The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 265 Monster goes on a rampage

Not only Nono and Susie, Mu Qingzhi thoughtfully prepared corresponding trial venues for everyone.

When Nono and Susie were being chased by a lot of spiders, on the other side, Caesar was trying hard to chop down ordinary goblins; when Chu Zihang was carrying Cun Yu and fighting a platoon of second men holding newspapers. At that time, Caesar was working hard to chop down the Frost Goblins; while Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi were fighting wits with a group of Qiuqiu people, Caesar was working hard to chop down the Flame Goblins...

When Caesar, wearing the leather armor from the treasure chest and holding the shield snatched from the goblins, successfully fought his way to the center of the island, because he killed too many goblins, he was awarded the [Goblin Award]. Lin Killer] this special title.

...This is not a joke, but a line of green title words really appeared above his head.

Under the sunlight, the words "Goblin Slayer" shone with green light, seeming to be telling about his previous glory.

Caesar: "......"

"Congratulations, you are the third one to arrive here."

While Caesar was standing there blankly, Instructor Zhi's voice rang out in front of him. When he lowered his head subconsciously, he found that someone had arrived in front of him at some point.

"There is still half an hour until 12 noon. Before then, you have half an hour to rest. Now please go over there and rest."

"Wait a minute, this is on my head..."

"Don't worry, I'll explain everything later. Go sit down and rest first."

Stretching out his hand, Mu Qingzhi pointed to the beacon that was built into a pyramid with iron blocks.

"Resting around the beacon will allow you to recover your physical strength. We will discuss the specific scoring and evaluation later."


Turning his head wordlessly, Caesar looked at the beacon.

At this time, two people were already sitting around the beacon. One was Chu Zihang, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, and the other was Ling, whose face was indifferent and expressionless.

…Sure enough, we are still lagging behind.

Reaching out and touching the gold coins in his pocket, Caesar's face darkened slightly.

Those goblins were killing him endlessly, just like locusts swarming one after another, seriously obstructing his path forward.

...This is the result of him avoiding the large army with the help of his word spirit [Kamaitachi].

In fact, if it were just Goblins, it wouldn't have hindered him for so long, but the problem was that there were extremely many types of Goblins.

Frost Goblin, Storm Goblin, Flame Goblin, Throwing Goblin, Dark Goblin, Priest Goblin... the list goes on.

These goblins with special attributes will have special effects when they attack. Some of them can also use some long-range magic to create a small lightning strike, or put a freezing trap to slow down his speed. Once he is dragged down, these goblins will Lin would call his friends and summon a large army to besiege him, which was really disgusting.

If he hadn't opened the treasure chest before and found some armor, recovery medicine, and some small props, he might have been dragged by the sea of ​​goblins to the woods now...

With a dark face, Caesar walked to the beacon, holding a hunting knife and a shield.

This is an artificially cleared open space in the center of the island. It is quite large, but it has no resources. He is very thirsty now, but he can only hold on.

(...[Zombie Killer]...are the enemies he faces zombies?)

He found a place to sit on the steps next to the beacon and looked at the green title on top of Chu Zihang's head, which was also called "Zombie Killer". Caesar thought about it in his mind.

Regarding zombies, his knowledge was more limited to movies like Resident Evil, so the images in his mind were mostly of the typical appearance of zombies that were shambling and with bloody faces.

But looking at the flowerpot placed in front of Chu Zihang, he was a little confused for a while.

...The shield and leather armor on his body were obtained from the treasure chest to help him deal with the goblins. What can the flower pot in front of the other party help him?

Can't figure it out.

Shaking his head, Caesar stopped thinking about it, and then turned his attention to Zero on the other side.

Among all the freshmen, not counting Lu Mingfei, who is an S-level student, and Zhi, a non-level student, this freshman from Russia is the strongest one. She has very few expressions on her face. In addition, her With her queen-like aura, she has already earned the title of Iceberg Queen in school.

But unlike him and Chu Zihang, the other person didn't have any title on his head, so he didn't know what the other person had encountered before.

In order to kill the goblins before, he was now in a state of embarrassment. He was struck by lightning, hit by stones, roasted by flames, and frozen by ice... Even if he was in good condition, there would be ghosts.

Just like his situation, Chu Zihang also had traces of this kind of battle on his body, not only the burnt blackness after the explosion, but also the traces of being frozen by frost, and there were even ice cubes on the opponent's hair.

...Speaking of which, there are also frost zombies among the zombies?

Unlike the two of them, Zero's body was completely intact, with no traces of battle. At most, there were only some scribbles and messes after traveling through the jungle.

(...Is it a word spirit? A word spirit suitable for stealth... [Mingzhao] or something like that?)

Following Chu Zihang's example, he sat cross-legged on the ground and placed the hunting knife Dictado between his knees. Caesar thought silently in his heart.

Since those monsters were prepared for him and Chu Zihang, it was impossible that they were not prepared for Zero, but there were no traces of battle on the other party, so the other party must have sneaked over throughout the whole process.

Judging from this situation, maybe the other party is number one...

Thinking of this, Caesar raised his head and looked forward.

Unlike the three of them, a certain instructor Zhi was sitting comfortably on the sofa, holding a parasol next to him and holding a cold drink in his hand. He was as comfortable as he wanted...

——Enduring the torment of thirst, Caesar silently looked away.

As time went by, the rest of the people arrived here one after another.

The fourth and fifth ones to arrive were Nono and Susie. When they ran out of the woods, the army of monsters chasing them was extremely spectacular.

There were densely packed spiders with glowing red eyes, white skeletons with bows and arrows in their hands that kept shooting towards them, and green-looking zombies with their hands raised... At a cursory look, the monster army was boundless. Boundless.

This monster seemed unable to stay in the sun. The green zombies it chased turned into white smoke and disappeared after taking a few steps. The half-human-tall spider stood vigilantly at the edge of the jungle for a while, then slowly retreated into the forest. .

Only those snow-white skeletons were still standing at the edge of the forest, shooting arrows towards them... They looked quite cute.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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