Looking at the world-destroying fires descending in the sky, Weigong Kiriji was really frightened.

In normal times, he felt that he was crazy enough to lay mines in the magic workshop and bombard planes with RPG bazookas, but now…

Looking at the aerial bomb that was getting closer and closer, and even had begun to explode, he really felt that he was too tender before.

Compared to this damn Caster, the tricks and tricks he uses are really like children, which is ridiculous.

In his grief and indignation, he thought of a last way…

——In his hand, there is still the last spell, as long as the knight of the gun not far away is recalled with the spell, he and Alice Phil can at least save one life.

However, the Knight of the Gun was dissatisfied with himself, and he also knew very well that if he lost the last curse, would the other party leave him on the spot?

Even in the future, when he participated in the crusade against Caster, he obtained a spell from Father Lizheng, as long as Lancer signed a contract with the others, then this spell would be meaningless.

When the bomb approached, he actually hesitated for this reason.


Fang Yi, who was originally planning to watch the play to the end, suddenly became serious, and Chiko Muramasa, who was under the surveillance of the drone, actually rushed to Einz Belen City from his original position like a cheetah after the appearance of the fixed-wing drone.

Although his move was obviously to scrupulously scrutinize his unfortunate fool Imperial Lord Kenneth, Fang Yi did not dare to guarantee that after he met him, he would not turn the gun and surprise himself.

Even if Kenneth is violently killed on the spot, Qianzicun will leave enough magic power in his body to act for tens of minutes, and at that time, the followers of the imperial lord’s violent death may have to chase Fang Yi to cut eighteen streets to vent their anger.

“Forget it, this is called a strategic retreat.”

One thought of the half-body he held ‘Thomas. Edison’ is the heroic spirit of the art, and Fang Yi made his choice – let the red-haired man pass, anyway, he still has a few backhand.

Chiko Village was looking at the aerial bomb that was dropped, and I don’t know how many times, and let out a helpless sigh.

From the beginning, he did not plan to obediently go to Caster, after all, he was only disciplined for disobedience, which had long become commonplace for him.

He knew that if he didn’t go around a little, that waste second cargo royal lord would definitely make a big problem because of the riot operation, and sure enough, Kenneth did not let him down…

——This second cargo, after stepping on the trap of the other party, was almost served by the modern weapon sent by Caster.

There is such a brainless royal lord, shame ah…

The knife craftsman in the gallop clasped his hands in vain, and in an instant, a tai knife that exuded an ominous demon aura appeared in his hand.

“The demon knife that could not be forged before my death can actually appear in my hands because of the praise of future generations. It’s really ironic, but…”

After holding the demon knife Muramasa, the knife maker’s eyes were cold, and then…

“Although complete liberation will lead to the collapse of the Spirit Base, but against this modern technology, the strength of three percent is enough——”

He clenched his knife in both hands and slashed at the bomb that was about to fall.

“Slash, liberate – all Mu . Muramasa! ”

The sword qi that rushed into the sky formed a sword mark in the sky.

This sword mark, as if it was about to tear the sky, exploded the aerial bombs, together with the fixed-wing drone, and all the bombs exploded several meters away from the city of Einzbelen, causing a violent impact on the castle.

However, the framework was saved, and Kenneth and Emiya Kiriji, who were inside, finally escaped the fate of being buried alive with the efforts of Chiko Muramasa.

Emiya Kiriji, who jumped out of the room, reacted immediately after being stunned for a second.

He is a hunting dog on the battlefield, how could he miss this opportunity to hunt the enemy!

Guns in hand ‘Thomson. The competitors’ have long been prepared, and the most evil magic dress ‘origin bullet’ for magicians has been filled inside the gun body.

After aiming at the enemy, he decisively pulled the trigger on Kenneth without saying a word.

“Timealter – Triplestagnate!”

After seeing the enemy appear, Kenneth immediately chanted a defensive spell, but unfortunately, in the face of Eimiya Kiriji’s magic fixation, his reaction was a beat slower after all.

“Ahem… You rat—”

Kenneth, who was shot, spat out a mouthful of blood and showed a gloomy look on his face.

Since it is too late to defend, then it is better to exchange injuries for injuries!


Under a short syllable, the mercury beside him suddenly turned into a sharp blade, slashing Eimiya Kiriji’s shoulder.

However, Kenneth soon noticed that his body began to produce some strange conditions – the magic circuit in the hit part actually lost its reaction!

Chiko Muramasa, who was outside the castle, of course, heard the screaming voice of the humiliating royal lord, and he clenched the demon knife in his hand, intending to rush into the castle to rescue, but unfortunately…

“Planning to leave? Have you asked my opinion? Knight of the Sword. ”

A strong cyan hurricane swept the land in front of him, and Artoria, who felt that the royal lord was fighting, simply abandoned the mechanical soldiers and rushed back to Einzberen Castle.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Qianzicun was completely relieved – he couldn’t pinch this female knight, and the imperial lord was hung and beaten inside.

His war may have ended from the moment he answered the man’s call.


Looking at the man on the ground who wailed and cursed, Emiya Kiriji came to him with the pain, old and new, to be honest, he almost ran out of strength to pull the trigger and aim, and after aiming with his trembling left hand and assisting his right hand, he put his index finger on the trigger.

At this moment, a female mournful cry entered his ears, this voice, he was very familiar…

——At this time, his wife, who has been with him for eight years, will make a sound!

Eimiya Kiriji, who turned around, saw a scene that made him feel heartbroken-the lion-headed heroic spirit was lying unconscious Alice Phil.

After seeing Weigong Kiriji turn back, Fang Yi used this appearance to wave his hand at Weigong Kiriji very kindly.

“Yo, good evening. Your wife borrowed me for a few days, and when the time comes, I will return it to you, rest assured, I will not borrow it in vain…”

“These ‘gifts’ should be my reward.”

The next moment, the lion-headed heroic spirit, as if it had never existed at all, suddenly disappeared in place, and what made Weigong Kiriji feel bad was that a remote control that exuded a tricky feeling just fell in place.

Where he didn’t notice, countless trucks carrying Katyusha rocket launchers lifted the rocket mounts in unison and launched an attack on the forest where the Snow City was located.

Tens of thousands of rocket launchers, in that second, turned the entire forest into a purgatory of the red lotus.

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