Hearing this, Jiang Hao thought for a moment and said,"Well, I'll go to Haotian Entertainment Company in Strait Pearl Tower later. I'll be waiting for you at Haotian Entertainment."

Su Xiangyang said:" Thank you, Brother Jiang. I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay, see you in the morning." Jiang Hao responded after hearing this, and then hung up the phone.

When Jiang Hao's cell phone rang, Ye Qingxue had already woken up, quietly waiting for Jiang Hao to call..

Seeing Jiang Hao hang up the phone, Ye Qingxue asked curiously:"Who is it? Jiang Hao said:"

Su Xiangyang, the son of Su Yuanbin, the richest man in southern Fujian, is also the brother of Su Qingya, the vice president of Haotian Entertainment.""

Hearing that it was Su Qingya's brother, Ye Qingxue's eyes flashed slightly, and then asked:"Then what does he want from you?"

Jiang Hao said:"Su Xiangyang came to me to be a middleman.……"

Immediately, Jiang Hao told Ye Qingxue the whole story without hiding anything.

Hearing this, Ye Qingxue smiled and said:"I have heard of Fengguan Group before. I heard that Fengguan Group has a high status in southern Fujian Province. I didn't expect that the young master of Fengguan Group would take the initiative to find someone now." You apologize. It seems that your identity now makes many people afraid to offend you."

Jiang Hao smiled and said:"What identity I have is probably because I previously joined forces with Su Yuanbin to acquire 70% of the The Zhuang Group and the Fengguan Group are also worried that I will use the same method to deal with them."

"After all, Fengguan Group is still a step ahead of Zhuang Group. I can even take down the Zhuang Group, and maybe I can also take down their Fengguan Group, and I am also on good terms with Su Yuanbin, which is probably why they are afraid."

Ye Qingxue nodded slightly, and then said:"Then did you agree to them?"

Jiang Hao nodded and said:"I have agreed, but the premise is that Fengguan Group can come up with something that satisfies me."

In fact, when Jiang Hao agreed to Yang Bifan's apology, he still considered the problems of the Zhuang Group.

With Jiang Hao's current wealth and strength, if he wants to fight against the Fengguan Group, he will need the help of the Su Group. , there should be no problem.

However, even if Fengguan Group is defeated, the industry under Jiang Hao's name may be paralyzed.

In addition, Jiang Hao's management personnel are lacking in strength, and they have not completely digested the Zhuang family. Before the group, Jiang Hao didn't want to create another group company.

In the past, Jiang Hao was just an ordinary worker.

Although after obtaining the system, Jiang Hao's wealth, strength, and vision have been greatly improved. But Jiang Hao is under great pressure to manage two huge groups.

Now even the integration of Zhuang Group and other industries under his name is already quite complicated. If there is another Fengguan Group, Jiang Hao is really afraid that he won’t be able to play well

"Get up quickly, wash up, and then it’s time to have breakfast." After saying this, Jiang Hao smiled and said to Ye Qingxue

""Uh-huh," Ye Qingxue agreed softly, then got dressed and got up, and then went to the bathroom to wash up.

After Ye Qingxue finished washing up,

Jiang Hao took Ye Qingxue out of the bedroom and into the dining room..

The smart robot maid Jiang Wei had already prepared a sumptuous breakfast for the two of them.

The two started to enjoy the sumptuous breakfast together.

While eating breakfast, Ye Qingxue said:"Although the breakfast tastes good, but Compared with what you made, it's still a bit inferior. Yesterday you promised to cook for me yourself, don't forget it."

Jiang Hao smiled and said:"Don't worry, I won't forget it. Tonight, after we come back, I will cook myself and make a delicious meal to bribe you, a foodie."

"You are the foodie." Hearing Jiang Hao's words, Ye Qingxue rolled her eyes at Jiang Hao and let out a sweet sound.

The two of them ate breakfast, occasionally laughing and chatting, and the atmosphere was full of warmth and sweetness.

After eating breakfast, Jiang Hao Hao took Ye Qingxue out directly and drove towards the Strait Pearl Tower.

Because Su Qingya arrived in Nanchang City, and Jiang Hao transferred Director Chen to Xiamen City that day, now the management of Haotian Entertainment The latter was Director Chen who came from Zhuang Group.

Seeing Jiang Hao and Ye Qingxue arriving, Director Chen quickly stepped forward and said respectfully to Jiang Hao:"Director Jiang, you are here. Jiang Hao nodded slightly:"

How is the company doing? There are no problems, right?""

Hearing Jiang Hao's question, Director Chen quickly said:"Don't worry, Director Jiang, everything in the company is normal and there are no problems. Jiang

Hao nodded slightly and said,"That's good. Mr. Su used to be in charge here, and it will be left to you in the future. I rarely interfere with the company's affairs." Of course, if you have any problems that cannot be solved, you can give me a call. Director Chen suddenly felt happy when he heard Jiang Hao's words.

At first, Director Chen thought that Jiang Hao transferred him to Xiamen City and that he could only be an errand boy following Jiang Hao, but he didn't. Thinking that Jiang Hao would directly delegate power.

Thinking in his mind, Director Chen respectfully said to Jiang Hao:"Don't worry, Director Jiang, I will definitely not betray your trust."

Jiang Hao nodded slightly, and just as he was about to try to persuade Director Chen, the ringtone of his mobile phone in his pocket rang._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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