At this moment, a drake voice came from behind.

Jiang Hao didn't think so. There was one man leading several women here, and he thought he was talking about someone else.

"Damn it, are you pretending not to hear my elder brother talking to you?"

A bitch next to him said, and punched Jiang Hao.

However, Jiang Hao did not move at all. In his opinion, this kind of attack was not as good as a child scratching his itch.

He slowly turned around He turned around, looked at the little yellow-haired man in front of him, and said calmly,"Are you talking to me?"

Ye Qingxue and others next to them all looked like they were watching a good show.

They all knew how to deal with such people.

If Jiang Hao wanted to, he could beat them down at any time. Of course, it all depends on What did Yu Jianghao think about himself?

"Nonsense, our Brother Fei has fallen in love with the girl next to you."

Xiao Huangmao said, turned around, nodded and bowed, and said to a young man who was fairly well-dressed,"Brother Fei, I just made an observation, the most beautiful one is for you, and the two less beautiful ones, how about us? A brother took it back and played with it slowly...hehe."

When Xiao Huangmao finished saying this, Jiang Hao's brows suddenly frowned, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

I think you guys are so impatient that you dare to have thoughts about your own people. Then can I still make you feel better?

"Fuck you, I want one, you want two more?"

He slapped his big mouth and slapped Xiao Huangmao directly on the face. Xiao Huangmao covered his face in pain,"Brother Fei, I was wrong. I'll give you all three. You can play with me after you finish playing.……"

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will tie you to a tree and let the dog lick you."The man named Fei Ge, smoking a cigar, said to Jiang Hao with a gesture that he thought was very handsome,"My little brother was a little rude just now, I apologize to him."

"Not accepted."Jiang Hao said lightly.

Are you dismissing yourself now? You really think you are easy to bully.

Brother Fei frowned. He has never met Jiang Hao. In Jiangcheng, who knows Jiang Hao, who dares to provoke him?

If he Now that he knows that the person in front of him is Jiang Hao, he will never think of provoking him in his life.

"Then what do you mean? Apologizing is not enough. Are you asking for a beating? If I want, I can make you disappear in this restaurant immediately."

When Brother Fei saw that there was only Jiang Hao and three women around him, to be honest, he was a little tempted. The women around him were more beautiful than the other, especially the woman standing closest to him. It was like her own life. The ultimate ideal type, he just had an idea just now, but now he has changed his attention. There is only one person opposite him. What is he afraid of?

It's not like he has never done this kind of thing to steal his girlfriend.

"Xiao Huang, go up and teach him a lesson. I think he doesn't know what it means to be too high."Brother Fei took a puff of his cigar, blew out a smoke ring, and then said,"Boy, you asked for this. If you hand over your girlfriend now, I will spare you a severe beating."

Jiang Hao snorted coldly. He has seen too many people like this, but it seems that no matter how hard he fights, he can't get rid of such people. The best way to deal with such people is to fight back with a severe beating.

Xiao Huangmao The moment he just set off, Jiang Hao used an extremely weird posture and punched Xiao Huangmao in the stomach in 0.01 seconds!

This punch directly caused Xiao Huangmao to vomit blood. , and then he lay on the ground in pain. No one knew what happened just now. No one saw Jiang Hao's movements clearly, and Xiao Huangmao lay directly on the ground!

"This...what happened!"Brother Fei's mouth, which was holding a cigar, twitched at this moment. Holy shit, have I seen a ghost today?

Jiang Hao didn't seem to move. He was still standing there as if nothing had happened. He just looked at the person opposite him calmly. Brother's guy

"Your people are good at acting, so they just lay down on the ground and avoided a severe beating."Jiang Hao laughed.

But Brother Fei on the other side couldn't control his face anymore. When had he ever been embarrassed?

"Damn it, Huang Mao, what the hell are you pretending to be on the ground? Get up quickly and beat him!"

Brother Fei felt that something was a little strange. Although Huang Mao was thin, his strength was absolutely astonishing. His combat effectiveness was definitely one of the best among his men. Why was he lying on the ground this time?

Huang Mao At this time, there was some twitching in the stomach. Fei Ge squatted down and checked what happened to Huang Mao. At this glance, Fei Ge was stunned on the spot.

Huang Mao's stomach actually sunk in a little, although it was not Obviously, Huang Mao's internal organs must have been seriously injured this time!

This moment made Fei Ge confused. Damn it, nothing happened just now. What on earth is going on? Is this the thing in front of me? Man?

Looking at Jiang Hao's harmless smile, Brother Fei suddenly started to panic.

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