"Yeah, I know." Ye Qingxue nodded slightly after hearing this, and then said,"Do you have any good promotion suggestions? Jiang

Hao smiled and said:"It's actually very simple. It's nothing more than celebrity endorsements, TV ads, online ads, etc." At that time, the anchors of Happy Live can be allowed to advertise new products."

"There is also the original Jiangzhe Time Cinema Line, which can also allow them to advertise the company's products in cinemas. In terms of placing TV ads and celebrity endorsements, you can just let the people in the company's public relations department take care of it."

"By the way, speaking of celebrity endorsements, Shao Liying is quite famous in China now. You might as well give her a try. If she happens to be free, she probably won't refuse our company's endorsement."

Hearing Jiang Hao's words, Ye Qingxue smiled and said:"Originally, we said that we would open a company specifically and let me train and improve. But in the end, I still need your help in everything."

Jiang Hao smiled and said:"What's the matter? I'm just giving you a suggestion. Of course, you have to do it yourself on how to do it. Of course, even if I handle it all for you, that's okay. Speaking of which, I'm a little envious of you.

Ye Qingxue asked curiously:"What do you envy me for?"

Jiang Hao said seriously:"I envy you for having such an excellent boyfriend.""


Hearing Jiang Hao's words and seeing Jiang Hao's serious look, Ye Qingxue couldn't help laughing. Then she lightly punched Jiang Hao's shoulder a few times and said angrily:"You are really not ashamed to brag.

Jiang Hao said:"How can I brag?" Isn't your boyfriend a great person?

Hearing this, Ye Qingxue said:"Well, my boyfriend is indeed very good." If you are so envious, why not find such an excellent boyfriend?"


After saying that, Ye Qingxue couldn't help but laugh again. She smiled and bent down directly.

"It's funny to imagine you looking for a boyfriend. I can't, I just can't bear it any longer." Ye Qingxue said to Jiang Hao while smiling.

Jiang Hao said,"What's so funny about this? Anyway, the scene you imagined will never happen. Leaving such a beautiful and excellent girlfriend to find a boyfriend is what only a fool would do."

As he said that, Jiang Hao gently took him directly into his arms.

"Okay, let’s stop making trouble and let’s get down to business." Hearing Jiang Hao’s words, Ye Zhong was both funny and sweet. He lightly slapped Jiang Hao’s shoulder and said softly.

Jiang Hao said,"Okay, I’ll go back in the evening. Let’s talk about other things."

When Ye Qingxue heard this, her face turned red, and she rolled her eyes at Hao without saying anything.

Next, Jiang Hao accompanied Ye Qingxue in the company again, and briefly handled the official business of Haoxue Beauty Company.

In fact, it was mainly about the new products. Regarding product promotion issues, Jiang Hao also communicated with Jiangzhe Time Cinema and Happy Live Broadcast.

Then, Ye Qingxue handed over the issue of TV advertising to the company's public relations department.

As for contacting Shao Liying for endorsement, It was Ye Qingxue who personally called Shao Liying to explain the situation.

Shao Liying heard that it was a new beauty product developed by Jiang Hao and Ye Qingxue's company, and immediately agreed to the endorsement deal without any hesitation.

So far, the company's affairs have also It’s come to an end

"Well, it's finally done." After explaining everything clearly, Ye Qingxue stretched slightly and whispered.

Jiang Hao smiled and said,"Let's go, it's almost time to go home from work. Seeing that you have worked so hard, I will personally cook again tonight to reward you with a delicious dinner."

"Wow, really? That's great." After hearing Jiang Hao's words, Ye Qingxue suddenly burst into excitement, rushed to Jiang Hao's side, hugged Jiang Hao's neck, kissed him, and said happily,"Jiang Hao, I love you, you are so kind.!

Jiang Hao gently stroked Ye Qingxue's hair and said with a smile,"I love you too." Let's go home together"

""Uh-huh," Ye Qingxue agreed, and naturally took Jiang Hao's arm, and together they left the office and walked outside the company.

After leaving the company, Jiang Hao drove Ye Qingxue back to Yunxiao. Villa.

Although Jiang Hao said that he was cooking a delicious dinner for Ye Qingxue to reward her, Ye Qingxue did not say that he was just sitting aside and waiting for the meal, but took the initiative to help Jiang Hao.

While the two were cooking dinner, Casual chatting and occasional fun, full of warmth and sweetness.

Soon, a sumptuous and delicious dinner will be served

"Well, it tastes really good. Jiang Hao, how did you make it? I obviously used the same techniques and materials as you, but the taste of the food I made was obviously very different." Ye Qingxue said to Jiang Hao while eating the delicious dinner. Jiang Hao smiled. :"That's what I did, I don't know what the difference is? Don't worry about this, just eat some."

""That's right." Ye Qingxue smiled happily when she heard this, responded in her mouth, and then continued to enjoy the delicious food.

After dinner, the two watched TV for a while, each washed up, and then started a sweet night Late..._

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