It rained heavily.

Countless black shadows surrounded the Maybach that was driving at high speed. They blocked out all sounds from the outside world except the sound of rain, and their eyes radiated hot golden light.

...just like Chu Tianjiao in front of him.

In Lu Mingfei's imagination, the unknown world should be a magical world. The things Lao Yan sent him were all popular magic props in that magical magical world. In this world, they are like Harry Potter. It's the same as the Muggle world inside.

Yes, in Lu Mingfei's eyes, the people in that world were a group of powerful magicians, and the setting of inheriting magic power through blood was very classic.

But it's already weird for you to come out with a Japanese sword without a magic wand, and now your eyes are glowing golden like those monsters outside... What the hell is this?

...where is your magic wand?

"You don't know about Golden Eyes!?"

Unconsciously, Chu Tianjiao's voice amplified several times.

"Golden Eyes? What are they?"

Lu Mingfei reached out and scratched his head, looking confused.

"What, is this the basic magic that you magicians must have?"


Looking at Lu Mingfei, who looked confused and unpretentious in front of him, Chu Tianjiao suddenly felt a little desperate.

This is like a hero being forced into a desperate situation, and then happened to encounter the world's best sword, who is known in the world. However, just when the hero thought he was in desperate situation, he asked the world's best sword to use his sword to slay the demon. At that time, the best swordsman in the world scratched his head, looked up with a confused look and asked him what a sword is...

The rumors in the world cannot be trusted, my friend! !

"what happened……?"

While Chu Tianjiao was silent, Chu Zihang on the side finally came out of the state of spiritual vision. At this time, his whole body was soaked with sweat, and his face was full of confusion and pain.

Because of the extreme silence around him, for a moment, he even thought he was still at home.

"It's okay, son, don't be afraid."

After coming back to his senses, Chu Tianjiao glanced at Chu Zihang beside him.

After smiling at the other party, he backhanded the Murasame in his hand and inserted it into the car door on the side.

"It's just...a bunch of monsters!!!"

When the long knife penetrated the aluminum door, Chu Tianjiao stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, the engine speed suddenly increased, and the Maybach accelerated to a high speed of 250 miles in just a few seconds.

With the help of that violent kinetic energy, a black streamer stretched out of the car window into a black ribbon that was more than ten meters long suddenly rose up from the storm outside the car window. The exposed half of the blade cut off the black figure on the left side of the car in one go, and the blade was stained with endless colors. The dirty blood was immediately washed away by the wind and rain.

...An instant kill in one go! ! !

"Sit tight and remember to fasten your seat belts."

He glanced at the girl in the back seat of the car who didn't seem to have recovered from the spiritual vision. After whispering something, Chu Tianjiao turned the steering wheel fiercely. The tires made a screeching sound on the elevated road, and the Maybach exploded violently. The roar turned back to where it came from.

Those black figures struggled and seemed to want to stop in front of the car, but under the blessing of that kind of violent kinetic energy, they were knocked away one by one or rolled into the bottom of the car by the wheels. From time to time, there were shocking sounds under the wheels. A numb, crushing and cracking sound.

——After the figures surrounding the car dispersed, the voice returned to the car.


Looking blankly at the figures flying out of the car window from time to time, Chu Zihang's whole body began to tremble unconsciously.

At this moment, the world view that he had spent more than ten years building suddenly collapsed.

Especially the angry-eyed man next to him... Is that really his father?

That verbose, humble and useless driver was clenching his teeth at this moment. He was driving like a lion and charging on this elevated road. The long knife stuck in the door next to him was like the God of Death, charging. Then he cut off the monsters outside...

"It's okay, senior brother, relax, welcome to the reality of the world."

At this moment, Chu Zihang suddenly felt someone tapping his shoulder, and then immediately, a chocolate bean was handed to him.

"Here, have something to eat and calm down. There will probably be a fierce battle ahead."


Looking back at Lu Mingfei, who spoke in a relaxed tone behind him, Chu Zihang silently stuffed the chocolate bean into his mouth, but the flavor in his mouth was not the chocolate he imagined, but... Coke?

But somehow, after swallowing the cola-flavored chocolate bean, he suddenly felt much clearer.

"Do you know what's going on?"

With a hoarse voice, Chu Zihang asked the other party.

"Yes, I know."

Lu Mingfei nodded while passing a special chocolate bean to Xia Mi, who was leaning on the seat next to him with a look of exhaustion.

"Have you ever seen Harry Potter? Under the peaceful daily life, there is actually another unknown world hidden. That world is not as peaceful as our world, but full of danger and killing. In the sunshine In the dark place where you can't reach, there is a group of people who silently guard the world, and your father is a person in that world."

While quickly opening his schoolbag and rummaging around for something, Lu Mingfei quickly explained in his mouth.

"People in that world generally use magic and magic props to fight, and they also take into account physical exercise. The enemies these magicians usually face should be the black shadows we see outside. As for your situation just now, It is your bloodline as magicians that has awakened, so you have entered a special state called spiritual vision."

Chu Tianjiao/Xia Mi: "..."

Chu Tianjiao wanted to concentrate on observing the situation outside and had no time to interrupt. As for Xia Mi, who was pretending to be exhausted...she was extremely speechless now.

" father is a magician?"

Glancing at the man sitting in the driver's seat, Chu Zihang looked confused.

...For some reason, he always felt that this magician was a little different from the magician he imagined.

"Yes, and he is also a very powerful magician."

Glancing at the knife stuck in the car door in front, Lu Mingfei nodded firmly.

"Magicians should also be divided into categories, such as those who use magic to attack from a distance or use magic to strengthen the body for close combat. Your father should belong to the latter category. Like that knife, it is actually a powerful magic item... Next. "

As he spoke, Lu Mingfei simply threw the things he took out of his schoolbag to the other party.

"Just press the button above and you can transform."


Turning his head in the midst of his busy schedule, Chu Tianjiao glanced to his side with some confusion, and then he saw that the small metal square in his son's hand suddenly turned into a silver-white metal cylinder.

Chu Tianjiao: "???"

"The air cannon can be used just by putting it on your hand. It is said that the air cannon in Doraemon also drew inspiration from this magical prop."

While explaining in his mouth, Lu Mingfei also threw a small silver-white pistol to Xia Mi next to him.

"With the immobilizing gun, as long as it hits the opponent, it can forcibly immobilize them. It should be enough for self-protection."

Xia Mi: "......"

...She is in extremely complicated mood now.

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