Therefore, when he heard that he could have the opportunity to take charge of a side like Zheng Fulai, Tian Honglu suddenly became excited.

Taking a deep breath, Tian Honglu tried his best to calm down, and then said respectfully:"I listen to Mr. Jiang. I will do whatever Mr. Jiang tells me to do?" When

Jiang Hao heard Tian Honglu's words, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Jiang Hao also had a rough guess about Tian Honglu's thoughts.

Jiang Hao also recognized Tian Honglu's abilities when he was in Xiamen City.

However, it was Zheng Fulai who met Jiang Hao first, and Zheng Fulai was very outstanding in terms of his handling ability and interpersonal communication.

In the end, Zheng Fulai was one step ahead and surpassed Tian Honglu and others.

In comparison, Tian Honglu's ability to do things is good, but his interpersonal communication is slightly inferior.

Now listening to Tian Honglu's words, Jiang Hao felt that he seemed to have changed.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Hao said:"I have recently opened up a new market in Nanhai City, and I plan to set up a new group company. I am going to let you take over. Are you willing?"

Tian Honglu smiled slightly when he heard Jiang Hao's words. He felt a little surprised, but he quickly said:"I am willing to go."

Jiang Hao reminded:"Everything here is starting from scratch, so you have to be mentally prepared in advance, and don't come over when the time comes. , but messed up the matter. In that case, you must also know what the consequences will be."

After hearing this, Tian Honglu immediately promised:"Don't worry, Mr. Jiang, I will do my best and will not let you down."

For Tian Honglu Jiang Hao still recognized his ability.

Among the people in his group that Jiang Hao knew well, Tian Honglu's ability was probably slightly inferior to Su Qingya's.

It was precisely because of this that Jiang Hao chose Tian Honglu after thinking about it in his heart.

As Jiang Hao said, everything in Nanhai City can be said to be started from scratch.

Although the scene on the opening day of the jade store and the subsequent treatment of Yan Dazhi and others will shock some people in the business community of Nanhai City.

However, after Jiang Hao leaves, this deterrence will inevitably be reduced a lot.

If the successor later is not capable enough, I am afraid that people in Nanhai City's business community will still be unable to help but jump up and down.

After all, what businessmen value most is profit!

Thinking in his mind, Jiang Hao said lightly:"This is the best. You and Zheng Fu come to explain, and then rush over to Nanhai City as soon as possible. While I am still here, I can hold up some scenes for you."

"Yes, Mr. Jiang." When Tian Honglu heard this, he was slightly relieved and respectfully agreed.

Jiang Hao was willing to hold up the scene for him, and Tian Honglu naturally became more confident in the next task.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, that's it"

"Okay, bye Mr. Jiang!"


Jiang Hao responded lightly, and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up, Jiang Hao directly put away the phone, leaned on the seat and closed his eyes to rest.

Soon, the driver drove the car and arrived. Where is Jiang Hao's villa?

"Mr. Jiang, we’re here." When he arrived at the door of the villa, the driver cautiously reminded Jiang Hao.

"Reached? Thank you for your hard work." Jiang Hao heard this, opened his eyes and took a look, then said politely to the driver.

"Mr. Jiang is polite. This is what I should do." When the driver heard Jiang Hao's words, he quickly spoke respectfully.

Jiang Hao nodded slightly and continued:"That's it, you go back and report to Lin Ran."

"Yes, Mr. Jiang!"

The driver respectfully agreed to Jiang Hao. He watched Jiang Hao get out of the car and walk towards the villa. Then he restarted the car and slowly left the villa.

After Jiang Hao returned to the villa, he had nothing to do. , he took out his mobile phone and started playing the game again.

After playing for almost an hour, the doorbell suddenly rang at the door of the villa.

Jiang Hao immediately got up, went to the door and opened the door.

It turned out that Zhou Sha was back.

Zhou Sha saw Jiang Hao Hao was playing a mobile game again and could not help but frown slightly,"Don't you have to worry about the company's affairs every day? Jiang

Hao smiled and said:"There are so many capable people in the company. I just need to control the overall situation and distribute things. Why do I have to do everything myself?""

When Zhou Sha heard Jiang Hao's words, she was speechless.

After a pause, Jiang Hao looked at Zhou Sha and asked with a smile:"By the way, how did you go to negotiate with Nanhai City officials? Yan Dazhi, Qin Shan and Wang Dongliang shouldn't have anyone standing up for them, right?"

Zhou Sha said calmly:"Don't worry, with the evidence you provided, Nanhai City officials will strictly follow the regulations. Besides, I'm still watching. If someone really dares to cover up, I won't let him go! Hearing this, Jiang

Hao gave Zhou Sha a thumbs up and said with a smile,"That's right, you're domineering!""

When Zhou Sha heard this, she rolled her eyes at Jiang Hao without saying a word. Then she stepped forward and took out the remote control, turned on the TV, and started watching TV programs.

It seems that Zhou Sha has a strong adaptability and is used to Jiang Hao. The lifestyle of Hao's family.

At this moment, Jiang Hao's cell phone suddenly rang.

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