During this month of training, Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei developed an amazing tacit understanding.

Lu Mingfei was very aware of his shortcomings and that he could not exert any advantage on the frontal battlefield. Therefore, as early as the beginning of the final exam, he carefully hid with a sniper rifle and kept looking at him. Secretly waiting for the opportunity.

But now, he had waited for that opportunity.

But just when Chu Zihang thought that his sword and Lu Mingfei's shot would definitely hit one of them, the girl in front of him actually taught him a lesson.

Facing his sword, the opponent immediately let go of his hand, allowing Zhi Dianzhe to be knocked away by Murasame. Then with a flick of his wrist, he hit his wrist with one palm and quickly grabbed it with the other hand. Zhi Dianzhana fell, and then faced Lu Mingfei's shot diagonally upward.

——Frigga’s bullet aimed not at his head, but at his calf.

As if jade objects collided, with a crisp "ding" sound, the cold spear was successfully blocked by Zhi Dianzhe. At the same time, Murasame in Chu Zihang's hand finally let go, and the whole person fell into the sea water behind him. .

In order to forcefully cut out the knife, his wrist was seriously injured. Mu Qingzhi simply twisted his wrist and successfully snatched Murasumi away.

"...Looks okay?"

First, he glanced at the gap cut by the blade at his right cuff. After looking down at Chu Zihang, who was sitting up from the sea in a panic, Mu Qingzhi looked up and looked at the distance of the coastline.

She was talking about why she couldn't find Lu Mingfei. From the beginning of her relationship, she had been holding a gun and hiding under the rock in the sea... That cold shot was really good.

If the opponent was not aiming at her calves, but directly at the top of her head, even if her perception would be enhanced in Fengjue, she might not be able to hide so easily.

"Okay, the test is over, let's go back to the center of the island."

Jumping off the reef, Mu Qingzhi threw a can of healing spray to Chu Zihang along with Murasame in his hand.

"Ok, no problem!!"

——After receiving the exact response after the test, Xia Mi was the first to get up from the ground quickly and neatly.

Mu Qingzhi/Chu Zihang: "..."


Although the entire island had been completely destroyed before, with the withdrawal of Fengjue, the island quickly returned to its original state.

The dead trees that burned to ashes turned into green plants again, and the large areas of burned grass sprouted new buds again. It was as if time had gone back on the island, and everything was restored to the way it was before.

Although it was not the first time, Xia Mi inevitably fell into silence when he saw this miraculous scene happening in front of him.

...Even the Nibelungs are not so outrageous.

"Before I announce the scores, you can summarize it yourself."

He took out a cup of Coke from somewhere, took a straw and inserted it into the cup. Mu Qingzhi sat down on the stone.

"After you have finished summarizing, I will announce your respective scores... You can estimate your scores first."

"...I'm not good at studying and I can't concentrate."

After a moment of silence, Chu Zihang spoke first.

"At the same time, in the process of close combat, I focused too much on moves and ignored skills, and failed to integrate what I learned."

"Not only that, you don't know how to choose."

Holding the Coke in both hands and taking a sip, Mu Qingzhi raised her head and glanced at the cheap apprentice in front of her.

"When I shake the knife, your first reaction should be to abandon the Murasame in your hand, and then use your reflexes to quickly grab the knife instead of trying to keep the knife in your hand. If you are like what I just demonstrated to you If you do that, you won’t lose so quickly.”

——In order to make that slash, Chu Zihang’s right hand was completely disabled.

Fortunately, she has no shortage of therapeutic tools here, otherwise when school starts tomorrow, Chu Zihang will probably have to wear a plaster to go to school...


Looking down at the wrist of his right hand, Chu Zihang was speechless.

In the last battle, he managed to last for one minute, but in the next battle a month later, let alone one minute, he didn't even last for half a minute...

"Okay, it's your turn."

Looking away, Mu Qingzhi looked at Lu Mingfei, who was wet and dripping from all over.

Unlike Chu Zihang who just fell into the sea water, Lu Mingfei soaked in the sea water for almost half an hour... but it was summer now.

"...Not aiming?"

Under someone's gaze, Lu Mingfei suddenly felt guilty.

"I've been soaking in sea water for too long, so my shooting accuracy has been a little bit..."

"Why not aim for the head?"


"I mean, at that point, you'd rather be aiming for the head, which is less defendable, rather than hitting the legs."

Raising her hand, Mu Qingzhi pointed at her head.

"Also, I remember that what you took away was a repeating sniper, right? You obviously seized the perfect opportunity at that time, why did you only fire one shot?"

"Uh... I think one shot should be enough. It shouldn't be necessary..."

"Don't forget, this is on the battlefield. When facing the enemy on the battlefield, you don't need to hold back. In this regard, Chu Zihang is better than you."

Shaking her head, Mu Qingzhi interrupted the other party's words with a serious expression.

"It can be said that it is precisely because of your mistakes that directly led to Chu Zihang's defeat. With you as a sniper, you are actually capable of fighting."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

...The power of a battle? That can last a few more minutes...

And besides, senior brother, he doesn’t hold back, is it because he is confident that he can’t hurt you even with all his strength? If I fired those few shots, although it would be impossible to hit all of them, at least I would still be confident that I could hit one...

...Besides, it hurts to hit my head...even if it's a Frigga bullet...

——Lu Mingfei thought in his heart with great resentment.

"Well...is it my turn now?"

Looking sideways at the two people in front of him, Xia Mi raised his hand high.


Mu Qingzhi looked at Xia Mi who was playing match-fixing without a blushing face and a heartless heart, and Mu Qingzhi had a subtle look on her face.

Although she understands that the other party neither wants to confront her nor wants to fight with her creditor, can you at least try to act a little bit? Just pretend to be hit by a sand trap, and then flatly fall to the ground and knock yourself out or something...

——This is very Feng Baobao’s style.

"I think my performance is very good and I should get full marks."

Facing the gazes of the three people next to him, Xia Mi looked solemn.

"There is an old saying in China that he who knows the current affairs is a wise man. I have implemented this theory very well, so you should give me... Hey, hey, hey, don't you think my reason is actually quite sufficient... Wait, Don't pretend you can't see me and just leave me here alone as if nothing happened!!!"

On the deserted island, Xia Mi’s panicked shouts came out, and then gradually dissipated in the wind.

The rising sun quietly peeked out from the horizon, coating the island with a golden glow.

This summer, the sun is just right.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be two more updates later. The prequel is completed and the plot officially enters Long Yi.

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