"My God, you guys..."

"You are actually together!"

The two girls looked at them in amazement, shocked, shocked. They looked extremely surprised.

And Ichimoto Saburo, who had just turned around, saw this scene as well, and his heart was broken. Liu Yiyi is the most beautiful girl he has seen in China for many years. Just as Sanbonmuraro said, Ichibon Saburo also played with many girls, and even some of them were pregnant, and eventually miscarried. And this time, Liu Yiyi was the first person to make him want to marry home. Liu Yiyi's beauty is deeply impressed in the heart of Ichiban Saburo.

Yiben Saburo looked at Xiao Han gloomily, with a kind of anger in his heart.

"Don't mess around!" At this time, Mibonmuraro patted him on the shoulder hastily.

"Muraro-kun." Ichiben Saburo turned his head and glanced at him.

"Yeah!" Sanbonmuraro nodded and said with a smile: "The overall situation is the most important thing. Don't ruin our plan because of a woman."

"Yes!" Ichimoto Saburo nodded.

After that, the anger dissipated immediately and disappeared without a trace.

In the restaurant, everyone seemed more harmonious.

After the dinner, they went back to their dormitories to rest, and the Japanese students went back to the hotel, all for the evening party.

In the hotel.

More than a dozen people gathered together.

Sanbonmuraro sat in the middle. As the person in charge of this mission, he valued this mission very seriously, not only because of his personal value, but the value of Japan as a whole. This time, a group action of more than ten people, and taking the Sino-Japanese friendly exchange activities as an opportunity, everything was purposeful.

"Muraro-kun, how do we act at night?" Nishioka Mokho asked, "This time, should we announce our goals?"

"Yeah!" Sanbonmuraro nodded, and then said: "This time, our goal is the laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine of Mizuki University."

"Why?" everyone asked.

"Last month, I received news. It is said that the Faculty of Medicine of Mizuki University has mastered a state-of-the-art medical technology." Sanbonmura Lang looked at everyone seriously and said: "It is said that this medical technology can rejuvenate the human immune system. Plastic, for the time being, they can already prevent transplant patients from taking immunosuppressants. Understand?"

When everyone heard it, they were dumbfounded.

"Moreover, the most important thing is that if this technology continues to develop, our experts have said that if we can steal this technology, we can do everything possible to develop treatment options for various immunodeficiency diseases." Sanbonmuraro said again: "We must find a way to steal the technology, and we must be the first to publish related papers and academic theories in China, and we must also develop related drugs in advance and apply for patent protection as soon as possible."

"Understood!" Everyone nodded.

"Stealing a technology, why do so many of us go out?" Ichimoto Saburo asked curiously.

"It can be seen that the country attaches great importance to this technology!" Sanbonmuraro said earnestly: "This time, please do it seriously."

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

A smile was raised at the corner of Mihonmuraro's mouth, and he grinned, and then said, "Everyone, tonight is the key to success or failure. It's best not to show any kicks, you know?"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

"Well, let's go to the party tonight!" Sanbonmuraro stood up.

After speaking, Sanbonmuraro took the lead and walked outside. Behind, more than a dozen people followed closely.

This time the party was arranged in the auditorium of Mizuki University. After careful arrangement, the venue not only had distinctive Chinese elements, but also many rich Japanese elements. There are self-service pastries, snacks, and self-service drinks area on site.

This time, the people attending the party are still representatives of both sides. As a representative, Xiao Han was naturally there, but compared to others, Xiao Han was obviously more casual. The others are wearing evening dresses. All of them looked glamorous, gentlemanly. Only Xiao Han appeared at the scene wearing a sportswear.

Lan Yudie is in a dark blue evening dress, which outlines her figure vividly. It can be said to be gorgeous and moving. As soon as she appeared on the stage, she immediately amazed the audience, making everyone want to imprint her deep in their hearts.

"Teacher Lan, can you be my dancing partner today?" Sanbonmuraro hurriedly walked over.

"Sorry, I already have a partner today." Lan Yudie politely refused.

Sanbonmuraro looked sad. He didn’t expect that there are such amazing female teachers in places like Mizuki University, and even Liu Yiyi’s beautiful and handsome female students. It really made him feel a little moved. He even regretted saying it in the morning. With those remarks, it was not so easy for him to pick up girls in his business, not just himself, even a handsome guy like Ichiban Saburo did not manage Liu Yiyi.

With the strength of Ichimoto Saburo, the ability to ask the girl to open a room within an hour, one day is enough to get Liu Yiyi. However, the words in the morning really saddened the girls of Mizuki University, so this trip to appointment seemed extremely difficult. However, this time it is not to make an appointment, but to complete a difficult task. Therefore, they appear extremely cautious.

After Lan Yudie came in, her eyes quickly fell on Xiao Han. She walked towards Xiao Han with a smile on her face.

"Xiao Han, dance with me." Lan Yudie invited with a smile.

At the dance party, men usually invite women on their own initiative. Unexpectedly, this time Lan Yudie actually invited Xiao Han on his own initiative. This makes everyone envious. However, they all knew well that the relationship between Xiao Han and Lan Yudie was rather ambiguous, and there were even rumors that the two of them were boy and girl friends. Although there is no confirmation, there are no waves without wind. Therefore, this news should not be a big problem.

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded.

Afterwards, the two soon began to dance. Everyone also began to join the dancing team.

Soft music, soft lighting. The boy and girl hug each other and start dancing.

At Mizuki University, boys and girls are exactly the same. At the University of Tokyo, there are only five girls, and the remaining five boys can only be alone, either two boys hugging and dancing together, or standing on the sidelines. The style of painting is somewhat incorrect.

Xiao Han smiled at the corner of his mouth, he smiled slightly, and then said: "Xiao Yu, you are so beautiful today!"

"Really?" Lan Yudie smiled and said: "But why don't you wear an evening dress?"

"No." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I haven't done it so formal."

"Hehe..." Lan Yudie grinned.

The two danced gracefully, Lan Yudie cleverly threw herself into Xiao Han's arms, and then danced gracefully, both of them looked very warm. The scene is also very harmonious. After the song was finished, everyone began to gather in twos and threes.

At this moment, Liu Yiyi walked over slowly: "Mr. Lan, can I borrow Xiao Han for a while?"

"Of course!" Lan Yudie said very generously.

Liu Yiyi smiled and looked at Xiao Han and said, "Xiao Han, dance with me?"

Everyone was amazed, and being able to make the two most beautiful girls in the audience invite Xiao Han to dance is enough to prove Xiao Han's charm.

"This kid..." Ichimoto Saburo gritted his teeth and said, "One person occupies two beauties."

"Don't think about it." Mibon Murano reminded: "Don't forget our mission."

"Yeah!" Ichimoto Saburo nodded.

At this time, Nishioka Mokho was no longer the venue, and there were still several people who were no longer there.

This immediately aroused Xiao Han's suspicion.

"It's weird, why are there fewer people?" Xiao Han was a little puzzled. Originally there were not many people on the other side, and after a day of getting along, Xiao Han had already remembered the other side's features, so he seemed more puzzled and strange.

"Maybe something is going on." Liu Yiyi smiled.

"This is a very formal party. With the Japanese style, it is impossible to leave halfway." Xiao Han frowned, then said: "This morning and afternoon were so boring activities, they never left for a minute. They are not there at such an important farewell party. Isn't that weird?"

"A little bit." Liu Yiyi was also a little skeptical when Xiao Han said so, she asked curiously: "Then...what about them?"

"I don't know!" Xiao Han shook his head.

At the end of a dance, Xiao Han was still looking curiously. However, what surprised Xiao Han this time was that even Sanbonmura was no longer there.

"It's strange, one by one disappeared." Xiao Han looked puzzled.


School of Medicine, Mizuki University.

Several black figures are jumping up quickly. They jumped up and jumped onto the windowsill on the second floor. Because the Faculty of Medicine has now been listed as a prohibited place by Mizuki University. After all, such places are more eerie and scary. Ordinary people dare not come. In the Department of Medicine, there are many remains of donors, as well as skeletons and internal organs for research. Similarly, this place was used by Chen Aiguo for the research and development of immunosuppressive drugs.

Although Xiao Han is equipped with a villa, the medical department's equipment and literature are relatively complete. If you change to other places, I am afraid you will not find such a complete set of equipment and literature.

After half a month of research, the research team headed by Chen Aiguo and assisted by Slack has made some breakthroughs. Some ideas provided by Xiao Han, including the so-called semi-finished drugs, have basically allowed the research team to lock in the research direction. Be able to make a breakthrough in research.

They have written related papers with hundreds of thousands of words, and there are the first batch of researched drugs. These things were all locked in the safe, and this time, Sanbon Muraro and the others needed to take away these papers and medicines. For the Japanese research team to conduct research and conquer.

(End of this chapter)

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