
This is the most intuitive feeling of Ma Tong Dirty Inkstone after entering Ma Tong Shinji’s body.

In the past, his body, which was constantly decaying due to the fall of the spirit body, had long lost its former vitality, and most of the time, he could only be like an ordinary old man, standing at home, flipping through magic books.

But now…

Shinji moved his slippery little hands, repeatedly confirming the ownership and manipulation of this flesh after a few minutes….

He finally showed an irrepressible look of ecstasy.

Originally, he, the unworthy grandson, failed to open the magic circuit because he inherited the bloodline of his waste son.

And Shinji, who could not inherit the magic of the Matong clan, of course, became a ‘unusable’ prop in the eyes of Dirty Ink, and for this waste, Dirty Inkstone did not spend extra energy to pay attention to him.

However, after the dirty brain worm of Matong entered Shinji Matong’s body, for some reason, Shinji Matong’s magic circuit suddenly changed slightly.

“Oooooh, this is!”

Like dead wood in spring, dirty inkstone looked at the hands of this body in disbelief.

Perhaps because of the effect attached to the engraving worm, or perhaps because the child’s body received excessive stimulation, the magic power that should not have existed appeared in the body of Shinji Tong.

If this boy is given enough time to open the magic circuit, maybe in the future, he will become a powerful magician, but unfortunately…

Children who are controlled by dirty inkstone have lost their future forever.

Although he gained a new body, Dirty Inkstone also lost his treasured hole cards and accumulated magic, and he knew that the explosion that day was definitely not accidental, and in this Fuyuki City, someone had already eyed his life.

Now, undoubtedly, his most vulnerable time in five hundred years, if the killer who topped him learned that he was not dead, he would definitely be plotted by that guy again.

Dirty Yan doesn’t think that with his grandson’s body, the other party will be scrupulous and not kill – that person directly bombarded his hometown with explosives, what other crazy things can’t be done?

All you can do is escape Fuyuki and wait for the opportunity to fight back while accumulating magical power.

Originally, in the eyes of Alice Phil, Artoria, a close friend, was just an ordinary knight.

Pure but not pedantic, humble but not inferior, she has been guarding herself like a bodyguard outside of battle.

However, since that day, Alice Phil took Artoria to the Golden Arch once, and Artoria seemed to have awakened some new hobby.

On weekdays, she is still as reliable as before, but once it’s time to eat…

“So, Alice Phil, it’s this shop today.”

She is like an ancient ferocious beast of a certain country – gluttony, endlessly devouring the food in front of her.

Several times, she even directly tired the chef with the power of one person, and ate all the reserve ingredients of the restaurant, if not for the beautiful faces of the two, the restaurant owner felt that these two girls came to fix him.

After the two finished eating, Alice Phil would always drive the car given to her by Kiriji, driving back to Ein’s Castle on the outskirts of Fuyuki, as an artificial life that usually has little entertainment, driving is her only hobby.


Today, her plans for a ride are doomed.

On the way back to Snow City, Alice Phil meets a man… No, it should be said that it is a creature.

Although he had the sound and strong limbs of a human being, there was something hanging from his neck that did not belong to it.

“Lion’s head? Wait a minute……! ”

When meeting each other, the opposite side smiled and waved at them like an old acquaintance of Alice Phil and Artoria.

And Alice Phil immediately stepped on the accelerator.

It’s not because she got the gas and brakes in the wrong direction — she just went to kill each other.

In the smiling lion’s head, the steel teeth that appeared, and the small tongue with flesh thorns, all made Alice Phil feel that this creature invisibly carried a hostility, if she was not mistaken…

Watching the car suddenly accelerate to ninety yards, the lion-headed man smiled helplessly, although this level of impact could not hurt him, but he was not shaking M, he would want to hard connect this attack to show his strength.

With a gentle jump, the lion-headed man flipped 360 degrees in the air very gorgeously, landing on the back of the vehicle.

One hit missed, Alice Phil made a drift on the spot and completed the stop.

This man had superhuman powers, as she had guessed, and he was indeed a participant in the Holy Grail War.

After Alice Phil stopped sharply, without a single warning, a burst of white light gushed directly out of the car.

Artoria had no intention of being polite with the enemy at all, and after swinging the holy spear, she rushed directly out of the vehicle.

And yet….

In the face of this white light, the lion-headed man just smiled softly and spit out a few jerky words from his mouth.

“World· Faith· Domination。 ”

Obviously, the brilliance of the holy gun was very dazzling, but after the man spit out these words, his surroundings actually turned into a picture like a movie, flashing black and white light.

Artoria, who witnessed this scene, took two steps back very vigilantly.

There is only one reason.

That enemy actually used ‘this ability’ to directly invalidate her attack.

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