Weber Wilvet, as a magician from the Clock Tower, not only did he not master powerful magic, but he did not have a prominent family lineage, no different from worthless waste.

But he himself has a rare talent – at least in his opinion.

Webb, who spent all his family fortune to barely get into the clock tower, did not get the life he wanted, and under the rotten system of the clock tower, he could not use his talents and could only endure the ridicule of his classmates.

Against the ridicule of his classmates, Webb spent a great deal of time writing an article for impeaching the rotten system of the clock tower, giving it to his most recognized mentor, however…

“A delusional person like you is not suitable for the study of magic guides, Weber.”

The tutor said this sentence in front of the classmates, pityingly, although the mentor’s face still had a touch of helplessness on his face at that time, but Weber still had a sense of anger because of the mentor’s action.

He denied his efforts and talents, something he could not forgive.

However, he could not refute his teacher’s mercy for him.

He only felt that his mentor was wrong, but he could not point out the flaws in his mentor’s words, and in desperation, he could only cover his head and flee the classroom, comforting his humble self-esteem with ‘they don’t understand the ideas of this genius’.

Later, the great genius Weber learned that the mentor was about to go to the Far East “Dongmu” to participate in a magic competition, and by chance, Weber happened to get the prop “Holy Relic” used by the mentor to participate in the magic competition.

This must have been a gift from God to me to prove my talent – the boy had such an idea on that day.

He then made a decision that changed his life, leaving everything behind in the Clock Tower and, as a thief, stole his mentor’s holy relic and came to Fuyuki City.

After arriving in Fuyuki City, Webb dragged his heavy suitcase and took a taxi directly to the vicinity of the remote chicken farm, and according to the information he consulted in the clock tower, he learned something.

In the “summoning heroic spirit” link in the Holy Grail War, the summoning array can be increased by sacrificing living creatures, so that the royal lord can perform the heroic summoning more perfectly, even if he thinks that he has a rare talent, he cannot ignore the facts in front of him…

Weber Villevet’s magic level is really not high, and he must do something he doesn’t want to do in order to summon the heroic spirit perfectly.

For example, after hypnotizing the staff of the chicken farm, catch a few chickens.

Although it is very ridiculous, but this is his plan, only a few chickens are used as sacrifices when summoning the spirit, and he can complete the ritual of summoning the spirit.

While completing the plan in his mind, he saw a man dressed in black in this remote place, and the man was not worth noting except that he was dressed a little strangely.

“What a strange person, forget it, it’s important to get down to business.”

After ignoring the man who passed by him, he continued to walk towards the gate of the chicken farm, however, with his back to the man, he did not notice…

I don’t know when, the man has already stared at the suitcase in his hand with malicious eyes.


After Weberville left the room, Fang Cheng turned his body very indifferently, and sure enough, as he expected, this young man with two complicated feelings of arrogance and inferiority finally came here to prepare for the heroic summoning.

Although he has the endless magic brought by “flow electricity”, he is always just a magic rookie, he does not know basic magic, implied magic, and other magic common sense, and he has no magic power and cannot use it.

Influenced by the heroic spirit “Thomas Edison”, he could not accept this wasteful behavior, so he set his sights on Weber Wilvett in order to base his magical knowledge.

In this Holy Grail War, Webber Velvet was undoubtedly the weakest royal lord, and he was weak and could not even detect the magic fluctuations hidden by the “Faraday Cage” on Fang Cheng’s body.

With magic knowledge, but no strong magic strength, such a royal lord, in his opinion, is the best object to seize magic knowledge, he doesn’t even need to conflict with Weber, just need to…

After Weber hypnotized the chicken farm staff and began to catch the chickens, he secretly took his suitcase away.

If Fang Cheng’s object of theft was a cautious person like Wei Gong Kiriji, or other magicians with a magic foundation, then he would not have made such a rash move, but…

After cautiously observing Weber Velvet, he let go of this excessive caution, and the boy who was fighting with the rookie chicken did not notice at all, and he, who was close at hand, had put his hand on his suitcase.

Around the two people, it was not that there was no one, on the contrary, there were several chicken farm employees standing around the two.

However, under Weber’s hint magic, those employees performed their usual work as if they couldn’t see these two strangers, and thanks to this hint magic, Fang Cheng could easily steal the box from under these people’s noses.

After picking up the suitcase, Fang Cheng glanced at Weber with great contempt, and the teenager actually swaggered and threw the suitcase at the door after hypnotizing the staff, this kind of careless behavior was completely unimaginable to Fang Cheng.

“But that’s a good thing. Thanks to this little ghost’s carelessness, I saved me a lot of trouble. ”

After prying open the combination lock, Fang Cheng saw a lot of books in Weber’s suitcase, which may be waste paper for other magicians.

However, these books, which only have basic theoretical knowledge, are the supreme treasure for Han Fangcheng, a layman in the magic door, and after confirming that there are no cameras around, he quickly left the chicken farm with his suitcase.

A few minutes later, Weber, with his bloody hands, grabbed three chickens with a distressed look and returned to the gate of the chicken farm, and then he discovered a big thing….

“Where’s my suitcase?! Why is a suitcase my size missing?! ”

The suitcase containing his magic books, holy relics, and a large amount of clothing disappeared.

The Holy Grail War of the great genius Weber Wilvette has not yet begun, and it has already fallen into a huge disadvantage.

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