...Mu Qingzhi witnessed Zero's speed with her own eyes.

The next moment after she vaguely agreed to let the other party teach her how to dance, Zero quickly took out her cell phone from her pocket and made a call to Su Enxi.

Su Enxi and Jiude Mai seemed to have just woken up. Mu Qingzhi could vaguely hear Su Enxi's cursing voice coming from the other end of the phone, but Zero ignored them completely.

To participate in the dance, you must have corresponding dresses and skirts. Naturally, the student union will not help you prepare these things in advance. You have to do it yourself. Zero is preparing these things now.

"Wait, how do you know my size?"

Mu Qingzhi was shocked when she heard Cong Ling's accurate report of her body measurements and related measurements.

"I have the capacity..."


"...As you can see from the comparison, we have similar figures."

After a moment of silence, Zero looked away.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

"...If you want to order it, then help Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi also order it together."

Pressing her forehead, Mu Qingzhi looked a little helpless.

"By the way, the dance is about to start in the evening. Is it really too late to order a dress now? What if..."

"Is it too late? Why not? There is nothing in this world that money cannot solve. If there is something that cannot be solved with money, it means there is not enough money!!"

On the other end of the phone, Su Enxi's response seemed quite domineering, and the housekeeper's maid's aura overwhelmed the entire audience.

"Give me half an hour, and you guys will come and get it in half an hour!!"

——After saying these words, she hung up the phone neatly.

Ling/Mu Qingzhi: "..."


As a gathering place, the functions of Norton Hall are quite complete. In addition to the conference rooms for members to hold meetings, there are also halls and auditoriums specially used for parties or dances.

After simply telling Mu Qingzhi to go to the auditorium and wait, Zero went to the Blackstone Mansion through any door. Although half of his physical strength would be drained every time he opened the door, as long as he As long as the door is left open, it won't affect anything.

Su Enxi, who has the ability to make money, is indeed very powerful. In just half an hour, everything was ready.

But just when Ling came to this side of the auditorium carrying a box, the situation in front of her made her unconsciously silent.

Unlike what she had imagined, the auditorium at this time could be said to be extremely lively. Not only Xia Mi and Lu Mingfei were here, but Chu Zihang and most of the members of the Lion Heart Club were also gathered here.

Judging from the number of people, except for those who have classes in the afternoon, almost everyone has come...

At this time, on the stage, Lancelot, the vice president of the Lion Heart Club, was dancing tango with a girl. The movements were pleasing to the eye, and the strong head shaking movements were smooth and smooth. People in the audience were eating popcorn and drinking Coke. Everyone applauded.

"Huh? Zero, are you back?"

At this moment, the girl sitting in the main seat noticed her and quickly stood up and waved to her.

"Come here, I've got a place for you."



"...So that's what happened."

Throwing a piece of popcorn into his mouth, Mu Qingzhi, who was sitting next to him at the table, shrugged slightly.

"After hearing that we were going to attend the dance held by the student union in the evening, especially since the three of us couldn't dance, the senior brothers and sisters were very enthusiastic about coming over to teach us... saying that there is strength in numbers."


Looking away, Ling silently looked at Chu Zihang aside.

"...I didn't expect so many people to come."

After a moment of silence, Chu Zihang turned his head uncomfortably.

"At first, I just wanted to help, and then..."

"Then Zhi became an idol."

Holding a cup of Coke in his hand and drinking it, Xia Mi nodded solemnly.

"On the Night Watch Forum, the results of the 3E exam have been announced in advance. This time, two S-level students were selected, one is Lu Mingfei and the other is Zhi. In addition to Caesar's direct invitation last night, Zhi Her personal information was picked up very quickly. Due to the popularity bonus of [Feng Jue] and Shana, she is now quite popular in the school... I heard that a certain advisor from the student union is already planning to defect to the Lion Heart Club. .”

"Really, I didn't plan to get too high a score in the 3E exam."

Putting down the Coke in her hand, Mu Qingzhi sighed helplessly.

"I originally thought it would be A level, but it turned out to be S. I think there must be an error in Norma's judgment."

... In all conscience, she really just drew a turtle.

"...There's no need to change into your dress yet. Go on stage first and I'll teach you tango."

After a moment of silence, Zero stood up from the chair.

"You can't learn by just sitting and watching. You have to experience it...and the same goes for you."

——The last words she said were to Xia Mi and Lu Mingfei.

As an official event of the International Standard Dance Competition, tango is not only simple and easy to learn, but also very enjoyable to watch, so it is natural to start from this aspect.

...But it is obvious that Mu Qingzhi is not that material.

Tens of minutes later, looking down at his feet that had been stepped on at least ten times, Zero couldn't help but fall into silence.

"...You should take a rest first. I'll find another dance partner to practice with."

Feeling a little embarrassed, Mu Qingzhi looked away.

"I think I have mastered the key. In addition to keeping up with the movements, all I need is a strong twist of the head... That should be it."


After a moment of silence, Zero nodded.

"So, who are you going to find as your dance partner?"

"Dance partner..."

Subconsciously, Mu Qingzhi turned her head and looked aside.

——Then under her gaze, all the senior brothers who had been waiting with eager eyes took a step forward.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

...By the way, Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang were also among them.

Although after subconsciously taking that step, Chu Zihang quickly realized that something was wrong and retracted his foot in time, this action could not be hidden from others at all.

"...Xia Mi, come practice with me."

The corner of her mouth twitched slightly, and Mu Qingzhi decisively grabbed Teacher Daye who was passing by her and wanted to return to her seat.

"Tango is very simple, just follow my rhythm."

"Uh...but I want to go get some popcorn first..."

Stretching out his hand, Xia Mi reluctantly pointed to the remaining half bucket of popcorn on his seat.

"Ha!? Are you sure you're not crazy if you don't save your stomach for a luxurious dinner now?"

Mu Qingzhi looked shocked.

"French foie gras, king crab, Australian lobster, caviar...are you sure you don't want any of these things?"

"...Come on, I'm ready."

The expression on his face quickly became tough, with a hint of wind rustling and cold water, and Xia Mi turned to look at her.

"It's just a tango, a small problem!!"

"Okay, follow my command. Tango is just like that. Tango is walking, walking, three steps and one step, two and two turns. Come on, let's try walking first, and then we can do it violently. Let’s go back together…”


Before she finished speaking, Mu Qingzhi turned around with a strong and standard move. She let Ling's ponytail hit Xia Mi's face accurately, and then followed it with another standard heavy kick. hit.

——Under the attack from up and down, Xia Mi was successfully sunk, and rolled all the way to the corner with a grunting sound.


Seeing this brutal scene in front of them, after a moment of silence, except for Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang, all the senior brothers who had taken that step silently took back their feet.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

BV12s4y1P7fz, if you want to know more about tango, you can watch this video.

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