The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 200 Fingel’s Admission Counseling

The train was speeding through the dark night, and Lu Mingfei and Fingel were crowded on the same sofa. The man who claimed to be his senior brother was too enthusiastic, and Lu Mingfei couldn't bear to hold each other's arms.

While Mu Qingzhi and Xia Mi were going to change their school uniforms, while quietly getting rid of each other's entanglements, Lu Mingfei asked the doubts in his heart to the burly senior brother in front of him.

"Senior brother, do you know Mu Qingzhi?"

He noticed the interaction between the two people. The other party's enthusiasm was not so much for him, but for Zhi. However, after all, there were differences between men and women, so he transferred all his enthusiasm to him.

"Of course, she is my savior!!"

Fingel beat his chest so loudly that he was so powerful.

"My life exists just for Miss Zhi!!"

"Save... benefactor?"

For a moment, Lu Mingfei was a little confused.

"That's right, not only saving lives, but saving lives at the same time."

Fingel looked solemn.

"From that moment on, I made a very important decision in my mind."

"Uh...what decision?"

"It's very simple."

Raising his head, Fingel looked proud.

“From now on, I am Miss Zhi’s dog!!”

——The words are loud and lively.

Lu Mingfei: "..."

Although he has not officially entered Kassel College, in his mind, his first impression of this college has completely deteriorated.

"Junior brother, what you don't understand is that the meaning of being completely redeemed in life is worth all you have to exchange for it. Although it was almost seven years ago, to me, it still seems like yesterday. .”

Fingel took out a few cups from the drawer and turned to look at him.

"Would you like something to drink? On this train, I will be your tutor...Professor Guderian was supposed to be here, but he had something to do and didn't catch the train."

"Uh... Coke."

After a little hesitation, Lu Mingfei nodded.

"As for them, Xia Mi likes to drink orange juice, and Mu Qingzhi likes to drink..."

"Ice Coke, I understand."

Snapping his fingers, Fingel turned around.

"You are a noble S-class, and they are both A-class. This express train is specially prepared for you."

"Um...can I ask?"

After all, he still couldn't suppress his curiosity. After looking around carefully, Lu Mingfei asked Fingel in a low voice.

"Senior brother, did she save you seven years ago?"

"Why, are you interested in this kind of thing?"

Putting a poured glass of Coke in front of him, Fingel winked at him.

"I know what you want to ask. At that time, Miss Zhi looked like this. She hadn't grown a baby in seven years. Do you understand a legal lolita? If you put it on an island country, she would be a pure god!!"

"...I'm not asking that."

Lu Mingfei couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes slightly when looking at Fingel, who was completely out of his way.

"I mean, Zhi's age..."

"What age?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded faintly behind them.

Lu Mingfei: "..."

Not daring to look back at all, Lu Mingfei cast a pleading look at the senior brother beside him. Although he said that the other person was a bit unreliable and unscrupulous, at this time, he could only rely on the other person to trick him into getting past him.

——That's right, everything depends on you, senior brother! !

Accurately receiving his look for help, Fingel gave him a reassuring look, straightened his back, and took two steps back without hesitation, with a clear-cut expression on his face. Right speech.

"Yes, junior brother, I also want to ask you, how old are you?"


...Lu Mingfei realized that he still overestimated the integrity of the senior brother in front of him.

Lu Mingfei turned his head slightly stiffly and looked behind him.

Xia Mi and Mu Qingzhi had already changed into Kassel's school uniforms, white shirts, dark rose red breast scarves, dark green suits with silver trim, and the green school emblem of World Tree embroidered on the breast pockets.

Kassel College's school uniforms have the same style of tops. The difference is that men wear bottoms and women wear skirts. The absolute area from the bottom of the skirt to the top of the stockings is quite eye-catching. Just taking a glance at it made Lu Mingfei feel a little uncomfortable. Looked away.

Mu Qingzhi glanced at Lu Mingfei dangerously and did not continue the topic. Mu Qingzhi pulled Xia Mi and sat down on the other side of the sofa.

There was a classic oak table in the middle of the sofa. As soon as they sat down, Fingel diligently placed a glass of Coke and a glass of orange juice in front of them, with a warm smile on his face.

"Hmm... I remember Fingel, it should have been almost four years since you graduated, right?"

Looking away from the iced Coke in front of her and looking up at Fingel, Mu Qingzhi asked her question out of curiosity.

"Why, after graduation, did you choose to stay in school instead of joining the executive department? And, where is Eva?"

"Ahem...Eva and I are currently in charge of a big project in the school."

With a slight cough in his mouth, Fingel glanced at Xia Mi.

"I would like to join the execution department, but my teacher refuses to let me go. Over the past few years, he has almost become crazy."

"Your teacher...vice principal?"

Mu Qingzhi looked strange as if she had remembered something.

"Well, he has wanted to see you for a long time. If it weren't for the fact that the school couldn't leave, he would have gone to China to find you."

As he spoke, Fingel took out two documents from the drawer and placed them in front of Xia Mi and Lu Mingfei.

"You have all received corresponding training before, so the entrance counseling does not need to be so complicated. You only need to sign a confidentiality document."

"Wait a minute, why doesn't Zhi Zhi sign it?"

Xia Mi raised his hand.

"Also, why are there such strange items as memory cleaning and body transportation on the document?"

"Can you read Latin?"

Looking towards Xia Mi, Fingel looked surprised.

"The college specially writes it in Latin to ensure that students cannot understand the text... Wait a minute, I will find you a copy in German so that you can't understand it."

"...I can also understand German."

"It's okay, I still have Arabic and Oracle here, that's enough!!"


Looking at Fingel who really lowered his head and started to rummage through the drawer for other documents, Xia Mi suddenly felt that everyone in the academy was crazy.

Although it was said to be a train that was temporarily dispatched, there were still a lot of things on board. Fingel didn't take the entrance counseling to heart at all. The whole process seemed extremely perfunctory from beginning to end. meaning.

But outside of work, Fingel was quite enthusiastic. After signing the simple confidential document, he seemed to notice the boredom of several people. He conjured up a pair of mahjong from nowhere...

——Finger is always competent in the aspect of incompetent.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

The recent day-night reversal is really unbearable, because I stay up late at night and basically sleep during the day. I sleep until I wake up at noon to eat, and then after eating at noon, I sleep until I wake up at night to eat... If this continues, I feel like I have to Sudden death.

The update time has been adjusted, and the future update time will be adjusted to 10 a.m.... The remaining update today will be added to tomorrow.

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