The luxurious McLaren roared past on the street, attracting many people's attention.

Jiang Hao drove Zhou Sha and chatted all the way towards the Peacock Hotel.

At this time, Su Daqiang and Su Mo's father and son had already been waiting in front of the Peacock Hotel for a long time.

The father and son stood in the cold wind with eager eyes. boom! boom! boom!

Amidst the roar, McLaren finally arrived. As soon as Jiang Hao's car drove to the parking lot of the Peacock Hotel, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Good guy! Limited edition McLaren, whose eldest son is this? He is so rich!"

"Damn, that man got out of the car. He was so handsome and so damn rich. I was so angry!"


There was a sour taste in the words of the passers-by.

Jiang Hao ignored the looks of passers-by and slowly got out of the car.

Zhou Sha was wearing a short skirt and swinging her two slender legs to follow him.

Seeing Jiang Hao coming, Su Daqiang immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang, you are finally here. I have seen you for a long time. I have prepared food and wine. Please come in. Please come in."

Su Daqiang smiled and stretched out his hand.

Jiang Hao also stretched out his hand and said lightly:"Boss Su, you're welcome, please."

A few people exchanged polite words and then entered the box.

As soon as the food and drinks were served, Su Daqiang immediately began to clarify the purpose of his visit. Su Daqiang held the wine glass and said with a smile on his face:"Mr. Jiang, Su is hosting today, mainly because I want to. I want to apologize to you properly. I won’t tell you the specific reason. In short, I am ignorant and have offended you. Please don’t take offense."

Su Daqiang's attitude was not bad. Jiang Hao had a good impression of him. He also raised his glass and said,"Mr. Su, you're welcome. We are all businessmen. Businessmen should regard peace as the most important thing.""

"Yes, yes, harmony is the most precious thing! Harmony is the most precious thing! What Mr. Jiang said is great!"

Seeing Jiang Hao express his intention of reconciliation, Su Daqiang grinned like a purse, and quickly ordered Su Mo:"Why don't you toast Mr. Jiang and apologize quickly?"

Although Su Mo was dissatisfied, he didn't dare to say anything. He knew what kind of person his father Su Daqiang was. The person who could make his father humble and ask for forgiveness was definitely not that powerful. He could even control the life and death of the Su family.

Unfortunately, , Jiang Hao is this kind of person.

At least, the relationship behind him is this kind of person.

A glass of fragrant and mellow wine was filled up, and Su Mo respectfully brought it to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao took the glass and drank it in one gulp. It gave Su Mo some face.

Seeing this, Su Daqiang immediately laughed and said jokingly:"Mr. Jiang, if this matter is revealed, we will be friends from now on. I know you want to develop in Xihang City. If you have any use in the future, just tell me!"

Jiang Hao's eyes flashed slightly when he heard this, as if he thought of something, and he slowly said:"Mr. Su, to tell you the truth, there is indeed a small matter. It would be best if you could solve it. When Su

Daqiang heard Jiang Hao's words, he immediately asked:"If you have anything to do, just ask Mr. Jiang and I will definitely do it!""

Jiang Hao took a deep look at Su Daqiang, and then mentioned the matter of Duan Shilong, the former chairman of Bora Group, leaking the company's insider information.

In fact, Jiang Hao suspected that Duan Shilong and Su Daqiang were colluding, and asking Su Daqiang to take action was also a test of him. When

Su Daqiang heard this, he banged the table and said angrily:"Is there such a thing? I hate this kind of person the most, Duan Shilong, right? Don't worry, Mr. Jiang, I will settle it for you as soon as possible!"

Su Daqiang's eyes were firm and his words were fierce. He didn't look like he was joking.

"Thank you very much."

With Su Daqiang's power in Xihang, Jiang Hao believes that as long as he really works hard, Duan Shilong's problem can be solved.

"Mr. Jiang is polite, and besides..."

Su Daqiang said politely, and suddenly spoke again. Halfway through, he first asked Su Mo to help him take out the documents from the briefcase, and then he looked through them again, and finally took out the thick document. A stack of documents was carefully handed over to Jiang Hao's hands.

At this time, Su Daqiang continued:"Mr. Jiang, this time, we have indeed brought a lot of trouble to the Bora Group and caused a lot of losses. If Mr. Jiang doesn't mind, just take this as compensation."

Jiang Hao took the document and looked at it. It turned out to be a contract transfer agreement, and it was a movie theater chain worth 500 million!

Jiang Hao said with a smile:"Mr. Su, this gift is too big."

"It should, it should!"

Su Daqiang laughed dryly, but his heart was bleeding. He didn't want to give it, but he couldn't help it. Who made Jiang Hao his"father" now? There was nothing he could do if he didn't give it.

It's a pity that this movie theater chain, this is It landed in the most prosperous underground shopping mall in the center of Xihang City. It has just been renovated and has not yet been put into use. Thinking about it, it feels like a pity.

Su Daqiang came to negotiate with himself with the transfer contract. Of course, Jiang Hao would not let this gift go in vain..

Jiang Hao said,"Boss Su, you are not good at this, you are treating me like an outsider," and"I'm just here to have a meal, there is no need to be so polite," but he had already handed over the sky-high price contract in his hand. I put it in my pocket.

It was very sturdy and even took two pats.

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