The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 288 Fire Prevention, Theft Prevention and Xia Mi

This series of things that happened in the outside world were naturally unknown to Chu Zihang and the others who were on a deserted island in the Pacific that was cut off from all communications.

——Today, they are still busy with heavy training.

Thanks to the cover of Zero's word spirit, on the third night, they finally escaped the bombing of the monster army and built their own shelter in the monster area.

In order to pursue simplicity, the habitat area they chose was the forest belonging to MC, and a safe shelter was built directly in a mine with blocks.

...That night, they had a rare and peaceful sleep since arriving on the island.

But it was obvious that even if Mu Qingzhi was not around, Fengel, who faithfully carried out Miss Mu Qingzhi's will, would never be able to make their lives so comfortable.

...After all, if there is no entertainment at night, who else would be willing to spend a lot of money to reward monsters?

So in order to earn his own share, on the fifth night, Fingel racked his brains to launch a brand new mode for this live broadcast, called "Monster Hunter".

As the name suggests, in this new live broadcast mode, the monsters that students pay to reward can be controlled by themselves to explore the map. In order to better take care of more people, Fingel also thoughtfully divided this mode into There are two control methods.

One is the pure hero mode. After rewarding the monster, you can control the monster to explore freely, and you can also choose to release the skills of the monster... just like when you control the hero in a MOBA game.

The other one is the legion sweep mode.

Here, you are not controlling a single monster, but a large group of monsters, just like you command the swarm in StarCraft. You will command these monsters to run rampant on the island.

It has to be said that there are still many people who have money and leisure, and there are also many people who dislike Caesar, so this mode called [Monster Hunter] has been widely popular once it was launched.

After all, this mode is different from the previous monster reward mode. Even if you don’t have much money, you can buy a lowest-level zombie or novice to explore freely on the island. Unlike the previous mode, except for the rich who spend a lot of money, you can , the rest of the people had almost no sense of participation. The monsters they put in were all killed, and the experience was very poor.

So less than half an hour after this mode was launched, the island was covered with an army of monsters. Among these monster armies were slimes, the most harmless and jumping around, and Qiuqiu people with sticks and torches. There was even Dr. Zombie who was running around in a mecha...

"What's wrong? Your face looks weird."

In a three-story semi-enclosed shelter built in an underground mine, Nono asked strangely as he looked at Lu Mingfei who hurried back shortly after leaving.

Although the outside world is dangerous at night, the benefits earned during the day are several times that of the daytime. Therefore, in order to earn more points, they usually leave some simpler daily tasks to be done at night.

...There is no way, the points are simply not enough.

On this island, everything costs points, not to mention the consumption during training. Even their Baiyun pet requires them to buy feed in the store to feed it, because this can improve the other person's favorability. .

If the favorability level is too low, although the opponent will not strike, they will wait until you are about to hit the ground before catching you... It's so exciting.

But if your favorability is high, the other party will often catch you successfully when you slip and fall into the sky, which saves a lot of time.

It is precisely because of this that after only a few days, their points are somewhat stretched, and they have to try to go out at night to make some extra money.

"...It got violent. I seemed to see a ghost."

Lu Mingfei reached out and pressed his forehead. Lu Mingfei, who was leaning against the wall, had a look of surprise on his face.

"When I went out just now, I saw a lot of creepers walking past in a queue with the words "Equipment Department" on their heads from a distance, and..."

"Creeper? Isn't this normal?"

After interrupting his words, Nono looked confused.

"The people in the equipment department are particularly fond of this kind of creature. Don't they reward dozens or hundreds of creepers every time?"

"It's different. Creepers generally don't explode easily, but those creepers are lining up to blow things up, detonating themselves one by one as if they were making up a circuit diagram..."

Recalling the scene he just saw, Lu Mingfei had a dark look on his face.

"In addition to those creepers, I also saw a large row of Dr. Zombie King with names on their heads, lining up to advance into the forest... The action patterns of these rewarded monsters are obviously different from before. .”

"You mode?"

After being stunned for a moment, Nono quickly reacted.

"That's the only possibility."

Sitting down against the wall, Lu Mingfei sighed.

"There are monsters wandering around outside now. They seem to be searching for us with a purpose. For the sake of safety, I suggest we best..."

"I'm back!!"

Before Lu Mingfei could finish a sentence, Xia Mi's cheerful voice came from above his head.

Then the next moment, Xia Mi, who was holding a wind slime in his hand, jumped down from above his head. After coming down, the other party raised the wind slime in his hand in front of them like a treasure.

"Look, I brought back a good thing!!"


Seeing the name Thelma on the head of this cute wind slime, Lu Mingfei and Nono both fell into silence.

"I didn't expect that it's been a few days, but there are still people giving rewards to monsters. We are obviously no longer in the clearing, so we still spend such wasteful money. It makes me laugh to death."

He didn't notice the slowly darkening faces of Nuonuo and Lu Mingfei. While holding the wind slime in his arms that was flapping its little wings and desperately trying to fly out, Xia Mi looked very excited.

"Rewarding monsters is just a reward for monsters. In the end, you spend money to reward such a harmless little thing. Isn't this a waste of money? Let me tell you, this wind slime is not afraid of animals. After seeing me, he flapped his wings and jumped after me. How can he be called a monster? He is obviously a cute thing, and girls can't resist it... Wait, why do you look so ugly? "

"...Next time, don't bring anything back casually."

Looking up at the darkness above, Nono's face turned slightly blue as he listened to the rustling sounds coming from the darkness.

"This thing will kill people."


Turning to look at the other party, Xia Mi looked confused.

——The moment she asked this word, countless cave spiders fell from the sky.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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