So Jiang Hao and Zhou Sha drove directly back to Zhu Zhishan's house.

But on the way, something happened.

It turned out that when they left, Duan Shilong made one last phone call to"Master Long" and told him what had just happened, as well as Jiang Hao's license plate number and appearance.

"Master Long, you have to protect me! Over the years, I have handed over a lot of wealth to your family, you must keep me!"Duan Shilong grabbed his last straw. As long as"Master Long" wants to save him, he will definitely be saved.

"Keep you? Okay, but do you have any value that I can use now?"As soon as Mr. Long spoke, he asked the sharpest question.

"this……"Duan Shilong didn't have the face to speak anymore. He was now worthless to Mr. Long.

Although he has contributed nearly one billion to Long Ye's family over the years, without Long Ye's help, the Bora Group would not have been so prosperous.

But all this stems from the relationship between use and being used. Now I have no value in using myself, so it is normal for Master Long's attitude towards him to change now.

"My help in getting rid of that person this time is my last help to you. We will never meet again in the future."Master Long said calmly. For the sake of so many years of cooperation, he finally did him a favor. For the Shuangsha magic stick, it is more than enough to deal with an ordinary person.

"Thank you Mr. Long……"

Afterwards, Long Ye hung up the phone and informed Shuangsha Shengun of the news.

"Target locked, vehicle ahead."

One stick said to the second stick. Soon, the two people quickly caught up with Jiang Hao's vehicle.

There were no vehicles and no pedestrians in this area, but Jiang Hao vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Zhou Sha noticed Jiang Hao's emotions , and then said,"What's wrong? It feels like you are worried"

"No, I just think there is something fishy here."

Suddenly, a large rolling stone fell from the front and hit the two of them directly.

"ah!"Zhou Sha couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw this.

Jiang Hao suddenly stopped and stopped the car on the spot. He frowned and wondered who was coming.

Soon, two figures landed on the spot just now. On the rolling stone, Jiang Hao had never seen them. However

, Jiang Hao felt a strong murderous intention from their bodies. Seeing their clothes, he thought they were filming a costume TV series.

"It's okay, I'll take care of everything, just sit in the car."Jiang Hao patted Zhou Sha's hand, and then got out of the car.

But Zhou Sha blushed, he, he actually clapped his hand just now.

After getting off the car, Jiang Hao said to the two of them,"Two people Dude, you are blocking my way. I wonder if you have heard of this sentence?"

"When I think about it, the saying seems to be that a good dog stays out of the way."Jiang Hao smiled at the two people and said lightly.

After hearing Jiang Hao's words, he took out the stick he was carrying and smashed it at Jiang Hao.

The speed was so fast that it was shocking. Tongue.

Even Jiang Hao didn't expect that his speed could be comparable to his, but his speed was still not as good as Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao quickly dodged. Where did these two people come from, but they didn't know As if passing by, as if coming towards me on purpose

"I have no enmity or enmity with you, why not discuss it carefully?"

After Jiang Hao finished speaking, he sneered with a stick and said,"I will accept your fate!"

When the two sticks saw this, they also took out their own purple-gold magic sticks, one on the left and one on the right, directly sandwiching Jiang Hao in the middle.

"Damn it, even though I don’t have a weapon, I still don’t have the upper hand."Jiang Hao said secretly in his heart. Soon enough, Jiang Hao had just escaped, and a deep pit had appeared where he was standing just now. If it hits him this time, Jiang Hao will definitely be seriously injured.

But now Jiang Hao realized the seriousness of the problem. These two people were very strong, and their attacks were killer moves. But one thing that surprised Jiang Hao was that the physical fitness of these two people was far beyond ordinary people.

This is Jiang Hao. Hao paid attention to the point.

The two people's stick skills were so superb that for a while, Jiang Hao was also struggling. This was the first time he felt that fighting with someone was so difficult.

Seeing that Jiang Hao did not have the advantage, the two evil sticks He glanced at it and then said,"Get rid of it directly and go back quickly."

Jiang Hao looked at the two people, and his eyes couldn't help but become serious. It seems that this time, he will use his true skills.

"I will have fun with you today."An evil smile leaked from the corner of Jiang Hao's mouth at this time, and this smile also made the Shuangsha Shengun's heart tremble. The two of them now felt a little afraid.

But soon, this thought came to them I gave up in my heart.

I have never been afraid of anyone in so many years, so the two people suddenly shouted,"Stick method, Pudu!"

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