The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 102 Su Enxi wants to knock CP

Because of Su Enxi's speech, the entire situation suddenly fell into silence.

In the end, it was Uesugoshi who spoke with a dark face to break the silence.

"Sorry, if this is your investment condition, I cannot accept it. Please come back."

"That's right, Zhi is our Tsukuyomi fate, and it's impossible for her to get married."

They looked at each other, and Sakurai Nanami spoke resolutely first, but before Mu Qingzhi could cast her approving gaze, she suddenly changed her tone.

"We only accept brides-in-law here, not marriages."

...Are you kidding me?

As Tsukiyomi, Uesugi Zhi is their legitimate heir to the imperial blood. With a mere investment of tens of billions, you want them to hand over the hope of the family's survival?

No one with any brain would do such a thing.

At a small scale, the boss of the other party may just be interested, but at a larger scale, this is a peep into the secrets that the Sheqiba family has maintained for thousands of years.

When thinking of this, not only Sakurai Nanami, but also several other family heads looked at Su Enxi dangerously.

For a moment, there was a faint smell called chilling in the air.

"Uh...sorry, I was joking."

Keenly aware of this murderous intent, Su Enxi raised her hand in a panic after being stunned for a moment.

"Before returning to the Uesugi family, Zhi had an old relationship with my boss, so the boss thought of sending me over to help the Sheqi family tide over the difficulties. I just wanted to give my boss a thumbs up, and you don't have to do it because of this. Are you kidding me and trying to kill me here?"

——She could feel that the people around her really had murderous intentions towards her.

As a purely civilian employee, once these people really choose to take action against her, she won't even be able to run away...

After knowing her boss and being his employee for so many years, this was the first time she saw her boss being so interested in a girl. She just had a whim and wanted to help her boss get in touch with her like in those TV dramas. Why? Suddenly offended these people to death?

"If it's a joke, let's expose it."

Raising his hand to suppress the murderous aura emanating from the others, Uesugoshi smiled and spoke.

"Some jokes are not allowed. Also, for important matters like this that concern the future of life, we have to respect our own wishes. What do you think?"

Because he knew Zhi's identity as the Dragon King, he didn't act as aggressively as other family heads, but he could understand what others thought after a little thought.

Intending to spy on or even get involved in the royal blood was nothing more than deliberately provoking the taboos of the Snake Qiba family. If he hadn't been here, the few people around him would probably have been unable to bear it and took down the black gold swan first.

"you're right."

Su Enxi patted her chest, with a lingering fear on her face.

"It's so scary that your life can be in danger even if you knock on CP."

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

... She suddenly felt that she must have had Mercury retrograde today.

Because of the previous episode, the atmosphere of the subsequent meeting was always filled with a hint of embarrassment.

So not long after, except for Sakurai Nanami, the head of the Sakurai family who was in charge of business, and Shio Miyamoto, the head of the Miyamoto family who was in charge of the shipping industry, everyone else found an excuse to leave, including Mu Qingzhi.

"Okay, luckily you are still my brother, you didn't even speak for me before!!"

After leaving Xingshen Temple, Mu Qingzhi immediately glared at Yuan Zhisheng.

"Do you believe it or not, I will publish all the photos I took when you were a child later!?"

Yuan Zhisheng: “…”

"How should I put it? At that time, I just thought it would be nice for someone to like you...Stop, let's make an agreement first, no hitting."

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Zhisheng hurriedly retreated.

"See for yourself, as the eldest lady of the Uesugi family, how can you have the temperament of a lady? In this regard, I think you should learn from Taxiang Eryi..."

Looking at his elder sister in front of him who continued to say "I'm listening" and then sneered and pulled out the knife, the corner of his eye twitched slightly, and Yuan Zhisheng turned around and ran away without hesitation.

——He is really curious about which warrior can fall in love with his sister.


"Huh...I almost thought I was really going to die this time."

In the VIP lounge, lying on the soft sofa with one hand on her forehead, Su Enxi let out a long breath.

Although she appears to be a shopping mall elite, in reality, she is just a pure homebody, and her relationship history is as blank as a blank sheet of paper.

In her daily leisure time, in addition to eating potato chips to suppress her alcohol addiction, she mostly watches those soap romance dramas. She is often moved to death by the love between the heroes and heroines in soap romance dramas.

Things that can be explained clearly with just one mouth can actually be played for fifty or sixty episodes. The various sadomasochism interspersed in the middle should not be too heavy.

So her idea at that time was actually very simple. In addition to wanting to make a little point and make a harmless joke, she also wanted to take this opportunity to tell the other party what her boss had done for him.

...Ten billion investment?

Putting aside everything else, the cologne serum she used on the other person that night was sold on the market for at least hundreds of millions of dollars.

Is there anything in the world that is more fulfilling than being a moonlighter for a Dragon King?

...and then she took it off.

Looking at the expressions on the faces of the family heads at that time, it seemed as if it was going to kill them...

Su Enxi is quite depressed now.

"Is Renata okay?"

While Su Enxi was alone and depressed, a voice suddenly sounded beside her, startling her.

"When did you come here?"

Sitting up and looking at the girl who suddenly appeared in front of him, Su Enxi looked shocked.

She was certain that a second ago, she was the only one in this lounge, and the other party's arrival was just as silent and elusive as the boss's arrival.

"Not long ago, about a minute ago."

Pouting her lips, Mu Qingzhi sat down on the sofa.

"Don't make such jokes in the future. What you said at that time hit those people's heart with precision..."


Sitting up, Su Enxi looked resentful.

"Sanwu Niu? She is not in Japan now. She has gone to perform a mission elsewhere according to the boss's order. After her mission is completed, she will come to Japan to find you in person."

"Mission...Greenland Sea?"

As if she thought of something, Mu Qingzhi's expression changed slightly.

"Eh? You actually know?"

Looking at the girl in front of her, Su Enxi looked surprised.

"Yes, the mission location is over the Greenland Sea. There are currently many forces gathered there, and the boss has also passed by. Recently, the situation there seems to have reached a climax, and I can't even contact them."

"...Forget it, tell me about other things."

Mu Qingzhi stretched out her hand and pressed her forehead, and exhaled in her mouth.

"I remember Renata's current name is Zero, right?"

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

How is it possible to change marriage? It's always been a change of order.

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