After Phyllis and Wilheim left the territory of the Mezas family in ashes, Fang Yi returned to the Count’s Mansion and directly broke into Rozval’s room.

With the ‘creak’ of the wooden door being kicked open by Fang Yi, he looked at Rozval’s simple room and revealed a look of ‘sure enough’.

“It’s really not there. Hmph, is it ‘something to go out’ again? ”

Inside the room, Rozvall also left a document in which the border uncle very kindly explained the reason for his departure, and mentioned an incident at the end of the document.

“Since Lord Duke is so considerate to Miss Amelia, I will entrust this Lord to you for the time being. In order not to let others misunderstand, I and the central government of the royal capital provided relevant letters and evidence – hum, there were two strokes. ”

Looking at this mocking document, Fang Yi indifferently put it into his pocket.

Since Rozvall preemptively spread the news that ‘Duke Valier brought the second royal chosen person into the city’ to the royal capital, then the remaining two royal electors will definitely raise one hundred and twenty points of vigilance, and Rozvall will also be mistaken for joining Fang Yi’s camp in this situation.

Although this did not make Fang Yi suffer any losses in terms of results, in terms of follow-up operability, Fang Yi, who was taken away from the opportunity, did fall into passivity.

“As a result, are the forbidden library and the Ghost Sisters both props used to paralyze me? It’s funny. ”

Thinking that the ridiculous clown actually grabbed the first hand, Fang Yi felt that his originally very cold heart was warmed up a little.

It was not a big deal to seize the first hand, but he began to expect what Rozvall would do next, after all…

“When a person discovers after all the calculations have been made that his enemy is someone who cannot be secretly calculated, his desperate expression will definitely become the most interesting picture. Since you are going to be a clown, I will fulfill you. ”

After taking a deep look at the bookshelf, Fang Yi walked out of the room.

“I’m looking forward to your next performance, so don’t let me down, Rozwal.” After all, this year, clowns are really difficult to find. ”


The next day, after everyone saw the documents left by Rozval in front of Fang Yi, they were shocked at the same time.

Although they know that Rozvall has been busy and runs out every day, but…

Recently, in the days when Wang Xuan began, he actually slipped away without going to the royal capital as a supporter, and this irresponsible practice made Amelia deeply embarrassed.

“Well, don’t worry about this kind of breakage, the ship will naturally go straight to the bridge.”

Fang Yi resisted Parker’s murderous gaze and caressed Amelia’s hair familiarly.

“You go to the royal capital with me, and if Rozvall hasn’t come yet, I’ll help you.”

“Well, okay!”

Completely forgetting that Fang Yi was a supporter of another king’s chosen person, and completely forgetting that the two were actually enemies, innocent and pure half-elves, after hearing Fang Yi’s reassuring words, he exhaled a sulk.

She looked at Fang Yi and revealed a charming smile.

“Fang Yi, it’s really good to meet you.”

Ram and Rem, who were watching everything from the sidelines, somehow felt a little uncomfortable.

Rem knew that Fang Yi helped Ram regenerate the ghost horn, and Ram saw with his own eyes that Fang Yi lifted the spell on Rem’s body, and the two had no ill feelings towards the duke in front of them, on the contrary, in their hearts. They have already given birth to some feelings that they do not know what they are.

Feeling the faint love in Amelia’s words, the two whispered in harmony.

“Sister sister, Lord Emilia seems to be in love.”

“Remurm, Lord Amelia is definitely in love like this.”


After being exposed by the two of them, Amelia immediately shouted with a red face.

“Ramrem! What the hell are you two talking nonsense! ”

Looking at this angry girl, the two sisters glanced at each other and took a step back at the same time.

“Sister, we seem to know too much.”

“Remurem, Lord Amelia is going to kill us.”

“You guys…!”


Fang Yi, who walked to the entrance, covered his head and said with a headache.

“Now is not the time to fight. Let’s go, we still have to go to the royal capital to prepare for the royal election. ”


In the reluctant words of the three, everyone walked out of the count’s palace and left the territory of Rozvall in a dragon chariot.

Looking at the half-elf girl beside him, and remembering Anastasia, who was previously opposed by him in Karalachi, Fang Yi’s face suddenly raised a smile.

Karsten could not suppress me in terms of fame, and Hesin’s wealth had long been swallowed by me, Firut has not yet become the Chosen King, and the remaining two Chosen Kings are controlled by me…

Although this is already stable, but the two little girls of Kuerxiu and Anastasia will definitely not give up, this is the best, after all, you struggle, I will not be so bored ah, this royal election, will definitely make me feel happy.

“Fang Yi?”

Looking at the inexplicable smile on Fang Yi’s face, Amelia couldn’t help but feel a chill, and she hurriedly asked.

“You’re laughing a little strangely, what’s going on?”

“No, nothing.”

After shaking his head gently, Fang Yi looked at the three girls in the dragon car and said with a smile.

“It’s great to meet you guys.”

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