Because of Uesugoshi's actions, the atmosphere in the tea room fell into a long silence.

It was already weird enough that they each had a cup of hot Coke with a straw in front of their table, but now there was a row of empty cups in front of Mu Qingzhi, and the scene was naturally even weirder.

"Ahem...I'm sorry, Dad, he's just too worried about me."

After coughing a few times, Mu Qingzhi took the lead and broke the silence.

"Of course, I understand."

Glancing at the row of cups on the table, Angers expression was expressionless.

"But you also have to understand that it is the law that protects him, not my qualities."

"Uh... well, let's get down to business."

Very decisively, Mu Qingzhi changed the topic.

"Since he has reached a contract with you, theoretically speaking, principal, you are on the same side as us, and there is no need to make things tense. At least for now, I think we still have a basis for cooperation. , Principal, what do you think?"

"So, what is your request?"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Ange narrowed his eyes slightly.

"If you have known me, you should know that I am an out-and-out vengeful ghost. Why do you think I will..."

“Because I can provide help that no one else can.”

Mu Qingzhi raised a finger in front of her with a serious look on her face.

"You must have experienced my divine...alchemy tools, principal. No one can create those things except me."

"I admit that."

Recalling how a certain guy in the attic was going crazy before, Ange nodded in agreement.

... Frankly speaking, he hasn't seen that guy like that for a long time.

That kind of scene where alchemy no longer existed and his cognition completely collapsed made him feel quite happy... It was a pity that he didn't record it in time.

All this time, that guy had been bragging in his ears that his alchemy skills were amazing, and even boasted that he could rival the Dragon King. However, with just a few small objects, the other party couldn't even understand them, let alone study and disassemble them. , as powerless as asking an ant to study advanced mathematics...

Raising his head, Angre took a deep look at the girl in front of him.

The guy in the attic who was just eating and waiting to die was already the person with the strongest alchemy skills he knew. If that guy couldn't even understand the slightest bit of this technology, then how terrifying would the other person's alchemy skills be? level?

...That's it, you still have the nerve to say that you are not the Dragon King?

"To be honest, what I gave you that day was only a very small part. I still have a lot of useful things here. If you can use these things in your dragon-slaying career, you can definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

As he spoke, Mu Qingzhi simply took out everything he had prepared in advance from the ring and placed it in front of Ange.

"[Hemostatic Spray], no matter how serious the injury is, one spray of this spray can achieve an absolute hemostatic effect. [Treatment Bandage], even the worst wound will stop deteriorating after being wrapped with this bandage And it slowly recovers over time. [Bamboo Dragonfly], after wearing it on your head, you can control the flight with your own thoughts, but there is a power limit, please pay attention when using it..."

Every time she took out something from Na Ring, Mu Qingzhi would introduce it in detail. She didn't take out anything too powerful, but only some daily consumables.

But even so, the expression on Ange's face continued to change as he listened to the explanation of each alchemy item.

At the end, Mu Qingzhi raised her head and looked at the other party.

"...Also, if you can provide raw materials, I can create a potion that can return people from the deadpool state to normal."

"you sure!?"

As Mu Qingzhi said these last words, Ange finally couldn't bear it anymore and almost stood up from behind the table.

The critical blood limit has always been the most vexing problem in the hybrid world. Every year, countless people lose control due to various reasons.

Angers has lived a long time, and is now over 100 years old. Over the course of a hundred years, he has witnessed how many people helplessly slide into the abyss, including many people he knows well.

Just like the Snake Qihachi family uses a special school to imprison ghosts with dangerous bloodlines, the secret party also has a small island on the sea to exile those people.

But more often than not, there are those who have lost control of their bloodline due to various reasons or were injured during missions, and thus entered special sanatoriums in a state of neither humans nor ghosts.

...Like some of Angers’ friends, some have even been suffering in that kind of hell for decades! !

How could he bear it when he suddenly heard such news?

"Of course, if you, principal, spend more time to inquire inside She Qiba's house, you will know that we have already launched that kind of medicine."

Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly.

"No matter what kind of ghost it is after being invaded by dragon blood, even if the whole person has completely degenerated into a deadpool, I am confident enough to pull it back from that place. If you don't believe it, principal, I can give it to you now. A potion for you."

"...Tell me, what do you want?"

After exhaling a little breath in his mouth, Angers forced himself to calm down again.

"Although it is impossible to change my position, I admit that the bargaining chip you proposed really moved me."

"This is not a transaction, this is a collaboration."

Mu Qingzhi raised a finger in front of her with a serious look.

"Principal and I have the same goal, which is to slay the dragon, so there is no need to negotiate a good cooperation into a deal."

"Are you a dragon king...slaying a dragon?"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Ange looked strange.

It is said that Norton is the most violent one, but now it seems that the other party's level of violence is far beyond his imagination.

"I've already said that I'm not... ok, ok, I'm the Dragon King. That's okay, right?"

Rolling her eyes, Mu Qingzhi looked a little annoyed.

"Speaking of which, principal, have you ever thought about why the four powerful kings who controlled power died one by one and disappeared into history?"

"Oh? I'd like to hear the details."

His eyes moved slightly, and Ange subconsciously sat upright.

"Don't take it seriously. I also guessed... First of all, even the most powerful hybrid is probably not enough to kill a Dragon King at the peak of his strength. Principal, do you admit this?"


After a moment of silence, Ang nodded.

"Then how did those dragon kings die in this case? In my opinion, there is only one most likely."

After taking a sip of Coke to moisten her throat, Mu Qingzhi spoke seriously.

"Among the four great monarchs sitting on the throne, some are consciously hunting other monarchs!!"

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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