In early November 2002, the school board once again opened an investigation into the Greenland Sea incident.

A year ago, the school board collapsed there, and the six members of the team disappeared collectively on the ice sea. A year later, they were fully prepared and decided to embark on their own revenge.

——The trigger for everything came from a piece of audio that was deliberately placed on a hunter’s website.


Looking at the ID displayed on the screen in front of her, Mu Qingzhi narrowed her eyes slightly.

This post was published at the end of October. Among the numerous posts on the hunter website, this post is actually not conspicuous.

But after the administrator with the ID name [Nido] pinned this post to the top, everything became different.

Although the hunter website is a gathering place for mixed-race species, there are still many ordinary humans on this website. [Nido]'s behavior is undoubtedly a direct provocation to the mixed-race society.

Because of this unidentified pin, thousands of floors have been built under this post, and the number of floors is still increasing rapidly as time goes by.

Mu Qingzhi had listened to the audio and listened to it more than a dozen times. She did hear a dull heartbeat from the audio, but she could also vaguely hear some noise in the heartbeat.

Once you focus all your attention on those noises, your brain will feel inexplicably uncomfortable. It seems to be some kind of inexplicable sound wave, and it has been encrypted using a special method, making it impossible to hear clearly what it is saying.

"Why, are you concerned about these things again?"

A figure appeared behind her. Looking at the content displayed on the screen in front of her, Shutoku Mai raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Actually, there is no need to pay too much attention to things like this. There are several incidents every year where dragon secrets are almost exposed to ordinary people. The people in the secret party are already very experienced in dealing with this kind of thing."

"This is not a...well, to other people, maybe this is really a small thing."

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly.

After clicking a cross on the webpage with the mouse, Mu Qingzhi turned around on the swivel chair and looked at Mai Shutoku next to her.

"The Crown Prince and Nido, two people who have attracted much attention on the hunter website, appear together, which means the actual significance is much greater... Are you interested in accompanying me on a business trip?"

"On a business trip...are you planning to get involved in this matter?"

After being stunned for a moment, Mai Shutoku frowned as she reacted.

"Let's not mention that the Greenland Sea is not a good place. Don't forget, you are now the director of the Executive Directorate. How could you..."

"Whoever wants to be a leader can be a leader. At worst, I will retire early and collect my retirement benefits. Anyway, I have been sitting in this position for almost half a year."

After interrupting the other party's words, Mu Qingzhi curled her lips.

"Having been with me for such a long time, you should know my character. I don't look like someone who will be bound to a certain place by something."

"You... forget it, you won't listen to what I say anyway."

Sighing, Mai Shutoku pressed her forehead as if she was resigned to her fate.

"Tell me, when are you going to leave? I've booked a ticket in advance and contacted Cassel College..."

"Ahem...we are traveling secretly this time."

Mu Qingzhi made a fist with one hand and put it to her mouth, coughing a few times.

"In other words, we won't go through official channels. We can't let the old man know that we sneaked out, and we can't let Cassel College discover us."

"Wait, what do you want to do!?"

Keenly aware that something was wrong, Mai Shutoku's expression changed slightly as she looked at the smiling girl in front of her.

"If you're on a business trip, there's no need to be sneaky."

As the retainer and special assistant to the director of the Executive Bureau, Mu Qingzhi didn't hide anything from her, so Mai Shutoku knew a lot about the other party.

When Yuan Zhisheng and Shude Aki were making a video call yesterday, she was also in the camera next to them.

Originally, she thought that the other party was worried about the safety of the two commissioners Nakamoto Chisao and Shude Aki who were selected to participate in the [Operation Greenland Sea], and planned to go all the way to help with the knife, but now it seems that the situation seems to be the same. It was completely different from what she had imagined.

...If you were there to help out, there was absolutely no need to hide it from other people, right?

"Uh... I've been at home for a long time, so I want to go out for a walk..."

Unconsciously, Mu Qingzhi's eyes glanced there... and then she was forcefully pulled back by the dark-faced Mai Shutori, holding her cheek with her hands.

"Look into my eyes and speak. When you lie, your eyes will look away unconsciously. What on earth do you want to do? I remember that there shouldn't be such a natural relationship between us, right?"

"...Okay, I want to find someone to settle the account and calculate the interest."

After several unsuccessful attempts to look away, Mu Qingzhi sighed helplessly.

"Do you still remember about Eri Yi's mentor and the mysterious force behind the scenes that supports the Fierce Ghosts? They played an important role in the Greenland Sea incident this time."

Ever since she took office as the director of the Executive Bureau, she has never given up on the investigation of the fierce ghosts. Eri's mentor, Bondarev and the mysterious force behind him are less important. She is mainly worried about He He. Erzog, that bastard who crawled back from hell.

But it is a pity that for more than half a year, except for bringing a few underground gathering places of the fierce ghosts to further compress the living space of those in the fierce ghosts, she could not find even a single clue. .

Those guys seemed to have completely disappeared from this world. She couldn't find any clues. Even in the mouths of those captured fierce ghosts, the mentor Eryi mentioned was even From the beginning, he existed among the fierce ghosts and was a completely fictional character...

Only a thousand days to be a thief, not a thousand days to guard against thieves. Because of the existence of these guys, she can be said to have trouble sleeping and eating. She even eats an extra half a bowl of rice every day, and sleeps for half an hour longer when she wakes up in the morning. , it is really abominable.

The reason why she wanted to personally participate in this incident this time was not only because the plot changed and Yuan Zhisheng and Shude Aki were included in the death list. She was worried about an accident. More importantly, it was because of Lu Mingze's Side information.

A year ago, Lu Mingze's forces participated in the Greenland Sea Incident that caused the school board to collapse, but unfortunately they gained little and did not achieve the expected results.

But this time, Lu Mingze actually had the same idea as the school board of directors, but no better than last time, Lu Mingze specially invited her this time, and the time it took to send the email was even longer than when the prince was in Hunter. The audio was published on the website two days earlier.

——This Greenland Sea incident may be an excellent opportunity to find out the other party’s tail.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

I currently owe 41 chapters. I will try my best to pay it off before mid-December (づ●─●)づ

Oh, by the way, the monthly ticket has exceeded 300 again, and the outstanding stamps should be 42. If you pay back two bills every day, you can pay it off in about 21 days.

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