The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 236 Sincerity is always a must-win skill

As the Dragon King, Constantine's recovery ability is still very good.

Although he was almost crushed into Considine by Fenrir before, he recovered within five minutes after Fenrir moved his body.

After glancing at the unusual environment around him, he then glanced at Fenrir and Jörmungandr, who was paralyzed on the sofa over there. After a moment of silence, Constantine sat down on the ground silently.

"Kill me, I won't let you have the opportunity to threaten my brother with me."

"When did I say that I would threaten Brother You with you?"

Rolling her eyes, Mu Qingzhi looked a little annoyed.

"If I really wanted to be disadvantageous to you, you would be dead by now, and your brother would only have a dragon bone cross left. Do you understand?"


This time, Constantine did not reply, but stubbornly lowered his head to maintain his last dignity.

"Non-violent non-cooperation, right? OK, no problem."

Holding her hands, Mu Qingzhi sneered.

"Don't worry, we won't care about your brother. Whether Norton is dead or alive now has nothing to do with us. You can just watch your brother die miserably here and then be swallowed up together with the dragon bone cross. You have already died before After so many times, do you think there will be a chance this time? This is the final harvest, and now your brother's remaining value is only the Dragon Bone Cross."

"What's the meaning?"

Finally, Constantine raised his head.

"What do you mean? I think you should know better than me."

Mu Qingzhi sat down unceremoniously on the couch handed over by Fenrir with a sneer on her face.

"Every time you die, something will be taken away from you. After the last death, your brother can't even use alchemy now, right? As the four kings of the dragon clan, do you think there is any existence that can take over one after another? Kill you?"

"…another king."

After a long silence, Constantine answered.

"It's not the incomplete situation like my brother and I, but the king who has devoured his blood relatives and completed himself."

Raising his head, Constantine glanced at Fenrir who was squatting in front of a strange iron box again.

“…ocean and water, or sky and wind.”

"I don't know who that person is, but his current pseudonym is Odin, and he has swallowed another king. Now among the four kings, only you are left."

Mu Qingzhi unconsciously crossed her legs and accepted the other person's words.

"If we hadn't interfered, your bone bottle would have been taken to a place and forcibly hatched. In the end, you would have been killed by humans with weapons in front of your brother. This would not only promote your brother's awakening, but also make him furious and lose his mind. Give up the chance to form a cocoon and take revenge on humanity.”

When Mu Qingzhi said these words, her tone was quite calm, as if she was telling an easy-to-see fact.

"Times have changed, and your brother has lost his most proud alchemy. In the end, he will be killed by the seven deadly sins of the weapon he created... Oh no, it was loaded with the Sage's Use Shi’s alchemical bullets to snipe from a distance.”

Looking at Constantine who was sitting on the ground in front of him and became expressionless at some point, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly.

"Obviously he was a supreme king, but the way he died was so ridiculous. He died to avenge mankind for his brother. How stupid, what do you think?"

"...Those are just your speculations."

Looking up at her, Constantine's voice was terrifyingly hoarse.

"With the Dragon Attendant Samson here, they will protect me. There is no way those hybrids can take my..."

"Don't forget, even without our intrusion, there are still other forces intervening. Who do you think led those humans to your Bronze City?"

Shaking her head, Mu Qingzhi interrupted the other party's words.

"Everything of your value has been squeezed out, and all that's left is your authority. Don't think of the other party as being too kind."

"Really? But you always open the channel."

Looking away, Constantine looked at Jormungandr over there.

"That kind of precise power control can only be..."

"What, you thought you were the only kings hunted by Odin?"

Pouting her lips, Mu Qingzhi glanced at Xia Mi who was concentrating on grilling sausages.

"I'm telling you in a low voice, remember not to speak out loud, otherwise you will be beaten later... Teacher Daye's side is much worse than yours. At least you still have two loyal next-generation seed guardians, and Lai Such a big Bronze City, but here, they are really alone, and they can only live in such a subway station, and they were killed very quickly just after they were resurrected, how miserable they are."

——Mu Qingzhi had a look of sadness on her face.

The more he learned about Xia Mi's previous experiences, the more he felt that the other party was miserable.

Xia Mi: "......"

...You really don’t think I can hear you here, do you? ?

"In short, I have made my words very clear, and the choice is always in your hands."

After yawning, Mu Qingzhi waved her hands lazily.

"Whether you cooperate with us to save your brother from a certain death situation, or watch him die miserably, it all depends on you. By the way, the guy named Odin has already started to act, and there is no time left for you to make a choice. many."

"...What do you need me to do?"

After a long silence, Constantine compromised.

Although he still didn't want to believe what the other party said, he didn't dare to gamble on his brother's fate.

"It's very simple. Just cooperate with our actions when the time comes."

Snapping her fingers, Mu Qingzhi stood up from the sofa with great satisfaction.

"During this period, just stay here with Fenrir and don't think about escaping. Just as you don't trust us, we also don't trust you, so I hope you can be more sensible."

"……still have a question."

Raising his head, Constantine looked at her.

"Where are the dragon attendants and Samson? What did you do to them?"


After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi took out a Poké Ball from his pocket and threw it towards the open space aside.

The next moment, with a flash of white light, a huge figure appeared in the light.

Originally, Samson was in a tense posture after regaining his freedom, but when he saw Constantine sitting on the ground, the whole dragon instantly became docile.

——They are willing to sacrifice their lives for their king.

"Samson, thank you for your hard work."

Reaching out and touching the head of the giant dragon that came forward, Constantine looked sad.

From a long time ago, the other party has been guarding them. After such a long time, he has long regarded the other party as his family.

Seeing that the two people's emotions were about the same, Mu Qingzhi threw the elf ball again and put Samson away. Perhaps because he saw the intact Constantine, this time Samson did not resist and let Samson go. He was put away again.

"How's it going? Do you still have any questions?"

Putting away the elf ball again, Mu Qingzhi looked at Constantine who stood up from the ground in front of him.

——Judging by human age, the other party is only six or seven years old at most. She is just a little kid. She is tall enough to look down on the other party.

"Last question, who are you?"

Raising his head, Constantine looked at her.

"Me? I am the Fire Mist Warrior."

Mu Qingzhi raised a finger in front of her with a serious look.

"If you really don't understand what a Fire Mist Warrior is, Fenrir has a full set of light novels and anime. You can read them in your spare time."

Constantine: "..."


"Why, the conversation is over so quickly?"

He looked up at someone who was walking towards the sofa in front of him. He moved a little to the side, and Xia Mi moved a little bit out of the way.

"It doesn't take long to begin with. I'm just simply explaining the pros and cons... You can't really ask me to find a Ji Tou Si, right?"

Sitting on the sofa unceremoniously, Mu Qingzhi looked calm.

"Sincerity is always the surefire skill."

"Sincerity...well, do you want it?"

After thinking for a moment, Xia Mi took one of the two skewers in his hand and handed it to her, with sincerity written on his face.

"Have some midnight snacks, I just baked them."

"...I want your dick."

"Here, here, what a big deal."

Xia Mi changed back without caring.

(...It seems that I really judge a gentleman with a villain's heart? That's right. After all, he is the king of the earth and mountains who has lived for thousands of years. How could he secretly take revenge for saying something bad behind his back... …)

While secretly blaming herself in her heart, Mu Qingzhi put the skewers into her mouth.

——Then half of her mouth went numb.

Xia Mi, this crazy guy, didn't know how many extra ingredients were added to this skewer.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

...She would like to say that this is the episode where the other party learns and uses it most.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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