On October 23, 2009, a piece of news shocked the entire mixed race world.

On the evening of October 22, the Kuimen Hotel located near Kuimen in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River was attacked by a thief. The hotel staff suffered heavy losses. After that, the thief fled to Bronze City.

At the same time, the monitoring equipment placed nearby detected an extreme high temperature erupting under the Bronze City. The entire Yangtze River was filled with mist, and it was suspected that it was likely to be boiled. It was initially determined that the king had released the [Candle Dragon].

After discussion, everyone agreed that this was a warning from the violent king to hybrids like them. The hotels near Kuimen were evacuated and emptied overnight, and weapons, equipment and defensive measures were deployed again.

——For the first time, the King showed them His supreme power.

"Obviously, that king is learning the knowledge of us humans!!"

In the campus library, Professor Guderian put his hands on the table and leaned forward slightly. Professor Guderian looked serious.

"Think carefully, everyone, when was the last time the King of Bronze and Fire awakened? That was in the distant Eastern Han Dynasty, which has a history of more than 1,800 years. When he awakened again after 1800, the world has been turned upside down. This king no longer knows this world!!"

The more he reached the end, the more excited Professor Guderian became, as if he had already seen the title of tenured professor waving to him.

"Times have changed, and human science and technology are booming. What about the [Candle Dragon] that claims to be able to boil the Yangtze River? Two atomic bombs can make Hiroshima and Nagasaki completely barren!! It is precisely because of this change that the violent king That’s why he chose to hide in the Bronze City. Even the four legendary kings are carbon-based creatures. All living beings are equal under nuclear bombs. The other party hid in the Bronze City because of fear!!"

After picking up the teacup next to him and taking a sip of water to moisten his throat, Professor Guderian continued to speak.

"But why did the other party suddenly take such a demonstration-like action this time? The reason is very simple. The other party is also afraid!!"

Waving his hand towards the rear screen, Guderian got out of the way.

"Since the emergence of Bronze City, the number of hybrids going there has increased by more than a hundred times in the past two weeks. Among them are some desperadoes who want to sneak into Bronze City secretly. As the King of Bronze and Fire, How could the other party be so slow that he didn't notice the things that happened outside the Bronze City!? So in this situation, out of fear, the other party chose to establish his power and sent out a first generation to destroy the Kuimen Hotel! ! Later, the other party used [Candle Dragon] to boil the Yangtze River, which was also a demonstration to us, but it just exposed the other party's external strength and internal insufficiency."

Reaching out to help his eyes on the bridge of his nose, Guderian smiled.

"This is all my conclusion about this incident."

——After a brief silence, there was a cloud of applause below.

This meeting that took place in the school library was uploaded to a website dedicated to mixed-race people in the shortest possible time, and then aroused widespread heated discussion and discussion.

Thanks to Professor Guderian, the mixed-races' mood, which was originally uneasy because of the great power displayed by the Lord of Bronze and Fire, suddenly became swollen.

...I have to say that Guderian is indeed a talent.

"You are the one who is afraid!! Your whole family is afraid!!! Eighteen generations of your ancestors are afraid!!!"

In a certain subway station, Constantine, who was under house arrest here, was shaking with anger as he looked at the discussions on the Internet.

"Okay, you are so grown up now, and you still act like a child."

After poking the opponent with the handle of the knife, Mu Qingzhi urged him.

"Come on, let's continue to help with some blood. Hurry up."

Constantine: "..."


Frankly speaking, although Mu Qingzhi expected that Odin would cause trouble, she did not expect that the other party would make such a big deal... and even set his sights on Yuan Zhisheng.

The former didn't matter, but the latter really pissed her off a bit.

To be honest, if it hadn't ended badly at the time, she would have just thrown Fenrir and Constantine out together...

She was lying on the sofa comfortably watching Caesar, Chu Zihang and the others suffer daily, but something like this suddenly appeared over there and she needed to rush to deal with it. Is this troublesome?

But putting that aside...

Looking away, Mu Qingzhi looked at the figure lying on the ground.

That figure was none other than Chu Zihang's missing father, Chu Tianjiao. He was retrieved after being beaten wildly by her last night, and his body is still lying on the ground.

Not only was the opponent transformed by Odin into a Deadpool, he was also transformed into the opponent's puppet. It would take a lot of effort even for her to save the opponent.

…But there’s no need to rush this, just take your time.

"I want to see my brother."

After watching his blood flow into the blade with a dark face, Constantine looked up at the demon in front of him and took the opportunity to make his request.

"No, you are an important part of my threat to him. Now if I let you see him, what if it ruins my future plans?"

Without raising her head, Mu Qingzhi refused.

"If you don't want anything to happen to your brother, you'd better be a little more honest, otherwise I won't guarantee your brother's safety."


"If you talk nonsense again, I will send your brother to the Japanese Cowherd shop to work as a Cowherd to receive customers. You have been staying next to Fenrir these days, so you should know what the Cowherd does in the shop, right?"

Constantine: "..."

"Of course, I'm not a devil. Although I won't let you two brothers meet in real life, you can chat online."

After picking up the spider cutter that she had re-forged and looking at it for a while, Mu Qingzhi nodded with some satisfaction. She turned to look at Constantine, who was shorter than herself.

"If you don't know how to chat, let Fenrir teach you. Times have changed. You have to learn to abandon your old ideas, understand?"

"Sister Bai is right, times have changed."

Fenrir, who was lying aside, nodded seriously while sipping Coca-Cola through a straw.

"If you want to surf the Internet, I can teach you, but I will not give you this computer. It is my private property."


"Don't look at me. There is no such thing as a free lunch. A computer is very expensive. A better computer costs millions. Do you think I have a lot of money?"

Putting the spider away, Mu Qingzhi curled her lips.

"If you want a computer, you can, but you have to give me an IOU... the kind that's signed and pledged."

Constantine: "..."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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