The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 233 The main focus is on surprise

Looking at the photos on the screen, Lu Mingfei was silent for a while.

He is not an idiot. Combining several things that happened before, it is very simple to trace the source and restore the full picture of the incident.

(...If Lao E is Xia Mi's younger brother, then Xia Mi is actually a Dragon King? The sister that Lao E mentioned in the group before wearing a cheerleading uniform and cheering him on is the other party... Then who is Sister Bai? ?)

After pressing his forehead, Lu Mingfei raised his head and glanced towards Xia Mi.

(According to the little devil’s information, Old Tang is the king of bronze and fire, so the one who can fight the four kings must be another four kings...the king of earth and mountains, the king of ocean and water, the king of sky and wind) The king...should not be the king of earth and mountains.)

Thoughts flashed rapidly in his mind. Lowering his head, Lu Mingfei began to think silently.

Since he had no classes these days, he was a little bored and borrowed some books from the library to read, so he still knew something about the legendary four kings.

According to the historical records of the Secret Party, the former King of the Huns, Arati, was the incarnation of the King of the Earth and Mountains. He was also the representative of lust, and was also known as the Whip of God. No matter how you look at it, he is not worthy of Xia Mi.

As for Lao doesn't even look like him anymore.

(...Ocean and water, or sky and wind? Xia Mi's word spirit is the series of wind pupils from the King of Sky and Wind... It should be the King of Sky and Wind. Xia Mi and Zhi before They went to Bronze City together. After all, there is any door, so it is very convenient to come back. Ling should still stay in Bronze City... Zhi is also a Dragon King?)

Lu Mingfei pressed his forehead hard.

(...The person who can make Lao E so close and call him Sister Bai must be one of Ling or Zhi. If he is calling Zhi... Zhi should know that Xia Mi is the king of sky and wind...Sister Bai... ...White King?)

Lu Mingfei felt his heart skip a beat when such a possibility suddenly appeared.

He only has a few friends on the Internet, but all of them are Dragon Kings... By the way, he must also be a Dragon King, right?

It is known that the Dragon Kings are all twins, and he does have a very mysterious little devil who calls himself his brother...

Lu Mingfei glanced secretly in the direction where Mu Qingzhi was sitting, with a confused look on his face.

He actually had a heart-to-heart talk with Lu Mingze once, during the previous 3E exam... In the end, he was kicked downstairs by the other party.

In that conversation, Lu Mingze clearly showed his disgust for the four kings, and even called them rebels. What kind of existence could call the four dragon kings rebels?

Lu Mingfei could only think of one answer to this.

——Black King Nidhogg

But by chance, Lu Mingze also said that the thing he wanted to kill the most was the Black King...

It was precisely because he was obsessed with this kind of thing that he tossed and turned in bed at night and couldn't sleep.

"So I hate the Riddler..."

After muttering something in his mouth, Lu Mingfei entered the cheat code that Lu Mingze taught him before in the search bar on the screen.

The next second, the big screen in the center lit up.

A huge three-dimensional map was refreshed on the screen. The huge bronze city was structured into parts one by one. As the gear machinery was running, old roads were blocked and new roads were quietly generated.

In the lower left corner of the screen, a line of small characters appeared clearly.

——Lu Mingfei interprets the results.

Logically speaking, this was an event that would make him stand out and become the center of attention, but now, everyone in the main control room, including himself, stared blankly at the screen in front of him.

Not only did he solve the map, he even spontaneously showed the current situation of the two people trapped in the Bronze City together, as if there was a camera shooting over there. The picture was quite clear and stable.

…But that’s not why they were in a daze.

In their impression, the situation of the two elite commissioners trapped in the Bronze City should be very bad. After all, it was the battlefield of the Dragon King. Maybe they were covered in scars now, with pale faces covering their wounds with their hands. Around the corner...but now?

...They saw the two people having a barbecue around the fire.

Ham sausage, chicken legs, chicken wings, meat skewers, lotus root slices, eggplants...all are available, and even the fire is specially used for barbecue charcoal.

The two elite commissioners sat around in front of the charcoal pile, feasting on the seasonings and charcoal fire. They even happened to clink a glass of Coke with each other... Is this a critical situation?

——Looking at the screen in front of him, Xia Mi in the audience looked ferocious.

"If I remember correctly, the contents of that backpack should be considered important evidence, right?"

In the death-like silence, a student in the audience spoke quietly.

"Is what they did like an emergency evacuation or destroying evidence?"


...No one answered.

"They were severely injured, so it's understandable that they should eat something to replenish their strength."

After coughing a few times, Professor Guderian opened his mouth to smooth things over and turned to look at Lu Mingfei with a look of admiration on his face.

"As expected of my student Lu Mingfei, from the first time I saw you, I knew you were a genius!!"

Lu Mingfei: "..."

...Feeling the gazes from around him, he suddenly felt a little on pins and needles.

"The number of dramas has been sent by Noma, and Mance will get in touch with Ye Sheng and the others."

Looking towards Lu Mingfei, Schneider's eyes showed rare admiration.

"As for the next step, let us wait quietly..."

Before he finished speaking, the audience suddenly screamed again. After a moment of daze, Schneider seemed to realize something. He quickly turned his head and looked at the big screen behind him.

Sure enough, just as he expected, a third figure appeared at the edge of the screen. The figure seemed to appear suddenly and did not make any movement. It just stood silently in the darkness and looked towards Ye Sheng.

When he saw the black shadow, Schneider's heart tightened instantly.

...Dragon King Norton? Or is it the unknown dragon king who fought with Norton before?

——Being able to appear here at this time, he couldn't find a third option.

What's worse is that Ye Sheng and the others were completely unaware of the existence of this third figure, and were still eating Coke and drinking skewers over there...

The next moment, in Schneider's slightly jealous eyes, the figure started to move.

...The other party silently took out two sacks from his pocket.

Schneider: "???"

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Third update tomorrow, please vote TAT

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