Creepers are special green creatures.

These things have dark green spots on their bodies, no hands, but four legs. Their bodies are rich in trinitrotoluene. They are pure self-destructive creatures that will explode with you if they disagree with you.

This thing's explosion damage is extremely high and will cause great damage to the terrain. However, because it sizzles, flashes, and expands before exploding, the threat is not too great. When Zero and Susie went to the woods before, , which is to collect blocks by deliberately guiding the creeper to explode.

But aside from these, this thing is still an extremely dangerous creature.

No matter who among them is, as long as they are blasted by this thing at close range, unless there is a word spirit similar to [Pure Land], they can basically declare early death and exit.

But now, sixty of these ghosts came at once...

Even Chu Zihang couldn't help but raise a middle finger to the equipment department in his heart when he saw the dense crowd of creepers in front of him.

No wonder Susie was so anxious to inform him. Apart from him, no one present could handle such a scene.

Taking a deep breath in the air, Chu Zihang raised his knife and ran towards that direction quickly. In the process, a deep and deep voice came from his throat, and the rhythm became faster and faster, gradually evolving. For high-pitched chanting.

Seeing this scene here, on the other side of the wall, Xia Mi, who had seen the power of Jun Yan, subconsciously covered his ears.

The next moment, a bright flame like an electric welding pierced the darkness, and the intense firelight mixed with flying dust spread rapidly in all directions.

——Yan Ling [Jun Yan], serial number 89, high-risk Yan Ling.

Creepers are typical representatives of high attack and low defense, even high-pressure creepers with stronger explosion radius. The fact that the football zombie can withstand Chu Zihang's King Flame does not mean that these things can withstand it.

These creepers that had just appeared had not even had time to detonate themselves, and they all turned into white smoke under the sudden high-temperature explosion.

"-My crappy explosion art!!"

Just when Chu Zihang fired his Junyan to clear the area, Director Akadulla from Arabia let out a shrill scream in the ice cave 120 meters underground of Kassel College.

In order to witness his explosive art, he invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in it, but before he could make a sound, all the hundreds of thousands of dollars turned into white smoke.

——He doesn’t feel sorry for the money, but mainly because he feels sorry for the creeps who died before they made any progress.

"This live broadcast seems that it won't be long before I receive news about the school board meeting again."

In the campus attic, looking at the brutal fighting scene displayed on the screen in front of him, Ange felt a headache and pressed his forehead.

Let’s not talk about other things, Caesar Gattuso is the heart of the Gattuso family. He was already criticized by the Gattuso family because he put the opponent in danger during the last free day. Now, Even creating such a highly dangerous live broadcast... He could already imagine receiving a call from Gattuso's house later.

"What's the point? Don't worry, I'll endorse you."

While casually rewarding 100 skulls, the vice-principal lying on the sofa nonchalantly drank another drink for himself.

"We can't die anyway. We are also thinking about their growth. Those guys have nothing to say. Rather than this, you should worry about the changes caused by this live broadcast. That is what gives you a headache."

Different from the videos last time that could be used for manipulation or malicious editing, this time it was a real live broadcast. The Night Watch forum seemed private, but in the world of mixed races, these messages and transparency were basically There is no difference.

...Don’t forget, the Secret Party is not the only hybrid force in the world.

The vice-principal can guarantee that three minutes after the live broadcast started, other mixed-race forces could not wait to start investigating. Especially at this juncture when the tomb of the Lord of Bronze and Fire was opened, it was difficult to say what would evolve in the end. What kind of situation.

——The white emperor had only been in school for a few days, but he had already almost turned the world upside down.

"I have a headache? That's what should give you a headache. Don't forget what our external declaration is."

He glanced at the old cowboy, poured himself a glass of red wine, and Ange snorted softly in his mouth.

"The deadline given to me by the school board is only half a month. Before then, you have to get out the instruction manual for [Kunlun]."

"Don't worry, I know this."

Once again, he rewarded ten Ice Truck Zombies, and the vice principal waved his hand.

"I don't know how to write serious reports, but I searched a lot of these made-up reports on the Internet. But because the system was taken away by her, I can't decorate it. You have to deal with this later. Give it a little time."


After thinking for a moment, Ang nodded.

Decorative treatment, this is not the first time they have done this kind of thing.

——In order to make those things more like alchemy tools, he and an old cowboy could be said to have worked very hard.

Only a top alchemy master like Flamel can perfectly disguise those props... After all, it's impossible to really take an ordinary flashlight or black box to the school board of directors, right?

...To be honest, Angers is a little helpless now.

In the past few years, everything was calm, but now that the other party has been enrolled in school for less than a week, the waves and movements caused by it all over the world are getting bigger and bigger, and he is almost numb.

Especially yesterday, in order to persuade that stubborn guy, he just said that his mouth hurt. He had obviously put the evidence in front of that guy, but that guy refused to recognize his ancestors until death, but he still said it with all his heart. No matter when, Zhi is his daughter...

That was the White Emperor, who controlled spiritual power, and was the supreme being who had successfully killed the Black King and awakened before him. In name, he was the blood ancestor of the White King's descendants of the Snake Qiba Family! !

...You regard your ancestor as your own daughter. Does the other party know this?

Oh, he seemed to really know. He had heard Zhi call him daddy before... but that was only under the premise that the guy didn't know the truth.

Obviously he had laid out all the evidence, even telling the story that the Black King was killed by the White King's backhand, but the other party was stunned and didn't believe it. He was obviously a blood descendant of the White King, and even more so. He is the emperor among them, he knows more things than they even know, and he is also the best among them.

...But if he wasn't the best, he probably wouldn't be able to destroy all the precious information and then work as a ramen chef for decades.

He took a sip of the red wine in his glass with some exhaustion and looked at the picture displayed on the screen in front of him. After thinking about it for a while, Angers also rewarded him with a [Gargantelle].

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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