"Slander, this must be slander." Chen Qiao said hurriedly and loudly, "Just a few photos can't explain much."

"Professor Jiang, can you tell me after reading these materials?" Liu Guoming said.

In fact, Chen Qiao knows whether this matter is true or not. The reason why he was so nervous was because he wanted to try to defend himself. But the more nervous he was, the more he defended, and the more Liu Guoming didn't believe him.

Chen Qiao tremblingly opened the information in his hand. This information is very detailed, and even the female college student who he took to have a miscarriage was recorded in detail. And in this document there are also a few documents about the abortion that year. Including the female college student’s name, age, home address, and her signature when she had the operation.

When he saw this piece of information, Chen Qiao knew he was dead.

"Vice President Liu, how do you deal with this matter?" Chen Qiao knew that this matter could no longer be kept secret. Instead of continuing to argue, it's better to face it calmly.

"Professor Jiang!" Liu Guomin glanced at him, and then said, "I am also very embarrassed! You are an old party member. Our party committee has held many meetings and emphasized that we must abide by the law and be upright and honest."

"I know, but it was three years ago after all." Chen Qiao wanted to excuse himself.

"No matter how many years ago it was. Since it has been reported by the people. Then this matter must be resolved." Liu Guomin said seriously.

"Then tell me, how does the organization plan to deal with this matter?" Chen Qiao said helplessly.

"Professor Jiang, you can be regarded as fighting against the wind." Liu Guomin said: "When it is critical to commit a crime against the wind, it should be handled strictly."

"This..." Chen Qiao lowered his head.

"The organization has given a handling opinion." Liu Guomin looked at Chen Qiao, and then said: "The opinion is very simple, suspension of pay."

"How can this be done?" Chen Qiao said hurriedly, "My daughter is now studying abroad and is in great need of money. My salary is all our family's income. Without this income, our family may not be able to survive. "

"Professor Chen, then I can't help it." Liu Guomin said.

"The mistake three years ago, why did you only say it now?" Chen Qiao looked helpless.

If you lose this income, the Chen family will soon be in trouble. Especially Chen Zihan, the cost of studying in the United States is very high. Although Chen Zihan does not need tuition, the cost of living for a year is also extremely expensive. If you do not have this job, then the family will be in a dilemma.

"That's because someone is reporting you now!" Liu Guomin smiled, and then said: "If no one reports you, you will naturally be fine. Now that someone has reported you, the school can't do everything. Did not happen."

Chen Qiao is also a professor anyhow. Naturally unwilling to suffer such humiliation. The incident has already happened, and it was reported by others, and it is normal for the school to deal with it. Chen Qiao feels understandable.

Blame it for the mistakes you made. You can only swallow down if you knock out your teeth. Because this matter can't be a big deal, once this matter is made up and known to my wife, it will be even more troublesome.

"Okay!" Chen Qiao nodded, then stood up and said: "Vice President Liu, I obey the organization's handling. Let me bear the consequences for the mistakes I made!"

After speaking, Chen Qiao turned and left.

Seeing Chen Qiao leaving, Liu Guomin showed a gratified smile. It was not until after Chen Qiao left that Liu Guomin picked up the phone in his hand.

"Old Jiang." Liu Guomin said hurriedly: "The matter has been done for you. Chen Qiao is no longer a teacher in our school, so he stays without pay."

"Okay, very good." Jiang Yicai nodded hurriedly and smiled knowingly: "Old Liu, let's have dinner together tonight!"

"Okay, Lao Jiang treats, how can I not go?" Liu Guomin nodded hurriedly.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Guomin's cell phone rang suddenly. It was a text message, a text message from the bank. The text message showed that the bank account suddenly increased by 200,000 yuan. This was Jiang Yicai's compensation to Liu Guomin. Remuneration for doing this.

Seeing this text message, Liu Guomin showed a gratified smile on his face.

He had already understood Jiang Yicai's things very clearly. This time it happened that Jiang Yi was about to deal with Chen Qiao, so he shook out all the evidence he had. Easily earned two hundred thousand, and made Lao Jiang owe himself a favor.

With Lao Jiang's ability and social background, it is more important for him to owe himself a favor than to earn 200,000 yuan.


Coming out of Principal Liu's office, Chen Qiao felt that he was out of luck. It seems that everything that happened today is a dream. And this dream is so real, it makes me a little bit unbelievable.

Chen Qiao has been sitting in his office, knowing that this may be the last time in his life sitting in such a spacious and bright office.

He never thought that this would be the last day of work in his career.

Chen Qiao sat in the office for a long time, thinking about his life. One's own life can't be regarded as big ups and downs, but it can be regarded as a big storm. I just didn't expect to face such a thing when I was about to retire.

My fame was destroyed in this way. He didn't know how to explain to his wife after returning home. Just sitting in the office blankly.

After a long time, Chen Qiao got up from the chair. Packed up his personal belongings, and then left the office.

When he came out of the office, he couldn't help turning around and glanced at this spacious and bright office.

This office is where he has been working for many years, and now he is finally leaving from this place.

Chen Qiao sighed, then turned and left.

With a breeze, the door of the office closed heavily, as if saying goodbye to Chen Qiao.


After returning home, Chen Qiao looked depressed. Mother Chen has been at home on vacation and has done a good job of hygiene at home. The New Year is about to come, and every household is cleaning.

Madam Chen suddenly saw Chen Qiao coming back, and she hurriedly asked: "Old Chen, why did you come back?"

"Oh, school is closed early." Chen Qiao sat down on the sofa and made himself a cup of strong tea.

Madam Chen was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Is it a holiday?"

"Yeah!" Chen Qiao nodded slightly, and then smiled.

Madam Chen obviously didn't believe it, she frowned, and then said: "Old Chen, what is going on today? How do I feel that you are in a mood?"

After all, Chen Qiao's wife is a people's teacher, a middle school teacher, what she is best at is observing the expressions of students. She and Chen Qiao have been married for many years, and they must know him very well. For many years, the first thing Chen Qiao did when he went home was to wash his hands, then make tea, read the newspaper, and occasionally go straight to the study. After Chen Qiao came back today, he was in a depressed mood and forgot to wash his hands. The tea seemed to spill water on the coffee table. Chen Qiao's wife, Mrs. Chen, felt that something was wrong at once.

The habit that Chen Qiao has cultivated over the years cannot be easily forgotten. Moreover, Chen Qiao has made a habit of making tea for many years. Even if water is spilled on the table, he will wipe it off as soon as possible, because Chen Qiao is not only a person with mild hygiene, but also an obsessive-compulsive disorder patient. . And today's Chen Qiao seems to be something wrong.

"No...no!" Chen Qiao hurriedly shook his head.

Madam Chen saw Chen Qiao’s head resembling a rattle. She became more suspicious. She hurriedly put down the rag in her hand and took off her apron. Then she walked over and sat down next to Chen Qiao. She looked at it seriously. Turning to Chen Qiao, he asked, "Old Chen, what is going on? If you make it clear, don't hide it from me, something must have happened."

Chen Qiao felt annoyed in his heart, and it seemed that he had not adjusted his emotions in time. It seems that this matter can't be kept secret. Originally, Old Chen planned to tell it after the new year. At least after the new year, the family will not be affected by emotions during the New Year.

Chen Qiao glanced at his wife and couldn't help but sighed heavily. The big rock on his heart seemed to be released at this moment. He sighed heavily and said, "Madam ,I……"

Chen Qiao's wife looked at Chen Qiao seriously, and then said, "You said it."

She almost pricked her ears to listen.

Chen Qiao showed a wry smile and said, "Madam, I lost my job."

"Ah?!" Chen Qiao's expression changed when he heard it. She hurriedly asked: "Old Chen, are you kidding me? It's not April Fool's Day today. It's 30 years old on your brows. You told me that you lost your job. This...how will you spend this year?! "

"Madam, it's okay." Chen Qiao shook his head and said: "I don't want me here, I will definitely be wanted elsewhere, besides, with my ability, I am afraid that there is no place to take me in? Isn't this all the New Year? Work? Things will slow down for a while. Try to implement this matter as much as possible."

When it was approaching, Chen Qiao smiled slightly, and then said: "Madam, don't be angry."

"Old Chen, I'm not angry!" Madam Chen looked at Chen Qiao seriously, and then said: "But you must explain things to me clearly, why did Linjiang University fire you? What. You are a professor certified by the state. Moreover, you are still officially compiled. This is an iron job! Unless you commit something illegal...or...no one can drive you away!"

"Oh, ma'am, don't ask." Chen Qiao sighed helplessly.

"Please make it clear, are you being bullied?" Mrs. Chen hurriedly said: "You are too honest, you are easily bullied everywhere, but this is related to the future of our family. Just let it go, tell me the whole story, and I will help you analyze it."

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