As soon as she returned home, Ye Qingxue received a phone call

"Hey, Qingxue……"

It turned out to be a call from Ye Qingxue's mother, Wen Ya.

Ye Qingxue frowned, feeling that something was about to happen, and then asked,"What's wrong, Mom?""

"Is it easy for you to speak now?"The gentle tone made Ye Qingxue feel that her mother had something to say.

"Convenience, you name it."Ye Qingxue said and returned to her room.

Jiang Hao saw it, but didn't say anything. If something happened, Ye Qingxue would naturally tell him

"Well, there's been a problem at your aunt's house recently, and I'd like to ask you if you can solve it."Wen Ya's tone was a little embarrassed, which made Ye Qingxue a little confused. Is there something wrong with her aunt's family?

Isn't her aunt's family quite rich? What could be the problem? If a company worth more than one billion yuan has a problem, it will be up to herself. what's going on

"Don't worry, tell me what happened in detail."Ye Qingxue asked

"Your uncle's company was facing bankruptcy, so he called us, but we couldn't do anything to help him... I have no choice but to think of you."After Wen Ya finished speaking, Ye Qingxue understood what was going on.

Then Ye Qingxue said,"Okay, I know what's going on. Let me call my aunt and ask."

"Hmm... If it really doesn't work, you can find Jiang Hao and see what he can do."

Ye Qingxue's mother didn't say too much, and then hung up the phone.

When Ye Qingxue left the room, Jiang Hao noticed something was wrong with her expression, and then said to her,"What's wrong? , what happened?"

"My mother said there was something going on at my aunt's house."Ye Qingxue is not sure what is going on in her uncle's company now. Everything was going smoothly before. Today, she called suddenly. Something must have happened.

"Your aunt?"Jiang Hao was a little confused. If there was a problem in her family, how could she go to Ye Qingxue?

"Um."Ye Qingxue wanted to call her aunt later and ask what happened.


"Sister, have you told Qingxue? What will my family do? I'm so worried."Wen Xian said anxiously to her sister Wen Ya.

There are some problems in Zhu Zhishan's company. Now the entire company cannot turn over, and even the workers' wages cannot be settled. It is already facing the danger of bankruptcy. As long as the company does not make money, then Wen Xian How will Xian live her life in the future?

So she quickly found her sister. She just wanted to compare herself with her sister. At this point, if her family went bankrupt, she would have trouble eating in the future, and she couldn't care about it at this time. What’s so shameless about it?

"I just called Qingxue, and I don't understand what's going on in your family. Otherwise, you and Qingxue should talk about this matter in person. You also know the situation at our family, so you can't do anything to help you."

Wen Ya also told the truth. Her family only has tens of millions of assets in total. If something happens to Zhu Zhishan's company, she will not be able to help at all.

The only person who can help her family now is Jiang Jiang Hao is alone

"Okay, I'll give Qingxue a call now."Wen Xian said, immediately hung up the phone, and then dialed Ye Qingxue's number.

"light snow……"Wen Xian usually looked aloof, but now she was as wilted as an eggplant beaten by frost.

"Aunt, what happened? I just heard my mother say that something happened in my uncle's company?"After Ye Qingxue finished speaking,

Wen Xian burst into tears and said with tears running down her nose,"Yeah, I couldn't explain it on the phone. Your uncle was plotted and deceived. , the company is going to be finished now."

After hearing this, Ye Qingxue probably understood what it meant, and then said to Wen Xian,"Auntie, don't be anxious, I don't know about this matter yet.……"

Before Ye Qingxue finished speaking, Wen Xian said directly,"Qingxue, can you bring your boyfriend to come to your aunt's place? It's been a long time since we last seen each other, and my aunt misses you too. By the way, I want to tell you what's on my mind."."

Ye Qingxue was a little helpless. She knew that her aunt was very arrogant on weekdays. Now she had no choice but to be so down on herself.

However, Ye Qingxue couldn't refuse, and then said,"Jiang Hao and I will go to your place in the next two days."

"Okay, okay, it couldn't be better, my aunt is waiting for you at home. My aunt's life is so miserable!"I have to say that Wen Xian is indeed a good actor. She bursts into tears at any time. Jiang Hao heard the content of the phone call next to her. To be honest, she didn't have a good impression of Wen Xian, but looking at Ye Qingxue Looking a little embarrassed, Jiang Hao said to Ye Qingxue at this time,"How about I go to your aunt's house with you."

Ye Qingxue glanced at Jiang Hao, then kissed him,"I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

"If you have any regrets with me, your business is my business."

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