a million, and we ask for free transfer!" The remarks of the Huang family are nothing but remarks given to them by Chen Jiguang. Chen Jiguang has always regarded Huang Xiaolong as his own child. Therefore, he will naturally give Huang Xiaolong a best choice. Therefore, behind the Huang family, Chen Jiguang was in collusion, so it was naturally easy to talk.

"Yes!" Chen Aiguo suddenly started looking at the Huang family. The people of the Huang family were stunned. Chen Aiguo, who had just refused to agree, had now fully agreed. This made the Huang family suddenly unable to adapt.

"Huh?" The Huang family was surprised.

"Yeah!" Chen Aiguo nodded, and then said: "The right to choose is in your hands. You can figure it out by yourself. If you insist on asking for half a million and ask for free transfer. Then you can go to another school. We are Shuimu University. There has never been a problem with people!"

After speaking, Chen Aiguo waved away and left.

A group of people watched Chen Aiguo leave, and the meeting room was suddenly silent.

The director of the training department smiled and said: "Are you satisfied now? Haha!"

After speaking, he also turned and left. Other leaders of the school also left the scene. Only the Huang family was left in the meeting room. More than a dozen people in the Huang family looked at each other. They didn't expect that things would develop like this.

"Call the police." At this time, Huang Xiaolong's cousin said: "They are not used to us, and we cannot condone them."

"Yes!" someone responded one after another.

"No!" The elder in the family, who is Huang Xiaolong's grandfather, shook his head immediately, and then said: "Xiaolong will stay at school in the future. Are you planning to fall out with the school? Once you fall out with the school, what can you do? No good."

The father seemed to be taking care of what he said, and everyone at the scene was silent.

After all, Huang Xiaolong will study at school in the future. If the school really agrees to pay 500,000 yuan in compensation, and also agrees to Huang Xiaolong's free transfer. However, if the school is angered, it is not a good thing for Huang Xiaolong.

Perhaps, the school may wear small shoes for Huang Xiaolong in the future. May make him unlucky at any time.

It may also make him suffer at any time. Huang Xiaolong is a sports competition after all, and he was specially recruited at the beginning, and his academic performance was in a mess. If you transfer to another department, your academic performance will definitely be the bottom. Then, it is impossible for him to graduate through cultural achievements. At that time, if you don’t have enough credits, you won’t be able to get it. If you can't get it, you will be at most just a high school graduate in this life. Not even a college student.

"The old man is right!" Huang Xiaolong's father said seriously: "I think this is a problem. We need to have a good talk with the school."

"Yeah!" The uncle nodded and said: "It is indeed a problem, and this matter must be resolved."

"How to solve it, haven't we been in a stalemate?"

"What about then?"

"Or just agree to them."

The family began to discuss, after all, after getting the **** from Mizuki University, it would be easier to go out to find a job in the future. As for the content learned in the university, this has nothing to do with the future direction of work. Because after graduating from university, the chance of finding a professional and job counterpart is not great. Moreover, the golden signboard of Shuimu University is still very useful in China. Fresh graduates go out to find a job and start at least five thousand. This is no small temptation for the Huang family.

"Okay, then promise them!" At this time, Huang Xiaolong's father said: "However, they must be required to allow Xiaolong to graduate normally. If you don't have enough credits, you must graduate, otherwise, you won't be able to get the ** in the future. A waste!"

"Yes, yes!" Everyone nodded.

Afterwards, a group of people immediately contacted the teacher, hoping to restart negotiations.

Chen Aiguo also returned to the conference room. Chen Aiguo's move just now was just to get the Huang family to negotiate in the conference room. It can be regarded as a buffer opportunity for the just intense scene. Chen Aiguo returned to the meeting room. He glanced at the Huang family and said, "What? Compromise?"

"Hehe..." Old man Huang smiled and said: "Principal, the one I admire most in my life is a scholar. I heard that President Chen is a talented scholar at Peking University. I admire you the most. Now that you have put forward a plan, Then we can only respect your choice. We decided to obey the school's arrangements."

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