The Journey In Marvel Magician

Chapter 251 Chapter 249

In the next few days, Li Feng didn't mention the matter of letting Fury be handed over.

The soul is in Li Feng's shoulder bag. Where can Fury find Alexander? It can only be Shansai goods.

But Phil Coulson didn’t know. He was still worried about whether Li Feng was holding back his plan to stab Da Louzi. He hung around Li Feng and asked for warmth when he had nothing to do all day. He even gave the team members the investigation of hackers and accompany him personally. Li Feng builds sail boats.

After a while, the keel of the sailing ship was built, and Phil Coulson also vaguely understood that Li Feng seemed not to care about Alexander.

Although he didn't understand what Li Feng was thinking, he started to accompany the team members on missions every other time.

Definitely, Phil Coulson invited Li Feng to participate in the field mission with the reason that Li Feng is easy to suffer from illness.

When Li Feng saw what Phil Coulson was thinking, he was just worried that he would get into trouble when he was idle.

The problem is that Li Feng is not that kind of person...really...

But agent, eh, in the film and television dramas, the agent has beauties and sports cars...

In this way, with a curiosity, Li Feng resolutely joined the Phil Coulson team, and spent the entire day with a pig face and a few people behind Phil Coulson to experience the life of an agent.

It's just that the life of an agent is a little different from what Li Feng thought. It doesn't matter if you stay up all night staring at the computer screen and constantly flipping through the street surveillance video. Who can stand such a boring life without fine wine and beautiful women?

Whether there is a car, it is the only one in the world, that is, his RV. Needless to say, the driver of the RV is naturally Melinda who can drive the RV out of the fighter posture.

Until now, Li Feng didn't want to understand how his car was inexplicably requisitioned by Phil Coulson.

Why did it suddenly become a temporary base for the Phil Coulson team? .....

Who cast the spell on whom between Phil Coulson and I? .....

After a few days of boredom, none of the members of the hacker organization caught it. Li Feng said that he would not do it: What is fun in this boring life, it is better to go home and build sails.....

How could Phil Coulson let off Li Feng so easily? Therefore, Phil Coulson ostensibly agreed to Li Feng's return home by the lake. In fact, Phil Coulson simply set the team's base in a cabin by the lake.

In the words of Phil Coulson, he did this for the convenience of the ‘doctor’ Li Feng to check his physical condition at any time.

In fact, Li Feng knew in his heart that Phil Coulson was reluctant to use convenient portals, apart from the idea that he had nothing to do with him.

Who makes this thing convenient to go out?

For example, when you change shifts at the outpost, you can go home and take a bath and get a good night's sleep as long as you cross the portal.

In the past, Melinda and Ward could not even think about it.

Definitely, Phil Coulson will not stay in the cabin forever.

For example, as Christmas approached, all members of the Phil Coulson team packed their luggage and asked Li Feng to help send them to an airport under S.H.I.E.L.D. Needless to say, the air command center that Fury gave to Phil Coulson was finally completed.

For this reason, Li Feng expressed that he is happy today and wants to eat a few more big white buns: I finally don’t need to be tossed about by Melinda in my RV....The special ones are almost falling apart.....

When the Phil Coulson team knocked on the door of the RV with their luggage, Li Feng waved his hand to open the portal and led everyone to the airport.

Boarding the Airbus, Phil Coulson, as the host, took Li Feng with great interest to visit, until he walked to a closed room similar to an interrogation office, Phil Coulson conveniently closed the side, and reached out to Li Feng to signal "please sit".

Li Feng scratched his head, opened the portal and poured himself a beer from the RV, suggesting that Phil Coulson's room was nothing but this, and couldn't close him at all, and asked, "Is something wrong with me?"

Phil Coulson sat upright on the chair and said with a serious expression, "Hapi was in the hospital after a bomb explosion."

Li Feng's drinking action paused. Although his relationship with Hapi didn't reach the point of avenging each other, there was still a relationship that he cared a few times daily.

Squinting, Li Feng turned his head and asked, "Do you know who hurt Hapi?"

Phil Coulson nodded, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and clicked on a certain video, and said: "Afterwards, this ‘Mandarin’ claimed responsibility for this matter, and Shi Stark also wrote a war note against him."

After Li Feng watched the video of'Mandarin', Phil Coulson continued: "We returned the topic to Harpy...the day after Harpy entered the hospital for rescue, Shi Stark took him back from the hospital regardless of the doctor's instructions. Stark Building..... A few days later, that is today, someone saw Harpy appearing in the Stark Building intact."

While talking, Phil Coulson took out a medical report of Harpy when he entered the hospital and said: “In terms of Harpy’s injury at the time, God blessed him to survive...” After a pause, Phil Coulson Looking at Li Feng carefully, he continued: "We can't think of what kind of medical treatment is used to treat a dying person back to the original in a few days..."

"Unless it's me," Li Feng interrupted Phil Coulson, pointing to himself, and said, "Guess Stark asked me for help?...The problem is that I have been busy building sailboats these days. When I went out, I didn't receive any help calls from Stark."

"We know," Phil Coulson smiled mildly: "If you take the treatment, Stark doesn't need to bring Harp into the Stark building for treatment for a few days. I am afraid that Harpy would have kicked alive when he left the hospital. ."

Li Feng was stunned. He touched the wine glass with one hand and the chin with the other. He said in a positive tone: "Do you suspect that Stark has thoroughly researched'therapies' and used technology to reproduce'therapies'?"

Phil Coulson did not deny Li Feng's speculation, and generously said, "Otherwise? We can't think of a way to recover from Harpy's injury in a few days."

How about using scientific research to imitate the treatment technique, my treatment technique has been upgraded to broken limb reborn.....Li Feng curled his lips, as if he didn't care at all.

Just what is the purpose of Phil Coulson talking to me? Confirm that I have helped Shi Stark? .....

Just ask Shi Stark, isn't it over? .....

Suddenly, Li Feng realized something, looked at Phil Coulson with a smile, and asked, "You don't want Shi Stark to surrender the healing technique, do you?"

Phil Coulson hurriedly shook his head and denied that he had any idea of ​​asking for free, and said: "We are willing to buy technology...even finished equipment."

"Hehe," Li Feng rolled his eyes and sneered a few times: I almost believed what I said...

If Phil Coulson is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Shi Stark might sell a device to Phil Coulson for the benefit of having a good relationship with Phil Coulson in private.

The problem is that now S.H.I.E.L.D is in charge of Fury, and Shi Stark has more opinions on Fury.

If Fury can buy a screw from Stark, Li Feng said that he stopped drinking on the spot.

However, is the plug-in of Shi Stark opened a little bit fiercely? How long did it take to figure out the technological version of ‘healing’? .....

Li Feng scratched his head: No matter what, I have taught Shi Stark the "Merlin Magic Ring" anyway, is there still a "healing technique"...

"Let's talk, what are you guys paying attention to?" Li Feng pointed to the airtight room and said, "I don't believe that the room you specifically searched for is just to tell me this."

"Um~" Phil Coulson smirked awkwardly, and said embarrassedly: "I want to ask you a favor, can you buy me a ‘therapeutic’ device from Stark."

Li Feng was a little confused. He didn't understand the logic of Phil Coulson's current situation. He pointed to his nose and said, "I came forward to buy the'Therapy'?... It will take a few days before Stark's therapy machine can recover. , I got it done with the stopwatch, don’t you think Shi Stark can’t guess that you are actually buying the equipment?"

Phil Coulson shrugged and said, "It's the same thing to guess, but the chances of us coming out and you coming out to make a successful purchase are different."

Co-authoring makes me consume favors and make you profit? ......Li Feng twisted his neck, took a drink from his glass and drank, "You continue, I will just listen to it for fun" posture.

"What do you want?" Phil Coulson kept smiling, but said his words without confidence: "We won't let you help in vain, as long as SHIELD has it, we can discuss it...or like Stark, help You look for magical items such as the "Dark Book of Gods" and purchase equipment in exchange for you."

I even know the title of the "Dark God Book"...Li Feng cast his eyes to Phil Coulson, and mocked: "The SHIELD of such a big family actually monitors Hapi... I don't know if I will tell Hapi about him in the future. What do you think of his every move under surveillance? Do you feel honored or find a lawyer to sue you for infringing on his privacy?"

Anyway, Li Feng doesn’t believe that when Hapy looked for the "Dark God Book" he held up a banner to search for it, and under his feet, the United States, which values ​​privacy more than life...

If Shi Stark joins in...hehe, S.H.I.E.L.D will just wait to be famous, or everyone will scream and beat the rat crossing the street.

No one would like to think of ways to monitor their government departments.

It is estimated that the U.S. Congress will find a way to expel S.H.I.E.L.D.....

Phil Coulson shook his head hurriedly and denied: "We are here to protect Harpy. In fact, except for the protection provided by Harpy when he searches for the'Dark Book of God', we don't mean to spy on Harpy's privacy."

"Who believes..." While speaking, Li Feng stood up and opened the portal, and reminded when he crossed the portal: "If you use it yourself, I think Shi Stark might sell or lend you one, if it's Fury Come forward.... Save it."

After speaking, Li Feng closed the portal.

Standing by the lake, Li Feng thought for a while, beckoned to let the phone fly into his hand, and pressed the number of Stark's house.

After a while, the voice of J.A.R.V.I.S came out of the microphone.

"Hello, Mr. Austin, can I help you?"

Li Feng grinned and said, "I heard that Shi Stark is depressed. I came to care and care, and make myself happy by the way."

J.A.R.V.I.S seemed to be in a crash, and a few seconds later said: "Mr. Austin, I need to remind you that Mr. Stark is anxious because of you."

This time, Li Feng’s brain crashed. After a few seconds, he asked in a puzzled way: "What do you mean? This guy fantasizes me like a villain who wants to kill him?... JARVIS, it's not me who said you, You should read books about mental health, otherwise Stark will play him to death based on your family history."

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