... Xia Mi was woken up by the sun outside.

When she opened her eyes, the sunlight was flowing freely over her body, bright and grand. The golden light passed through the curtains and imprinted on the wooden floor, shining white on the opposite wall.

This is her room, facing north and south, with a unique view in the morning. The wooden floor has a simple pattern, and above her head is a refreshing blue.

She forgot to close the curtains when she went to bed last night, so the sun poured in on her face as if it was free.

Putting the back of his left hand on his forehead to block the sun, Xia Mi squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the sky outside. The weather was very good today, the sun was shining brightly and there were no clouds in the sky. The blue sky looked slightly unreal.

——For the past few years, Xia Mi has always felt that something is unreal.

In the past, she lived alone, like a newborn bird hiding in her grass and carefully observing the world. Loneliness was like a sea, always drowning her out of breath.

She carefully hid herself and constructed a life named Xia Mi in human society, as if this could fill the void and loneliness in her heart.

But everything, ever since she got on the Maybach in that rainy day, she ran happily like a wild horse in a direction she couldn't understand... riding away from the dust.

She began to truly make friends. Every year, someone would remember her birthday and specially celebrate her. Fenrir lived a happy life with no worries about food and clothing. During festivals, someone would invite her to their home...

After getting along with each other for the past few years, she no longer thinks that girl is Norton...especially in the past two months, she and the other party went to the Bronze City to bring out Constantine's bone bottle and the seven deadly sins. when.

The Bronze City is the Nibelungen built by Norton. If Zhi is really Norton, how could he go through so much trouble to get into his home, and even be chased by two loyal dragon attendants behind him...

Recalling the scene when the two of them took Constantine's bone bottle with him to order the dragon attendant, even with her moral integrity, she couldn't help but feel a little blushing.

——At that time, they looked like some sinister villains.

But if Zhi wasn’t Norton, who else could it be?

Sitting up from the bed, Xia Mi looked at the half-human-tall Rilakkuma sitting on the table beside him.

This Rilakkuma was a birthday gift she received from Eriki on her birthday last year. Although Eriki is taciturn, she has a lively personality and is full of curiosity about everything, so she gets along well with her.

Sometimes, Xia Mi even had the illusion that she really had an extra sister...

But these were not the things that surprised her.

What really shocked her was that she discovered a certain secret accidentally...or that the other party didn't even think about hiding it.

It was the Chinese New Year at that time, and because she had nowhere to go, she was invited to Japan to celebrate the New Year. It was during those ten days in Japan that she saw another side of the Zhi family.

——The emperor who has exceeded the critical blood limit, the blood descendant of the White King.

The blood descendant of the White King combined with Zhi's power beyond her imagination, as well as the scene where the other party used his spirit to interfere with reality when making alchemy tools, the actual identity of the other party has actually been revealed.

...White King.

Just like these four kings, how could the White Emperor, who once fought against the Black King, die so completely?

Bloodlines are drawn to each other. With so many royal family members surrounding him, it was obvious that the other party was the resurrected White King.

…But the other party doesn’t seem to have this awareness.

Zhi awakened the White King's authority, but it seemed that he did not restore the White King's memory and strength.

If Zhi is really the White King, then facing the Black King who will definitely come back to life in the future, she might be able to...

Shaking his head to get rid of these conjectures in his mind, Xia Mi stood up from the bed.

No matter who the other person is, she only knows that because of the other person, she and her brother are living well now, and this is enough.

It can be said that these past few years have been the happiest years for Fenrir, especially after Zhi helped her install a computer in the Niperungen and taught her how to surf the Internet, her life became even happier. .

Because as a dragon, Fenrir has very little need for sleep, so Fenrir spends most of his time on the Internet giving advice. Over the past few years, he has made a name for himself on the Internet... Although the Internet electricity and Internet fees are very expensive.

Well... Fenrir was living a happy life, but as for her, she no longer knew how much money she owed Zhi.

The cost of gourmet tablecloths is secondary. The electricity and Internet bills for the special computer need to be renewed at one time, as well as the continuous creation and modification of the master ball. These are all additional expenses that need to be paid by her.

With the accumulated amount of money owed now, Xia Mi felt that she might even take the initiative to sell herself to pay...

With all kinds of thoughts on her mind, Xia Mi walked downstairs in her bear slippers after washing. These daily furniture were purchased by Eriyi. Not only their slippers and pajamas are all bear, kitten and rabbit styles, but also their daily toothbrushes and cups. They are all the same cute style.

Xia Mi doesn't care about this situation. After all, she also likes this cute style. The important thing is that she doesn't have to spend any money.

But when it comes to Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei's turn... Because those matching sweatshirts and water cups look so much like couple's styles, there is already a passionate discussion in the school forum about which one of them is on top. Nearly tens of thousands of floors.

"Morning? You got up quite early today."

In the living room on the first floor, someone had already gotten up and was sitting in front of the sofa, drinking a cup of Coke.

When she saw her coming down from upstairs, the girl greeted her slightly unexpectedly.


Looking at the bright sun outside, Xia Mi decided to remain silent.

She took out a bottle of orange juice from the refrigerator like a gourd, and Xia Mi also sat on the sofa. Although the other party had been diligently recommending Coke to her, in the end she felt that orange juice was more suitable for her.

"By the way, when will Chu Zihang come back?"

After unscrewing the bottle cap and taking a sip of orange juice, Xia Mi looked up at the girl and asked.

"I don't know, maybe this week."

With her eyes still fixed on the TV screen in front of her, the girl responded casually.

"He called me yesterday and said that he might come back to China to preside over the enrollment. He will probably arrive in a few days."

"Admissions...so you really plan to go to Kassel College?"

After rolling his eyes slightly, Xia Mi stood up and sat next to the girl.

"I heard that the situation there is not very good, and the teaching staff is also very poor. Chu Zihang has complained many times in the group, and the alchemy course there is a piece of shit."

"What, you don't plan to go?"

Turning to look at her, the girl raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Well... I think a gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall. There is no need for us two dragon kings to go to the place where dragons are slain. It is best..."

"Oh, I'll pay you back if you don't go."

Xia Mi: "..."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Alas, I'm still dizzy. I'll wait until I recover from the cold...

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