Under the navigation of the satellite, Fang Yi soon took the little loli to her family’s fruit stall, and after sending the little loli home, Fang Yi said to the two knights next to him:

“You two go back to work, I have something to talk about with this young lady.”


The two knights glanced at the dejected Emilia suspiciously, then at Fang Yi, and finally chose to leave without saying anything.

In these sixty years, Fang Yi has established countless feats on the battlefield and obtained fruitful results, and in the eyes of the knights, a military god who is invincible on the battlefield, wants to deal with a minor girl, it is absolutely hand-to-hand.


Because of the little girl’s disgusted eyes, Emilia, who has been smiling so far, gently wiped the tears that spilled from the corners of her eyes after the little girl left.

She had red eyes and sobbed with a crying voice.

“Do you want to laugh at me as a half-demon?”

“Well, I don’t have any special feelings about bloodline. Seriously, if you’re feeling a little tired—”

Fang Yi gently took Amelia’s little hand and said to her.

“Let’s go to the fountain park in front first and take a break.”

If it were placed in normal times, Amelia would definitely slap away the hand of this rude person, but now, the physically and mentally tired girl, for some reason, felt a sense of reassurance from Fang Yi’s body, and after repeated hesitation, she still let the other party hold her little hand and pulled herself into the fountain park.


After sitting down on the public seat in the park, Emilia reacted to what had just happened, and she withdrew her hand forcefully with a red face, tilting her head to the side and not daring to look at Fang Yi.

Looking at the girl’s performance at the moment, Fang Yi could only sigh, now pure love girls are too rare, his titular wife Priscilla. Baliel took the sale of meat as a common thing, and only after losing the bet with him did he restrain a little.


As if she felt that the atmosphere was too awkward, Amelia asked first.

“Before, I’m sorry, I thought you were bullying that little girl.” You say you don’t discriminate against my ancestry, is that true? ”


Fang Yi looked at Emilia with a smile and gently touched her silver hair with his right hand.

“Blood is such a thing, after all, it is only innate. Whether a person is worthy of my disgust or not depends on appearance and spirit. Girls, whether it is your appearance or your spirit body, are full of this charm, and I personally do not hate beautiful girls like you. ”

“That, that, that…”

Emilia, who was caressed by Fang Yi’s hair, suddenly felt even more nervous.

From as long as she could remember, whenever someone saw her appearance, they would stay away from her with disgust and fear, even Rozwal, who supported her, Amelia did not see the slightest affection from his deep eyes, and now, it was the first time she was so intimate with someone.

Although this feeling made her feel extremely shy, Amelia did not want to stop this feeling, after all…

——She wants to communicate normally with others more than being rejected and alienated.

“That’s right.”

As if remembering something, Amelia forced herself to face Fang Yi.

“I haven’t asked for your name yet.”

After withdrawing his hand from Amelia’s head, Fang Yi said with a warm smile.

“My name is Fang Yi. Baliel, if only you called us Yi. ”


Even if Amelia doesn’t ask about the world and is in the Dragon Kingdom. The girl in Lugnica can’t have stopped this name.

Externally, he is the military god who subdues the four sides, internally, he is the guardian saint who guards the border, he is very cordial to the people, and he is constantly improving the people’s livelihood with the technology in his hands, if it were not for this time Long Liishi suddenly announced the matter of the king’s election, Fang Yi would definitely become one of the candidates for the next king of this country.


After hearing Fang Yi’s name, Amelia remembered another thing, and immediately, the girl frowned.

“I remember Fang Yi, you have already married another royal chooser, Miss Priscilla, and after getting married, you also touched the hair of other girls and held the hands of other girls…”

The girl, whose eyes were gradually cold, said dissatisfied.

“Mr. Fang Yi, are you scum?”

“It’s really sad to say that…”

Fang Yi, who was so accused, said with a wry smile.

“Although there are always people in the outside world who say ‘Fang Yi. Baliel valued Priscilla’s looks’, but I was actually forced to. At that time, the king’s chosen ones were all little girls, one was a noble girl who planned to bet on the future of the people, and the other was a foreign businessman. Do you think that I, who have been fighting for the country for so many years, will watch the country fall into the hands of those who are not reliable? ”

“It should, it won’t. Do you say…”

Feeling that Emilia’s eyes softened a little, Fang Yi continued to flicker.

“I married Miss Priscilla only to prevent the country from falling into the hands of other unreliable kings. In fact, the two of us just have the name of husband and wife. ”

After hearing Fang Yi’s explanation, Amelia instantly felt that she was too much, obviously the other party was a good person who worried about the country and the people, but she actually regarded the other party as a prodigal son who attracted butterflies…

The ashamed girl immediately stood up solemnly, and the other party bowed resolutely.

“I’m really sorry, I actually misunderstood you twice because of my own imagination.”

“Ah, don’t care about such a trifle, as long as this country can continue to prosper, my personal reputation is nothing.”

After waving his hand without care, Fang Yi’s face was covered with a planned smile.

Sure enough, as I thought, the girl Amelia is too simple, and it only takes a little fooling to make her stop disgusting me, and…

Fang Yi looked at the bulging part of Emilia’s arms, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

You’re sensible, Parker.

In Amelia’s arms, Parker kept trembling.

Just now, as a big elf who has survived for many years, he saw through Fang Yi’s true face from the beginning, but…

——For some reason, the killing intent exuded from the other party’s body made this elf who was not afraid of heaven and earth actually unable to move because of trembling.

The instinct from the body told it that if it said something to debunk Fang Yi, it would definitely not have good fruit to eat!

That is, the power of scum!

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