The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 243 The dance between two people (Part 2)

As the music gradually fades, the male and female dance partners bow to each other and perform an elegant court ceremony.

Although Mu Qingzhi didn't understand any of these etiquettes, it was not a problem at all. The effect of the props was so reassuring.

Although he did not know the specific effect of this tango, looking at the expressions of the people around him, Mu Qingzhi felt that it should be good. After all, the effect corresponding to the badge was directly on the stage of the international finals.

A dance that is enough to appear on the international finals stage appears in such a campus dance... In layman's terms, this is called dimensionality reduction attack.

"How is it? My performance is good, right?"

As the music continued, Mu Qingzhi let go of her skirt and stood up again. Mu Qingzhi blinked at Zero in front of her with a proud look on her face.


After a moment of silence, Zero nodded.

...To be honest, she was a little discouraged.

The opponent's performance was flawless, but she had many problems. During the tango, she almost couldn't keep up several times.

"Okay, let's exit."

Seemingly sensing Ling's depressed mood, Mu Qingzhi coughed slightly and took Ling's hand.

"The next dance will be left to others. Let's hurry up and maybe we can grab some dragons from Xia Mi..."

Before Mu Qingzhi finished speaking, the surrounding lights suddenly dimmed, leaving only the middle one, which shone on her like a searchlight.

Not only that, the music that was coming to the end suddenly revived, and instead of reaching the end of the final chapter as expected, it started a new overture.


While Mu Qingzhi was stunned, clear footsteps sounded from the side. With an attitude of looking down on all living beings, Lu Mingfei walked towards her from outside the crowd with an unprecedented momentum.

Suffering from the oppression of that invisible momentum, all those who stood in front of him involuntarily gave way to the road, just like Moses parting the sea.

In the end, under everyone's attention, the figure came to her, then bent down and extended his hand gracefully toward her.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

...The guy in front of me is definitely not Lu Mingfei.

"Don't forget, you promised me."

——"Lu Mingfei" blinked at her.

"I know, but the pomp you created is too big, and you are taking over the show, okay?"

Looking at Ling who had quietly disappeared into the crowd at an unknown moment, Mu Qingzhi sighed helplessly and put her hand on her.

The previous dance with Zero was okay, but now Lu Mingze's performance has completely turned the entire dance into their home court...

You know, the original intention of this ball was that Caesar specially celebrated Nono's birthday party. Even if she didn't look back specifically at this moment, she could still imagine Caesar's suddenly darkened face.

"So what? I never cared about that."

Holding her hand, "Lu Mingfei" chuckled.

"Next, it's a dance for the two of us."

——Using the sound of music that suddenly became high as a guide, the truly gorgeous dance officially began at this moment.


"Let me go, this guy suddenly got horny!?"

At the edge of the dance floor, Fingel, who was holding a plate in his hand, opened his eyes unconsciously as he looked at the two people under the spotlight.

In his opinion, it was good that Lu Mingfei had the courage to invite him to dance, but he never expected that the other party would use such a tough attitude to forcefully turn the dance into a dance. It became an exclusive show for the two of them.

...Also, when did Amber Hall undergo such a large-scale renovation?

Unconsciously, Fingel looked up at the dome of the hall.

After all, this is not a dedicated dance hall, and many of the lighting effects are not as good as those on a formal stage. But at this moment, some things have undergone some subtle changes. The lights on the dome suddenly turned into spotlights, firmly locked in the venue. On both of them.

If the previous tango between Ling Ling and Mu Qingzhi could be regarded as art, then now, the dance shown in the scene has clearly transcended the category of art.

I don’t know when, someone stopped dancing, and then more and more people stopped, as if they were afraid of missing every detail, and everyone’s eyes were unblinking. poured into the center of the venue.

...They have never seen such a beautiful dance.

The two people under the spotlight look like old partners who have been working together for decades. Every move is perfect and their cooperation is extremely skillful. They can know what the other person knows and thinks with just one look. It is like meeting a close friend in the mountains and flowing water, and it is the best song in the world. .

The final song ended with the girl spinning, her black skirt flying, and silver light swirling on her high heels. At this moment, even the description in the text was full of decline, and no one could speak.

【As graceful as a startled giant, graceful as a swimming dragon, glorious autumn chrysanthemums, gorgeous spring pine trees. 】

[It seems like the moon is covered by light clouds, and the fluttering snow is like the flowing wind. 】

...Lu Mingfei woke up amidst the storm of applause.

At this time, the lights were brilliant, and the surrounding applause was like thunder. The slender figure was spinning in front of him, and the skirt spread out like a peacock's tail feathers.

——But he himself looked confused.

He still had the memory from before, and he could clearly recall those words and his demeanor, but for some reason, he always felt like it was like an ethereal dream.

...It's like waking up from a big dream.

Subconsciously, he reached out and held the girl's tiny hand.

That was the last moment of the dance. The girl stopped spinning, faced him and slowly squatted down to salute. Her unraveled skirt gathered up against her legs, like a blooming flower gathering into a bud again.

...This is the standard ending move of a court dance, and now it's his turn to return the favor.

But before Lu Mingfei could react, a small thing suddenly fell from the girl's body, made a few crisp sounds after hitting the ground, and then rolled to his feet.

——That is a small badge.

The moment the badge fell off, the girl's figure suddenly tilted outward. Because the incident happened suddenly, neither he nor the other party could react.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

...If I had known better, I would have sewn the badge on the dress.


"It doesn't matter, it's nothing serious. I just twisted my foot. I'll just put some ice on it later."

After helping to take off his high heels and socks and looking at his ankles, Zero breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wait here, I'll get some ice cubes."

"Uh... I think I can actually..."

"Be obedient and sit still."

Lifting his head, Zero glared at her.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

...It feels like an angry Zero is scarier than Mai.

"Okay, no need to blame yourself, this is all my fault."

After watching Ling leave in a hurry, Mu Qingzhi sat on the chair boredly and glanced at Lu Mingfei, who was standing beside him with a bewildered expression. Mu Qingzhi waved her hand helplessly.

"This is the consequence of not being good at studying and just wanting to cheat."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

...He blames himself even more now.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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